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Everything posted by ScottA

  1. ScottA


    You need to get rid of the barbwire as soon as possible. My server is full of this crap and I pay money to rent it. I've spent hours removing it from town to town only to have this trash reappear when the server is restarted, not to mention a toolbox is harder to find then an L85 sometimes. It doesn't go away. Anyone who rents a server will not won't this crap in the game. Players can not get into almost all the buildings in Cherno on my server and a bunch of them in Electro and mnay other cities. Players come into my server and leave because they can't do anything. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible. You should also make it so players can smash the wire with an axe. for example they should be able to hit the wooden pole holding the wire with the axe a few times and have it be destroyed. If these things can't be done then just get rid of it. I'm about to start going server to server and putting it up everywhere so you realize its a problem.
  2. ScottA


    Dude honestly your a moron. Barbwire never goes away and is just for little broads like you who think it actually does something. Anyone with a toolbox can remove the barbwire and get your tents or what ever your hiding. If I dont have a toolbox and find a group of tents and there protected by barbwire I will remember the server and go back when I do have a toolbox. Your comment is just ignorant. It should be that easy because in real life barbwire wouldn't stop a 2 yearold. You jerk off. Stay off my thread if your just a troll biyatch. [user warned. -Max]
  3. ScottA


    I dont have a problem removing them. The problem is that when the server is restarted they come back. I restart my server every 8 hours to prevent lag and keep load times fast but everyrime I do all the barbwire comes back. Like I said I dont mind removing it once but it should be gone for good, if not the server fills with this shaat all over the place and most buildings are useless for new players because they dont have tool boxes. They could also make it so you can smash it with the hatchet.
  4. ScottA


    Pretty Please, You need to get rid of the barbwire as soon as possible. My server is full of this crap and I pay money to rent it. I've spent hours removing it from town to town only to have this trash reappear when the server is restarted, not to mention a toolbox is harder to find then an L85 sometimes. It doesn't go away. Anyone who rents a server will not won't this crap in the game. Players can not get into almost all the buildings in Cherno on my server and a bunch of them in Electro and mnay other cities. Players come into my server and leave because they can't do anything. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible. You should also make it so players can smash the wire with an axe. for example they should be able to hit the wooden pole holding the wire with the axe a few times and have it be destroyed. If these things can't be done then just get rid of it. I'm about to start going server to server and putting it up everywhere so you realize its a problem. PLEASE HELP
  5. ScottA


    You need to get rid of the barbwire as soon as possible. My server is full of this crap and I pay money to rent it. I've spent hours removing it from town to town only to have this trash reappear when the server is restarted, not to mention a toolbox is harder to find then an L85 sometimes. It doesn't go away. Anyone who rents a server will not won't this crap in the game. Players can not get into almost all the buildings in Cherno on my server and a bunch of them in Electro and mnay other cities. Players come into my server and leave because they can't do anything. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible. You should also make it so players can smash the wire with an axe. for example they should be able to hit the wooden pole holding the wire with the axe a few times and have it be destroyed. If these things can't be done then just get rid of it. I'm about to start going server to server and putting it up everywhere so you realize its a problem. PLEASE HELP
  6. How about fixing the issue with vehicles and tents not saving items and vehicles totally disappearing after restart. Never mind all your suggestions for adding things, getting the stuff thats already in the game working properly might be a good direction to start with.
  7. ScottA

    Vehicles and tents not saving

    By the way its a beta now. Read the website troll
  8. This is the best Idea. You would see no servers with this trash on it though because it ruins the server since it always comes back after a server restart
  9. Remove the dam barbwire or at least make it so when I spend hours getting all this GARBAGE off my server that its gone for good. This crap just comes back after a server restart rendering all the buildings I have in Cherno useless and my server sucks because people don't want to play if they can't get into buildings. I'm paying for a server that sucks and I'm sure all the other people who rent servers hate this crap. I dont care if you leave it in the game but it seems you can't get it to stay removed after a server restart. The barbwire is just stupid. Fix it or get rid of it. Preferably get rid of it. If you keep it I should be able to hit it with an axe a few times to destroy it. Say I hit the wooden pole 2 or 3 times. That would make it 100 times better. Please help the servers.
  10. Completely agree. I dont even want to play anymore because I cant save shit in tents or vehicles. Im not having to big of an issue with the graphical glitches but being able to save is such a big deal in the game. You think these tools would fix the simple issues and then move on to the standalone. Get the game working properly then move on.
  11. First suggestion - If I kill a player wearing a ghillie I should be able to take it from the dead body. It just makes sense. Kind of annoyed that I can't. Second suggestion - increase the spawn locations to include stary and the NE airfield. All the player killers sit and wait for the unarmed people to kill down south because of the spawns. Third Suggestion - lower the noise level a player makes when walking slow. The guy is still loud as hell. Fourth Suggestion - Completely remove Kameneka from the map. There is nothing over there and that portion of the map is horrible. It takes 30 minutes to get anywhere that matters. Fifth Suggestion - Put the respawn option back in the game. Its just retarded to take it because I can have a zombie kill me usually within the first 3 minutes. So your not really stopping it because If I dont spawn somewhere I like the first thing I do is get to the closest set of zombies and let them eat me. Or for some strange reason there's a player in Kamenka I let him shoot me. Just a dumb idea to get rid of the respawn option to begin with. Either that or put something worth while way the hell out in the horrible spawn locations. That would actually be the best solution because it would open up the map from the 3 or 4 main locations ( stary, NE airfield, Elektra, Cherno)
  12. ScottA

    Taking a players Ghillie Suit

    Kid your a fucking jerk off. Why dont you grow up and stopping acting like a fucking retard calling people names. Dickhead
  13. ScottA

    Vehicles and tents not saving

    Why do you people keeps saying its free. It costs over 40 dollars just for the Dayz Alpha. Then its gonna cost even more once the standalone is created. There basically charging twice for Dayz. If you think I bought Amra2 to play Amra your kidding yourself. This game has already been making them money and should be getting more attention from development than it is.
  14. ScottA

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Awesome, but how about fixing the fact the tents and vehicles dont save. That would be a great start because if the game doesn't work properly I'm not sure how many people will buy it.
  15. ScottA

    Taking a players Ghillie Suit

    Whats the tool element. Do you like spawning in Kamenka, or do you really think that when trying to be quiet in real life you'd be ass loud as your character is. Guess your the asshole aren't you. And for the prick who told me learn how to play. I have an AS50, Ghillie, M4 SD, NVG's, and range finder. Im now how to play prick and I find it to easy to kill all the unarmed people in the 2 main cities. This game is easy once your out of Electra. It would make it more difficult with my suggestions penis
  16. ScottA

    Game to difficult for new players?

    I tried being the good guy today. I found an AK with a kobra sight and 3 mags in the fire station at elecktra. I ran in the church and there was an unarmed guy who yelled friendly please dont kill me. I let him live. I said dont worry Im friendly too. I heard gun shots out front of the church so I turned and watched the doorway for about 20 seconds. The little punk must have found a revolver in the church because he came up from behind and blasted me in the back of the head. Lol. I was pissed. I ended up making it back to the church and he was dead so I was able to get my weapon back. After that I murdered 3 poor bastards that didnt have a weapon and 1 guy with an enfield
  17. ScottA

    Game to difficult for new players?

    The game is hard for new players and hard because you dont have a weapon when you spawn. I have gone an hour before without finding a weapon. Your best method for avoiding death when you first start is to run fast and go into buildings when a zombie is chasing you. The zombies cant run when inside. This will allow you to lose them without being player killed. Find a gun, map, food and water and head north to get better equiped with weapons. Staying in Electra or cherno will get you player killed very quickly
  18. ScottA

    Graphical bugs

    I have had the Graphical bugs in Stary Sober when I look toward the tents. I've also had them in Bolata when looking toward the hangers and in electra
  19. Hey Erik I play with one other guy but we're looking for other players. I'm kind of new to game and have been playing for about 2 weeks. We're both older and mature players so if you feel like killing some stuff let me know. We use mumble for chat and I can give you all the info if your interested