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Everything posted by SubEclipse

  1. SubEclipse

    Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

    Couldn't hurt to do so... When you execute the bat file that starts the server, does the Arma console window open, and if so, what text do you see there?
  2. SubEclipse

    Trying to get a new server running - Vilayer

    Not sure if I can be much help or not as I run a dedicated server, but if you want to post the errors that you're seeing in the logs I'll do my best.
  3. SubEclipse

    Patch 95660 stability issues.

    Yep... same issues here. I saw two crashes only a few minutes after starting the server with 95660 this morning, so I reverted to 95417 and have had no issues at all since.
  4. SubEclipse

    Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

    Looks like your right about not needing TCP. I actually hadn't seen this KB article until now and had opened both based on some posts i found in the forums... thanks. Still no go on finding your server. Does the arma console open up when you start the server, and everything look normal there? (Might post a screenshot of it if you're not sure).
  5. If you, (or anyone) should happen to know where this variable is set and could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it... So far I haven't been able to come across it. Thanks again.
  6. Excellent... thank you for the info.
  7. Yeah, that would make sense... Are custom skins allowed? I've never really researched the topic.
  8. ...Also, was this possibly part of the new beta patch 95660? I had this installed on my server for a brief time this morning, until I realized it was crashing the server, and rolled back.
  9. SubEclipse

    Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

    P.S. It doesn't show up at all with the in game filters either.
  10. SubEclipse

    Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

    This looks a lot like blocked ports. I can see the server in commander, but it appears to be down. Personally, I don't use Windows Firewall as I have a hardware firewall at my colo, but I would suggest setting the ACLs by port rather than application. I believe you need to open: 2302, 2303 & 2305 to both TCP and UDP traffic.
  11. Totally possible. Unfortunately Chrome doesn't seem to list a reason why they've flagged the file as malicious.
  12. Try rar'ing the file with winrar and then revise the download link to point to that... That gets rid of all of the issues from one of my webservers.
  13. Well, looks like I was officially wrong as I still get the message. Interestingly enough, I put the file on one of my webservers, and downloaded it with chrome, and did not get the message.
  14. My message was to the op... It's bad practice to host executable files for download without adding them to a zip (or similar) archive first. Many browsers as well as 3rd party antimalware programs will throw a false positive when the user attempts to grab an executable file. I've used Chrome since its debut as well, and this is my first run in with the "malicious" message as well, though I almost never download exe files that aren't part of an archive. Malware detection was only introduced into Chrome less than a year ago... so it's unlikely that I would have ever downloaded an exe while this functionality was present.
  15. I think it's likely that chrome throws this error simply because you're attempting to download an executable file. If you zip or rar the file and link to that, the errors should go away.
  16. Same here... I've reverted to 95417 on my server as well.
  17. Hah... didn't see this post until now. I actually had the same thing happen to me yesterday morning, but I was AS50'd while driving the small VW style buss through Krasnostav. I ran all the way back to my body from Elektro to find that my murderer hid it :( Anyways, it's all part of the game... I'm sure the person you killed punched his monitor a few times and got over it. Thanks for playing in the server.
  18. SubEclipse

    Server restart

    Yes... I use the BEC scheduler in my server to announce the upcoming restarts with 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1 minute warnings (BEC also initiates the restart of my server). BEC can be downloaded here.
  19. SubEclipse

    Dayz friendliest server???

    The server you play in has nothing to do with the way the players choose to behave. The best thing you can do is get some allies to team up.
  20. Oh, excellent... Thank you for the links, I mistakenly thought the only place to acquire these was withing the zip package. Much appreciated.
  21. I missed your edit... Here's how I do it. In the bat file, in armastart, I replaced goto armaloop with goto startbec. I then added :startbec CD %BECdir% start Bec.exe -f Myconfig.cfg CD %Homedir% goto armaloop In the launchconfig file, I added: BECdir=D:\dayz\arma 2 operation arrowhead\BEC (The path to my BEC Install) Maybe not the best way of going about it, but it works for me.
  22. I noticed the same issue with the scripts.txt path... I took a rather manual approach to fixing it by downloading the correct scripts.txt file, placing it on a server of mine and pointing it to that location. Is there another location where someone is posting up to date scripts.txt files (other than the one that is part of the cfgdayzDEFAULT.zip file)?
  23. Yes, exactly... I find it works very well and the author, R4Z0R49, has been very helpful via PM.
  24. SubEclipse

    Scripts.log not writing - Why?

    Hey Ryahn, I just noticed that I am having this very problem... did you ever find the cause? [EDIT]I believe I have found the cause... at least in my case. The script I'm using to update scripts.txt (among other files) was grabbing the scripts.txt file from http://armafiles.inf...ans/scripts.txt This file is quite different than the file that you can download as part of the cfgdayz files. As a solution, I grabbed the correct scripts file and put it on a webserver of mine, then pointed the scriptsfile location to my server. Everything seems to be working properly now.[/EDIT]