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Everything posted by Dronax

  1. Sup, I have no idea where I would post something like this, and I feel even a bit noobed out even making a forum post... but here it goes. Looking for a clan that is pretty active with a decent amt of people and has their own server. I mostly just want a grp of ppl who will do fun stuff like take a bus down to the shore and gather up noobs to carry out social experiments on them, etc... but also be organized and mature enough to carry it out without instantly getting owned the second the bus enters cherno. I have been playing dayz for about a month now and I consider myself to be a pretty experienced player... I have achieved everything just short of satchel charges and a rocket launcher and know nearly every in and out of the game (apart from scripting or hacking). You can trust me no problem, I wont ever try to scam items or stuff, I even have backups of all of my gear on my own server so there is really no point for me to try and scam gear. Obviously there is never full trust in this game so you will have to take my word for it. I just want an active grp of ppl who are mature and will give me some good laughs. I also would like a teamspeak or ventrilo server to jump onto if you have one, definitely makes it feel more legit. other info: 22 yrs old live in Toronto Ontario (canadia) have played fps and rpgs as long as i can remember (this game is amazing for combining both) I love running ppl over on the beach with my jeep.
  2. its unfortunate that the only answer to anyones complaints is "alpha" which means the mod wont stay at 1 million players for long...
  3. Dronax

    [Video] DayZ - When hackers attack

    thats pretty funny, but joking aside this game has become riddled with hackers... its 10 times worse then it was a month ago and battleeye isnt enough to stop them... the popularity of this game has spread and with it the popularity of sites with scripts and cheats are becoming even more readily available to players... some 12 yr old kid who knows nothing can go download one and use it on a server easily. I cannot even join a server without coming across some teleporting griefer.... unfortunately this mod is done for now. i await the day rocket creates a standalone without the easily hacked arma 2 engine and with something better than battle eye...
  4. sent u a PM as well as the OP of the thread you linked, I am interested
  5. Dronax

    Mo' Vehicles

    more vehicle spawns would be nice
  6. you honestly believe if a server admin gathers sufficient proof that someone is hackign and bans them anyone will be disgruntled by it?
  7. Dronax

    Searching for a NICE Survivor

    I'll be your friend german kiddie.... mwhaha mwhahahha MWHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  8. Dronax

    To all spawn killers out there!

    no way man, you cant think hackers/scripters killing people and legit pkers are even close to the same. yea pking is annoying but doing it legit is still legit... hackers are by no means heroic vigilantes dishing out justice... they are just cheating faggots
  9. imagine a zombie apocalypse in real life, but you cant look into the persons eyes and see their intentions. video games are too unpredictable to trust anyone. when i was 9 i gave my hellslayer axe in diablo 2 to a guy i knew on bnet for over 6 months, he just wanted to try it out to see how good it was and he instantly deleted me off friends list and stole my axe. that moment is the reason i blast any mfer who comes within 100m of me.
  10. lolz i saw what u did there
  11. Dronax

    Player lifetime?

    hinaru turned the supermarket in elektro to an ikea
  12. Dronax

    Player lifetime?

    it must be active hours online in intervals of 24..
  13. sula you just gave beans to three people on this thread... i gt not sloppy seconds but sloppy thirds... i feel used
  14. you just need to find a good server thats looked after and stick to that one server. CA2 is awsome tell ur friends.
  15. every server will have this dude, its a bug in the newest patch so u cant avoid it. i assume you mean the crazy shapes that fill your screen every time you loo toward a key location like NW airfield, cherno elektro, ne airfield etc... its cus of barb wire i think, so pretty much any military area or place of interest that would have barbed wire you will get this graphical glitch.
  16. yerp, ppl who fly helis actually get scared sh1tless if u shoot em cus you damage their baby, not to mention if it gets busted like a car being shot they fall outa the sky meaning bad stuff happens to them. essentially, your heli being shot at = u should prob peace out
  17. Dronax

    Player lifetime?

    good question
  18. Dronax

    To all spawn killers out there!

    i died a lot when i first started playing... probably about 30 times till i first lived more then a couple days... so i only wish one of those times i died it was to a helicopter or a car or a bunch of dudes in ghillies with PARAS....
  19. Dronax

    To all spawn killers out there!

    to the OP, your blood washes the treads of my jeep quite well. thank you
  20. Dronax

    M4A3 CCO/ M4A1 CCO

    the m4a3 is better for pvp the m4a1 sd is better for killing zombies if you use the m4a3 with silenced rounds you prevent zombie aggro. however, i dont think that is intentional by the devs part so dont tell rocket i told you that.