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Everything posted by Milkm4n

  1. * Server this happened on. DE 366 hosted by stargatebase.net * Time that it happened including your timezone. Around 00:55 till 01:05 (GMT+1) * What happened during the incident. Me ([sEM] Milkm4n) and my friends Hans Disch & Equii were on the NWA walking to the south barracks along the walls when Equii saw another player on one of the small outposts. Without hesitation he a player named "." (just a dot) killed him and went up the outpost to loot his body. One or two minutes later the other player that was killed by Equii killed him on the outpost. Meanwhile I was prone in the gras infront of the outpost and as soon as I saw his muzzle flash I openen fire on him and killed the hacker. Thinking of that the hacker wouldn't come back my other friend Hans Disch tried to save Equii's gear. When he finished and was climbing down the ladder the hacker killed Hans Disch. After finding him by the trees i killed him again. Now certain that the guy would respawn again at the same spot I waited and about 2 minutess later his body reappeared infront of me by a green chemlight out of nowhere and I shot him again and he disconnected after that. Me killing the hacker didn't count as murders or bandit kills either. I still have 2 murders and 0 bandit kills With the hacker gone i looted the bodies on the outlook and disconnected in the forest NW of the incident. At 01:42 (GMT+1) I reconnected to the same server and saw him in the lobby disconnecting.
  2. Milkm4n

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    That actually did the trick. Got my character back. Thanks! :D