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About dumbLuck

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    On the Coast

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  1. dumbLuck

    Hacking or Admin abuse on US PA1

    Hi thought i'd reply, i was actually one of the "careless players" you killed on PA1 my forum name is the same as my in game name, and i thought id give you a little clarity on the situation. 1. My teammate(Solidus) and I are NOT PA1 Server Admins so there is no admin abuse on that server to be reported. Its actually a really good server and the admins for the couple of weeks we have been playing on it have never been abusive and have always been pretty professional and helpful. 2. The gear you collected from us was all gathered legitimately, you already mentioned the Bison i was carrying at the time and the weapon that as you said "I know isn't in dayz" was actually an L85A2 AWS, which actually is in the game and can be found at Heli Crash Sites. I have no idea about the Makarov SD you said you looted from us because both of us had M9SD's at the time. We both have been playing on PA1 for about 2 weeks and have had a campsite since day 1 so both of us were pretty geared up. The only thing we were missing was a rangefinder which is why we were at the airfield in the first place.( I really dont know why hackers would have any incentive to loot that airfield) 3. You killed us legitimately and neither of us tried to alt f4 out or server hop or anything like that. I only mention that because that pretty rare in my experience that far north. 4. About the truck: we ran back to it and it was gone... that's about the rest of what happened in regards to your claims of hacking back to its position or your campsite or whatever .Anything that happened after that was not us, and we really didn't appreciate you writing all over the in game map that we were hackers. Now i really didn't have to post this because you really have no proof whatsoever, because it didn't happen. I just didn't want anyone thinking that PA1 has abusive server admins because it simply is not the case. Congrats on the loot man, good kill.