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Everything posted by Distance

  1. Hei :) Jeg er Admin for Norway 16 serveren, og jeg har starta denne posten siden vi har bare 34 servere her i Norge så skal det ikke være så vannskelig å få loka ut alle hakkerne på serverne våre :) her i denne tråden vil vi gi hverandre navn på hackere + mye annet, hjelp hverandre til og holde serverne våre så fri for hackere som mulig :) Håper på at flere joiner dette :)
  2. what is their names? post it here plz http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63421-norske-server-admin-panele-mot-hakkere/page__hl__norske
  3. oohh xD well they used AS50_TWS to.
  4. Jim - GUID: e57470408ba61879c09530c251ba785b Banned for using Pipebomb and other stuff.
  5. Distance

    Battle eye going huge?

    i have banned 2 hackers from my server this evening. so they are still at work, but battleye is working like crazy to fix it :)
  6. De7Q - GUID: 3a1737e8e93069f8ae5ce90b2301013e CeH9l - GUID: ee19806758876dcb73940fed69d94830 Both banned for using hacks on my server.
  7. Distance

    Distance to waypoint?

    u need a map and a gps i think.
  8. Hello i need some help with the codes for plants.pbo file and all that stuff, want to add it to my server so that players cant delete trees and grass. and if they try to login with it missing they will get kicked.
  9. Distance

    Norway 9 Cheaters

    was there a guy on the server named Mac Guiver or Mac Guyiver or something like that??? its Norwegian btw :P and sry for not speaking English, i think me and my friend found that SUV outside pridgorodki, if the admin of Norway 9 sees this check out this topic. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63421-norske-server-admin-panele-mot-hakkere/
  10. Distance

    rcon not working?

  11. Distance

    rcon not working?

    some 1 help this guy....
  12. Distance

    rcon not working?

    hmm, then i dont know, check wiki for info about Rcon i just made a cfg file in appdata, Rconpassword: example max ping 200 then i added the IP and Port number to my Rcon, and it workd :)
  13. try and change the video memory option ingame to Default and if its alrdy on default change it to very low and then back up again :) it works for some people :)
  14. i have a rented server, and i got my hosters (company) to add it for me, i just told them where to put it, and i have no problems with slow logins or stuff like that :) and it works like a charm xD and it also seems like 90% of all my regular players on the server where using it xD couse every 1 is getting kicked xD even hackers xD
  15. Distance

    .pbo file question for server.cfg

    you add it in the FTP section, in the file called Server.cfg :) every thing should be explained in that topic :) if you rented the server you possibly need to contact your server host (Company) and ask for permission to access the FTP area and add it yourself, or get them to do it for you :)
  16. Distance

    some ideas for the game

    i like that idea where you can draw on the map, you can cordinate attacks and stuff :) would have been cool :)
  17. its people who have exploited their arma 2. fight fire with fire or find a server that has a file checker :) like mine :D
  18. Distance

    Robbed and Killed by Hacker

    talk to the admin of that server and he can deal with it, if not then he is a bad admin...
  19. Distance

    Hackers Are Ruining the Game

    get the admin on the server to check logs daily, if he finds something, check their names in the Rcon database, if he cant find the name there, he uses a bypass. = hacker/scripter then go to the logs for that day/time and he will find the Guid and then add that guid to the bannlist. easy as meat :) ofc its alot of work, but something needs to be done as you said :)
  20. Distance

    Hacker - server log.

    great work :)
  21. Distance

    What to look for in logs.

    look for weapons that aint supposed to be in the mod, look for players starting out with no gear, then on the update poll they suddenly have 50 cal and all the heavyest shit. if you use your head u do know what to look for ;) No offence :P PS: you see a guy with a AS50_TWS or something that aint supposed to be in the logg ;) search for his name in Rcon database, if you cant find him there, he uses bypass, then bann him :) then report it to the BE team or what ever :) thats what i do :) sick and tierd of hackers, so i take matters into my own hands :)
  22. thx man :) i will remember that name and bann him if i got his name on my database :) both those are hackers. i have banned them from Norway 16. 9:55:12 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Mac Gyver - GUID: 897ef2eaa93f523b47fcd0eca19d2e0c (unverified) BattlEye Server: Player #2 Ep3demic - GUID: 746890bb4d7ff7003532e6410be9ce40 (unverified)
  23. there is also a dude running around with the name Mac Guiver or Mac Gyiver
  24. serriøst? hvordan er d mulig?