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About Mi'BalzEzHari

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    Dayz Of course...
  1. agreed outfit looks sweet. Wonder if we can suggest outfits and skins
  2. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    Alot of these items will need to be addressed in the standalone portion of the game, when it comes. You wont see some of these in the Arma version, because its Arma. Adding large mods like your underground bases wont work in the arma engine very well.
  3. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Pending Update: Build

    Love seeing new update and progress... Keep up the good work Dayz Staff
  4. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Identifying a bandit

    sorry i need something distinguishable in Arma. At 300m i cant tell the color of the skin and thats it. How about some blood all over the skin representing his murders. More murder more blood on uniform.
  5. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Fix Boat Speeds

    its a simple script edit on the boat speed. its the arma default for that fishing boat.
  6. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Tents Disappearing

    the issue with the current version is with stuff not saving not tents being removed. I think the next dayz update will fix any issues
  7. Mi'BalzEzHari

    brightness gamma change

    raise your resolution up and turn down your brightness and gamma in the options menu
  8. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Question to players complaining about getting killed

    PVP will always have its complaints. Unfortunetly we will never rid the game of an annoying 10 yr old killing everyone they see.
  9. Mi'BalzEzHari

    How to fix players being shot at and then DCing

    This code method wouldn't work very well. I am sure they have something already in place but still thinking of the best way to implement something like this. Remember they need to please the masses, and blowing my ass up is not pleasing me if all of a sudden comcast turned my internet off which then caused my buffed ass explode....
  10. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Decrease Zombies Hunting Time when unarmed

    Arma 2 will never be newbie friendly . Hence any simulator requires the user to pull out the handbook and do a little reasherach on how to combat a brain eating zombie. So i think this code update would be small potatoes for now.
  11. that clan does not cheat. They probably where dealing with the hacker that blew all of us up last night. Dont blame one members mistake on the whole clan. That one member will have is own issues with his next battle ye update if he continues with the items.
  12. Mi'BalzEzHari

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #99

    obviously your buddies must be trying to hack
  13. Mi'BalzEzHari

    2 Hackers on Norway 3 spawning helis [video]

    seems like battle eye isn't working with the new beta patch...
  14. Mi'BalzEzHari

    Save character?

    just use six updater to update and install your mods. Just pick a dayz server and click use as dynamic server .... CLick run....DOne
  15. i don't think a blackout will fix this issue. PVP ghosting and any disconnect issue is an ARMA II engine & Battle eye issue.