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Everything posted by Ryokashi

  1. Ignoring problems by screaming about how everyone who disagrees with you is a crybaby doesn't make the problems go away.
  2. YES Adds some challenge, makes makarovs actually have value, murdering new players is no longer a free way to replenish ammo.
  3. This happened to me too.
  4. Ryokashi

    Build Hotfix

    Having to go through your inventory to do everything just seems like pointless busy-work. I can understand allowing both the context menu AND right clicking in the inventory, but having to open your gear every time to bandage yourself is just an unnecessary step.
  5. Ryokashi

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Could you elaborate this? What has been changed for Global Chat? Guessing zombies will be able to hear it and start chasing you from fairly far if you use global chat.