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Everything posted by DirtySurvivor

  1. DirtySurvivor

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    Nice post. I like a lot of your ideas. Too many trolls on suggestion forum are just here to shoot everything down because they think dayz is a perfectly crafted example of something new. That's definitely not the case. PvP is great, but there does need to be some other options for player encounters other than A.) open fire on player. or B.) return fire when player opens up on you. Would be nice if I could actually team up with someone ingame without the 99% chance that they will probably shoot me in the back of the head AFTER we establish peace and I turn around.
  2. DirtySurvivor

    Some Cool Ideas

  3. Age:24 Location:west coast US I got about 75 hours under my belt, not many but enough to start looking for a group imo. I am completely self sufficient, not looking for handouts but I also don't mind giving some out. Currently parked up in the NE wilderness... west about 10 clicks from berezino. I prefer using Steam and TS as forms of communication. Mainly just looking to join a team to do combat ops w/ others and provide support fire... maybe get a base set up and a vehicle. Objectives are fine but I'm not looking to get orderd around like a chess peice, I've been playing woodsball for over 6 years now, a lot of times with nam and iraq vets so its hard to take a clan leader seriously when they think they have to give out step by step orders to each person under them to be tactically effective. Would rather not play with anyone in TS under age 18, them voices are annoying. Looking to join an active group... the few groups I've tried to join I have yet to group with anyone ingame.
  4. DirtySurvivor

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    wish I could join but I don't post on forums hardly at all. Guess that's my punishment for not trolling people on suggestion forums.
  5. DirtySurvivor

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    My limb is restored and I am healed... You saved me 2 hours of crawling w/ possibility of deah. Big thanks to "[Dr.] Leto" and the whole crew for the awesome assistance!
  6. DirtySurvivor

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could really use a hand from you guys... I'm near berezino but like a few clicks out of town.... somehow while I was sprinting through the outskirts of town a zombie chasing me was able to hit me and make me bleed... when i turned around to finish the zombies off and use a bandage one of them broke my limb :( So I'm stuck in a field outside Berezino about 2 clicks... and it just started raining on me ;( If any medic can help me I would be indebted to them, thanks guys! msg me here or on steam as "The saint of killers" / "Immortaltechnique"
  7. DirtySurvivor

    Invisible players

    I've encountered invisible players who were hacking... was talking to me on voice chat... changes my inventory full of hacked items... then he makes himself appear and kills a few zombies then says hes out and then vanishes... There is def a way for hackers to turn invisible to zombies/players a like.
  8. DirtySurvivor

    What was your last legit kill

    myself... twice in a row... in Berezino there is a very very tall smokestack with multiple ladders and what seems to be prime sniping position... stay the hell away from it. I climbed up to the very top... noticed a survivor running around scavenging below... I went prone to get ready for the shot and popped out through the guard railing to a 100ft+ freefall.... death.... Ran all the way back to berezino, to my surprise my fully loaded corpse was still there... noticed another person on my map and run up to the middle portion of the smoke stack (little more room to walk around.) This time I made sure never to go prone, and only crouch, after popping off a few shots and moving to get a better position I popped through the guard railing AGAIN!!!!.... 60ft drop... death... ran all the way back AGAIN... got my bod... I guess I could be thankful no one saw me plumet either time, would have been free loots :3 I think it's safe to say I'm never climbing that smokestack or any duplicate smokestack ever again... those railings don't work x(
  9. DirtySurvivor

    [+] Looking to train a few new mercs

    sent a friend request on steam, looking to check out the group. nickname is saint of killers as for me, I'm self sufficient and capable with all weapons... I can fill/play roles, got a mic too :P
  10. Two "sides" Bandits and Survivors... The only difference is: *Survivors can't damage other survivors but can damage bandits. *The Bandits on the other hand can attack survivors as well as other bandits. Just thinking out loud here... I think it would add a nice gameplay element and make teamplay much more friendly. Those who are looking to group up with others and focus on survival are going to tend to choose survivors... while the lone wolfs or more predatory player groups are going to obviously play bandits. Its too hard to trust other players I meet randomly ingame when they can shoot me in the back at any time and kill me without a fight. (which they probably would do, given the chance.) On the other hand it would be awesome fun to group with another player or two in the early segments of gameplay, when the makarov is still a nice find ;D Could even make it a new gametype option for servers... ffa (the way it currently is.) or sides bandits/survivors. what you think?
  11. DirtySurvivor

    It would be nice if there were two separate sides...

    Ruin the game? How? what would it change so much that the game would be ruined? Out of all the things currently ruining this game (hacks, combat logging, admin abuse), I don't see how this suggestion is a ominous threat demanding your offerings of the flame. I don't see any of my playstyles or other players for that matter being destroyed by this suggestion. The only real gameplay change I would see is when survivors meet survivors ingame... It wouldn't turn into a gunfight 99% of the time. (unless you choose bandit, in which case it would.) Currently I probably shoot 99% of people onsight because I don't trust other players. It would be nice to drop that down to like 70%-80% with the remainding occasions ending in teamplay/grouping.