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About fap

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. My advice would be to fix your computer. Developers don't usually cater to people with broken shit.
  2. This is pathetic, damn. I'm scared of logging in now.
  3. ROFL, I was googling a fix for this - and this is exactly what happened to me. Why do you get kicked from the game when crashing a tractor?! XDD
  4. That CPU is a killer, you can overclock it way above 4 GHz and at that point there's no reason to upgrade for DayZ at least... A graphics card upgrade would do you wonders, get a 7870 or 7850 and bam, you're pretty much good to go (just be sure your power supply can handle it, and that your motherboard isn't some weird PCI-E x4 shit). Though overclocking that CPU would surely help aswell.
  5. fap

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    Whaat? Weird, the 560 Ti is better than a 570 in pretty much everything, why is the 560 cheaper and always netting a lower score in every benchmark? I am confused by this. Also, the 6870 can barely hold a steady 50 fps on "max" settings in SINGLEPLAYER unless you play below full HD resolution and if that's the case there's barely any reason to play with above low graphics. Multiplayer is a whole different subject for the 6870.. barely holding on to 39 fps. And how did BF3 get onto the DayZ forum?
  6. Indeed. I had just never heard of this before so I assumed it wasn't just a bug :)
  7. Whaat... After joining 2-3 other servers looking for a day server, all my gear is suddenly back, but I spawned on the beach though I was close to Devil's Castle upon death earlier....... whatisthis.jpg
  8. Be warned, joining DayZ IE1 "Ireland Boards" will result in death on spawn, instant teleport to debug plains but your kills do not disappear from debug window. :edit: tried risking everything again, logged in and now it did not happen.. What could possibly cause something like that? I was prone on a rock when I logged out.
  9. fap

    Zombie fatigue/broken legs

    Currently it takes 30 seconds to lose zombies on your tail.
  10. Never heard of this before.. But I've tried walking through a door with my friend right behind me, I got pushed 50meters and broke a leg, he died instantly. This game man, this game.
  11. fap

    Lost a Bus and Tent on US 1542.

    Saving is currently shit worthless on pretty much every server I go to. It's bull.
  12. fap

    dayZ with asus sound cards

    I hear surround sound headphones sound worse than Stereo headphones with virtualized Surround. Siberia V2 and X-FI Titanium HD with CMSS-3D... Never had any trouble locating sounds.