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Holden (DayZ)

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About Holden (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Holden (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi I'm Holden in dayz I am part of the gaming clan ReSurfalution Gaming |RSG|, I love killing zombies and driving the big URAL truck haha!
  2. Holden (DayZ)

    Can't repair vehicles

    Thanks it's been awhile since I played so wasn't sure glad it wasn't a mess up in the patch. Thanks again!
  3. Holden (DayZ)

    Can't repair vehicles

    So I own my own server and its been awhile since I been on it I updated it and every vehicle I go to I can't repair it... Is this dayz dropping the ball with a patch or is it something new they added? This is on Chernarus by the way...