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Everything posted by cinder

  1. The word was maintenance. I like dayz pure gameplay and immersion being hard and violent as hell. And unlike many (from my last read of the forum a year+ ago, I could be wrong) I actually love zombie-killing and being killed by zombies (if it were up to me zombies/zombie gore/player gore would be more prevalent and way more gruesomely real). But "very very rare" firearms does not sound authentic. Rare yes, or it even gets to the point they feel cheap. But IMO their regulation would be better via other gameplay factors than extreme spawn rarity. IOW balance firearms' pros (lethality, reach, etc) with cons: more than just attrition.. I can't think of any others off-hand, but that is a better formula for good gameplay. Just plain rare firearms is not hairier, more difficult gameplay, it's less gameplay.
  2. This was probably said already, but I'm at work and don't have time to read the whole thread: Items (e.g. magazine) shouldn't damage by mere association (because they're in the same carrying item, e.g. ballistic vest) but by actual impact proximity if not exact collision damage. I.E. magazine in lower right pocket of ballistic vest shouldn't take damage when said vest is struck by bullet in left shoulder.
  3. One of the first things my tutor made fun of me for, when I first started basic weapons training and one of the handguns misfed or something. "You thought it was so easy, huh? ... Now try doing that [putting the intact round back with others in mag] in the dark and dirt in combat zone" If anything... The classic AK/M16 range of reliability depending on maintenance etc, should also show up. That definitely oughta be at least as high priority for modeling/inclusion, as simulating medical hazards down to over a dozen illnesses.
  4. For a second there it looked like he needed your approval to do whatever the F he wants to do with his $$$.
  5. It better be for sure. Right now it's still as hard as threading a needle to grab a ladder in Arma3.
  6. cinder

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    Are you trolling? A video game is by principle not realistic. Reality is not fair. E.G. you only get 1 life.
  7. Doesn't show up in search, so here it is, suggested.
  8. cinder


    I meant that M&B seems to model bows' pull & release well enough. The wooden bolts update doesn't sound good to me. It's as if every other weapon had unreliable homemade ammo, or wore out with use. Maybe the intended dynamic to accomodate quivers (more ammo in players' inventory) makes this change unavoidable... but it's still really corny.
  9. cinder

    5.56mm weapon nerfing

    Yep, I read this same report. Don't remember where to find it though. At least a few good professional comments on this +-4 year old article: http://www.futurefirepower.com/myths-about-the-nato-556-cartridge Some fairly informative dissent.
  10. Satisfaction / Schadenfreude YMMV
  11. Insta banned from this when I picked up a DMR to go out and farm some meat for my tents. Ironic cause I otherwise never use sniper rifles. I guess this is the reason though - using a sniper rifle? A real shame cause the server is otherwise really cool to play on. How do I appeal this? Hopefully an admin will read this.
  12. cinder


    It would (ought to) punch thru zombie heads. Give scrabble-ass-poor survivors a means for the bare minimum: killing zombies for the price of relatively basic level of combat proficiency (stealth, position, aim etc). Have you played Mount & Blade?
  13. cinder

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    jacked up neurochem Visit a psych ward and see for yourself.
  14. cinder

    How zombies should work.

    Probably mostly because zombie numbers are hardware/network limited first. Otherwise you'd only have to set herd sizes large enough that players would have too little ammo to wade thru em. And the extra shooting would be even riskier for PvP. So given big enough hardware budget, slower but more numerous zombies could be just as difficult as current ones. It's not that hard to shake em. Break their line of sight and you're free. This other point probably doesn't apply to SA, but keep in mind our dayzmod zombies must stop each time they strike. And as I understand it, they run as fast as you do. So it's a losing game for them.. Given that you have effectively infinite endurance and 100x their smarts.
  15. Not replying to those specific posts (another older thread) but the ideas : No "but". Killing proper gory zombies never gets old. If it does, you don't get zombies and aren't playing the right game.. I personally care almost nothing about other players. I only want to pulp a maximum number of braindead cannibal bipeds. Unless you've never virtually done anything equivalent to serious harm in reality to another video game avatar, you are in it too by "playing" the equivalent of one of those killing spree maniacs: technically a serial killer, at the very least. Gory spectacle is in human nature - see literature before modern age. The same people that gave western civ their golden standards had a knack for gore. And for appealing to the same instincts that movies and games like DayZ exploit.
  16. cinder

    Too hard since

    IMO one of the root problems is inherent to the game (mod) engine: zombie movement is just unreal. If we had realistically smooth movement, no matter how fast and unpredictable, we'd have a much better playing field with guns. The zombies could aggro as they do now and we could have even larger herds, but we could actually shoot them down properly. And the bottom line result is that the game becomes more about genuine stealth and zombie herding rather than glitch management. We could have much larger zombie herds because the effective margin of gunnery skill (ie gameplay) would be much larger. Not necessarily slower gameplay (I'd rather not personally), but simply more shades of grey in between the extremes of gameplay actions and consequences. This is the same dynamic as leaving "story" up to players instead of walling them in to narrow gameplay parameters via storyline events and scripted NPCs etc.
  17. I'll third (or fourth) flare guns that can light up flammable objects, zombies, players.. Please :) As crafting: + unlit molotov soaks object for flare gun target. Also... Sticks of dynamite :D Pleaaaase !! Obvious crafting: + jerry can + dynamite. Ideally you include arbitrary fuse length somehow, e.g. naked sticks and 20 seconds' worth of fuse that you can stack for whatever multiple of 20s fuse the player wants. Dragon's breath shotgun shells. So we can load one of these as first shell in our shotties: we can set someone on fire.. Even if we first have to hit em with an unlit molotov first.. then plug em with regular shells as they dance on fire. I'll second arbitrary, or at least all/(some fraction)/nothing, ratios of tracer bullets.
  18. I must be doing something wrong. I've never seen a single piece of loot for this building. It's pretty common - Green Mountain top has it. International Strip has it at the southern barracks cluster of buildings. Thanks!
  19. Thanks guys. Ive been to this one maybe 20 times and somehow never got anything.. Especially disappointing after cleanly getting past lotta Z's.. or maybe the loot was bugged with the ground. Was going to a building like this as I was posting the OP and.. now that I'm there, wouldn't ya know it, there's a remington.
  20. Like it says on the tin. No idea how viable the idea is. But there it is, suggested.
  21. cinder

    New HUD icon

    I started playing this last weekend. I can't find this new icon anywhere in FAQs and tutorials and no one online seems to know. What is this thing? Temperature? For fever from infections or something? Thanks.
  22. cinder

    New HUD icon

    Thanks guys.