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About Nicpick91

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nicpick91

    Dayz Tent Bugs, Items disappear on server restart

    This is what happened to me: After the 1st server restart yesterday my Full tent was missing (yes I saved it multiple times). After the 2nd server restart today, I found the tent, but it was completly empty... I even put to empty cans into it so I would notice if it was robbed or just glitched/bugged/hacked. Cause which robber would steal empty tin cans...
  2. Logged back in after the server restart and it was no longer stuck in the trees, but I cant find it ANYWHERE nearby either. The wierd thing is that my 2 tents are just beside where i crashed the tractor, and all the loot in my tents are untouched. So I dont really think that someone stole the tractor because that person HAD to notice my tents....
  3. So I found a tractor today, all parts were there and the fueltank was half-full. Had fun driving around with it and went to the NW airfield and filled it with yummy guns and whatnot. But as I was gonna quit for the day I wanted to stash the tractor somewhere secret. I drove to my secret mountain beside my tents and attempted to park it between two trees. Was crawling forward at 5km/h and all of a sudden I hit something! I think that the engine broke but I'm not sure because about 2 seconds after the bump I fell out of the tractor and died. I ran back and got my gear from my body and found the damn thing, but now it won't let me get in or get my loot from it. So I have a few questions: - Is it broken? The only mouse-over option I get is ''Save Tractor''. -And if it is broken how do I see which parts need to be repaired? I can't see the front part of it as it's logded between the trees. -Let's say it is broken, and I retreive the parts I need to repair it and fix it up, will my items still be inside of it when its up and running again?
  4. Hello evryone. I am pretty new to the game and I've played around 30-35hours all together. I play on reqruit servers (and i almost always try to find daytime servers) cause I'm still new and haven't lived passed the 3 hour mark with any of my characters. I live in Sweden but I talk pretty good english and I also have a headset. Currently looking for 1 or 2 players to play with, and not wanting to join a big group just yet. I've only played alone so far and haven't got much help from anyone so it would be pretty fun to find someone friendly as for now every encounter with players has got me killed eventhough I present myself as friendly. I can play anytime between 1pm - 3am (gmt+1). Any swedish players would be great but I'd like to play with anyone in general that can talk english, if you still are pretty new like me (or good but willing to cope with a newb :D )