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Everything posted by InfectedRamo

  1. I heard the awesome news. I'm currently actually in the airport and going back to Canada soon, so I was hoping I would start playing DayZ once I'm back. Now that there is going to be a standalone, should I just buy ArmA II: CO and play now, or wait? What difference would it make? How long until the standalone comes out?
  2. Alright, dang, k now I don't know if I should buy ArmA II or not. Nah nah, I think I'll just buy it and buy the standalone later.
  3. Alright, I'm gonna buy it then. DayZ is just too good to pass on by, and yeah, if the standalone will take a couple of months to make, that'd be kinda annoying, especially in the middle of the school year. I might as well buy it while I'm on vacation. Thanks guys. One more question, lets say I buy ArmA II CO and my friend buys the DayZ standalone, would we still be able to play together or no? I know, its too early to ask these questions, but I just wanna know.
  4. Do you think they will celebrate by putting the game on sale at steam? lol
  5. InfectedRamo

    When the Unique Players Hits 1 Million

    Really? I'd think that ArmA II is getting popular again due to how everyone wants to play Day Z, not the actual game itself, but dang, I want a sale!
  6. I'm on vacay so I can't exactly see if my desktop computer back hom e can run AarmA 2. Now, I do remember some of the things about my computer though. I have AMD Athlon 64 3500+ 2,21 Ghz or something like that. Nvidia Geforce GT 440. 2.8 GB of RAM So can I run Day Z? hah, I know its probably been asked alot, but its killing me. I can run Medieval 2: Total War FYI. I know, old game.
  7. InfectedRamo

    So, I'm On Vacay (Computer Specs)

    Lol, im nervous boyyyyyyyys I get back august 8th so I can't demo just yet.
  8. InfectedRamo


    So whats the deal with tents? Can me and my buddies go somewhere in the forest and set up a tent there and make it our little base?
  9. InfectedRamo

    Confused About Patches

    K so, still new to Day Z, I don't even have it yet but plan on getting it. Anyways, I noticed on my Day Z guide that this patch site http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ is given an I noticed its like ARMA II OA_ 9534343 something along those lines but I also notice that there are like patches that are 1.7.3 or something. I'm just confused.
  10. InfectedRamo

    Confused About Patches

    I'm using this guide, it seems easier than the whole six launcher thing http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2832656
  11. InfectedRamo

    Picking A Server?

    Does it matter which server you pick? I still don't have the game, but I'm pre-planning. What server should I pick ? Does it matter? I live in Ontario, Canada.
  12. InfectedRamo

    Picking A Server?

    lawlzzzzz nah but for real, if I pick one server, does my character only work on that server?
  13. I noticed that when someone spawns, they spawn alone. If this is the case, will I just have to find my friends in the game and get together somewhere?
  14. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2832656 It seems good, I wanna use it when I get ArmA II CO but I wanna make sure some of you guys give me the green light.
  15. InfectedRamo

    Is This DayZ Install Guide Reliable?

    Okay, so when a new patch is released, in oblivions method, can I just go to the arma 2 beta patch site and download whatever new one and continue playing? or will I have to move files around once I download a new patch?
  16. InfectedRamo

    Is This DayZ Install Guide Reliable?

    But specifically for that thread that I posted, is that better than the whole Six Launcher thing I heard about? The same? Does it matter?
  17. I'm in the middle east right now on vacay, and I'll be back in August, do you guys think there'll be another sale with ArmA II: CO, I really wanna play Day Z. Yeah. Day Z.
  18. InfectedRamo

    Will ArmA 2 Go On Sale Again?

    Ah darn, so no sale on ArmA during the first weeks on August by the looks of it. Unfortunate, now I don't know if I should dish out 30 bucks for it.
  19. InfectedRamo

    Which Updater Should I Use

    I haven't got ArmA II: CO just yet, but I'm pre-planning. I noticed there are several ways to install DayZ and updating it. I'm new to steam and all that also. Which updater should I follow and use? I saw Six-Updater or something and some woww something I dont know.
  20. InfectedRamo

    Which Updater Should I Use

    So what exactly does 6 launcher do ?
  21. InfectedRamo

    Which Updater Should I Use
