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Everything posted by FunTimeWithSouls

  1. FunTimeWithSouls

    Dayz Commander won't let me download the additional maps?

    I had same problem, turned off Razer Game Booster an everything downloads fine now. Not sure if you were using it or not.
  2. FunTimeWithSouls

    Looking for a m4a1 holo sd

    I just killed a bandit with a M4A1 Holo SD and a AS50 TWS.... Wondering why i still spawn in with a Bandit skin...... I was on a server an it randomly went away. Switch servers now it's back. I've only killed 1 bandit an have died couple times but it's still there!!
  3. FunTimeWithSouls

    AS50 TWS?

    NVGs are easy as fuck to get. A. You kill someone who has them or B. Crashed Chopper. At every crashed heli I always find NVGs. An the reason I asked about the getting killed legit was because anytime I have killed a admin server gets restarted, then they come on to a forum an calls hax. My weapon of choice was the Enfield until the nerf to it. I used to snipe people all the time with it.
  4. FunTimeWithSouls

    AS50 TWS?

    Are you a server renter that when you or your friends get killed by Legit players call haxs then ban people???
  5. FunTimeWithSouls

    AS50 TWS?

    YA I was up in the tower in Cherno guy in a gillie spawning in next to me shoot him in the head an bam AS50 TWS....... that was the only thing tho that looked hacked cause he had kinda shitty gear. Just killed him 2 mins ago :(
  6. FunTimeWithSouls

    Bandit Skin Bugged????

    So I log in on a fresh spawn an I have a Bandit skin is this bugged?? http://imgur.com/o9sLv
  7. FunTimeWithSouls

    Bandit Skin Bugged????

    Thing is I haven't played DayZ in a couple days. I was on Lingor with couple kills but I don't see how it would transfer over to the normal map.
  8. FunTimeWithSouls

    Kill scripts then invisible sniper.... F this game...

    I could have sniped you 30 times running around like that
  9. So a friend an I were on US 292 been playing on it for hours. Only 1 other person then us was on the server. We were in Stary Sobar at the tents, we see that the other guy on the server got killed then we both got Battleye Banned an can no longer get on the server.... My name in game Was Artie an my friends was Dontain. We were doing nothing wrong then just a random Battleye ban.....
  10. FunTimeWithSouls

    Banned from US 292 for nothing????

    I have no idea who the server Admin is. I just randomly came onto the server it ran really well so my friend an I played on it for couple hours then bam battleye ban
  11. FunTimeWithSouls

    Banned from US 292 for nothing????

    I can screenshot saying I'm banned but that's all. My friend was frapsing but stopped because nothing was happening in game since it was only 3 people on
  12. FunTimeWithSouls

    Game unplayable due to hacking

    I think I'm pretty much done with DayZ. The Hacking of EVERY server I go on is getting out of hand. I have yet to be ported to The Thunderdome thank god. But I had lots of gear today then BAM whole server dead. Other days its random leg breaks or everyone being teleported to a flying chopper. Its sad I can play a Free game like League of Legends an not worry about hacking but not on a game I paid for...(Arma2) I mean yes I did buy the game just for DayZ but come on. Ever since the Steam Summer Sale All I have seen is hacking. Never seen it before the sale of Arma2. I'm going to give it one more day, if i get hacked again I'm done..
  13. http://www.reddit.co...see_is_hacking/
  14. FunTimeWithSouls

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    Not on the servers I've been on since the Arma 1.62 Patch. Has been taking 4 shots. So no not trolling..... Fail Troll is Fail
  15. FunTimeWithSouls

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    The thing about the 1911 is that it is a .45 Caliber. Makarov & G17 are 9mm. When the 1911 takes the same amount of bullets to kill a zombie or person as a less powerful gun that just makes no sense... I bet if you got a AS50 an it took as many bullets to kill someone as a AK74 or M16 then a lot more people would be bitching.
  16. FunTimeWithSouls

    Pending Update: Build

    @ Codeoverflow Just because you live in your moms basement an read every page of this thread does not give you the right to Attack people when they ask a question that was asked on page 30 something.... Get a life kid
  17. FunTimeWithSouls

    Pending Update: Build

    I'm sorry I didn't read thru 54 pages of questions...... And from what I have seen everything has been talking about Alt+F4. I'm talking someone sees where you're at finds cover logs out the normal way logs to different server then spawns back in to kill you. I've seen people wait for up to 10mins to do this so from what I've seen people talking about in here I'm sure that the "Fix" would not catch this since they logged for a period of time.
  18. FunTimeWithSouls

    Pending Update: Build

    @ Rocket Is there anyway to implement a way that if someone logs out on one server an moves to another to get the drop on someone (Like spawning behind them) that when they log back into that 1st server they spawn right where they logged out? I got killed 4 times today by people swapping servers to get to where I was an then spawned into where I was to kill me. Maybe something like if you try an log back into that 1st server within 10mins you will spawn back where you logged out. I'm sure this would eat up lots of memory server side but it would be something I would love!
  19. I'm hoping you're not talking about this cause umm that's Rocket
  20. Pokket is a good streamer so I'm guessing the person was just trying to fuck with her
  21. FunTimeWithSouls

    US 397 Cheaters

    Don't play on this Server! Group of friends an I went to this server found a car started to fix it then 3 out of 4 of us got kicked then server was locked. We had one guy who got to log back in and only the Admin an buddies were on. He gets in an sees people near the car we just fixed, 2 mins later he gets the message "Player Has Been Kicked By Admin" They clearly seen that we found a car then kicked all of us then locked the server so we couldn't get back in...... Names of the Players A Virgin, Lopan, Hames, Matt, Jnigbreak