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Dr. Spaceman

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About Dr. Spaceman

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  1. Dr. Spaceman

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    can i please get some morphine to stary sober grocery store, i have vent. thanks
  2. Dr. Spaceman

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    just got helped out by Brian@RMG and Charlie. Much appreciation to those guys for givin me a transfussion and antibiotics. Props to those guys, and everyone who has contributed to medical help
  3. Dr. Spaceman

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    can someone please help me out, im in the old rusty warehouse just southwest of the stary sober military tents, i have blood bags, just need someone to give transfussion, and i need anti biotics if possible
  4. Dr. Spaceman

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hoping i could get someone to give me a blood transfussion and anti biotics please and thanks. i am in stary sober in the empty warehouse that is east of the farm below the military tents
  5. Dr. Spaceman

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    im looking to join up if there is room
  6. Dr. Spaceman

    looking for team

    We are two experienced players looking for other experienced people to team up. Just message me if you are interested. We are pacific time but we can play any time of the day
  7. was playing on this server for a while when all of a sudden everyone on the server was killed at about 4:40 pacific time. If you read this please let someone who matters know. thx
  8. Age:23 Name: Eric Location: British Columbia, CA Time Zone:Pacific Current survival record:3-4 days Reason why interested: Playing with another person is fun. A couple times i have played with two people and it made the experience much more interesting. Now i want to be with a big group of people i can trust because it will take the game to the next level for me
  9. Dr. Spaceman

    Looking for more players.

    I should also add im overlooking your a bruins fan, us here in vancouver dont really like the bruins hahahahahahahaahahahahahhahah
  10. Dr. Spaceman

    Looking for more players.

    kryptic my bro and I are looking for some people to play with. We are both very capable at this game and play it pretty frequently, add me on steam if you want to play ID: ShibbyLaFleur10