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Everything posted by Dronax

  1. sounds like someone was recently pwnt north of electroooooooooo QQQQQQQQQQ u got pwnt nub
  2. a server that you know the admin, or know the admin is online... find a server that displays teamspeak info or something that allows you to get in contact with the ppl who run the servers... the worst servers are the ones with admins who dont take care of them and just leave them for days on end. you can tell which servers those are by logging onto them and there being no items spawning or frozen zombies just standing around. this game is still in alpha so it isnt developed enough to auto protect itself from intruders and douchbags... admins have to step up and be more responsible. If you go on a server that has admins who dont care then its like trusting your money with a bank who leaves their vault unlocked.
  3. this dude visited dayzhax.net after the first time he was script killed
  4. Dronax

    Not your usual alt+f4 thread

    you can still see the heat through the leaves if you look close enough. it dosnt give you full sight but you can sometimes see where they are... regardless you can never be fully safe if soemone is tracking your movement. Someone stops and prones in a tree the tracker can still take a guess as to your location.
  5. reeeeeealllyyyy i never considered this but you have a point, thats sick.
  6. Dronax

    Not your usual alt+f4 thread

    the scenario i stated is pretty much the reason why there will never be a delayed logout
  7. Dronax

    Not your usual alt+f4 thread

    I have tracked people from 800-1000m away with thermal/as50 and sniped them 1 shot when they would stnd still... theres no way of making sure you are safe before logging out unless u crawl under the biggest rock imaginable. You cannot scan 800m around u before u log and make sure there are no snipers prone in the grass.... even hiding in bushes does nothing cus with thermal i can see completely where the person runs to...
  8. Dronax

    M4A1 HWS M203?

    the only AWS is the L85 nd its god awful for killing people... the sight primarily makes it a mid to long range weapon, yet its weak and pretty inaccurate even when zeroed to the correct range.... best use for it is thermal scouting -> switch to better wep for the kill
  9. Dronax

    Not your usual alt+f4 thread

    scenario: you are running through the woods, lalalalalla having so much fun, and u gotta log.. u stop and abort. little do you know some big bad meanie is tracking you, and sees u stop and just stand there for 5 seconds... now is the time for him to strike... bam 1 shot as50 ur dead. so you then log in 5 hrs later or the next day or the next week who knows.... you're dead.... so that doesnt work imo.
  10. was i the only one who lol'd at that question?
  11. i joined a game the other day, logged into BEREZ and immediately heard gunshots, granted i wouldnt have been able to see them without nvg, but sure enough i caught 2 bros runing across the field in front of me
  12. I play a black man because you know for damn sure hes at the top of the food chain, those white girls be at tha bottom edit: AS50 owned some white girl yesterday after i picked up her fine ass silhouette on my thermal.... i like my survivors face down ass up
  13. you shoulda grabbed some cover and lit that mofo up, he woulda been gone in seconds... helis are more delicate then you think
  14. Its the mist...... there is more than just zombies in that fog...
  15. Dronax

    no more night time?

    we dont have night the moon reflects off the snow creating perpetual daylight!
  16. Dronax

    Remove ATV's

    rocket/devs or whomever it may concern, please remove ATV's from the game until those bugged out pieces of junk are fixed...
  17. Dronax

    Remove ATV's

    this... lol
  18. can anyone CONFIRM that has fixed the ghillie and camo clothing drop bug? in other words has anyone actually received these items as drops since the patch released? Plz dont post and say "yes rocket put it in the patch notes".
  19. So i have my toggle zoom out set to double tap numpad - it usually works but recently it wont toggle on, I will have to hold -
  20. Dronax

    Toggle Zoom out broken?

    is that intentional?