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Everything posted by Demon20
I am right there with you OP. I quit playing for years. Stopped playing MMORPGS, stopped playing the AAA FPS games. Would piddle with my son as he grew up and would play with him, more to be doing something with him. A chance encounter with a co-worker and a discussion about the zombie apocalypse and I have been playing the mod ever since. I have not be as excited about a new came coming out in a decade. And I got the stand alone as soon as I heard about it (luckily same day). I accept it's in alpha, but I don't care. It speaks to me like nothing has in a couple decades of playing. It brought back the love of loosing yourself in something for a while. It's been a joy. I look forward to each addition to the game as they work towards their goals. Out
There should be no high grade weapons in standalone
Demon20 replied to TheMachine's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Look OP, I mean no offense, I really don't, but you are like 99% of the population who are dabbling in problem solving, you are throwing the baby out with the bath water. I say that because the problem isn't the weapons. The problem is that there isn't an actual problem. Go back to the point of the mod...experiment with a couple days of survival. Get that emotion. That danger close situation. Get that experience. So the real question is how does high end weapons fit into that? Honestly, if you take a second and think about it...think it through...it does just fine. On a high pop server, other players rocking high end gear...it makes it harder to survice. Check. I again ask your indulgence, and understand I am not trying to offend, but it seems that you want the point of the experience to change. You want firefights. You want a better pvp experience. That's not the point of this mod. Sure, people have made it that, but that's them. Firefights should be short and brutal. Brutal being the point. They should be avoided, not sought after...and if you have them...you shoudl be able to make decisions that allow you to mitigate that risk. We throw around the term CoD all the time...but honestly...that's the game you want. CoD with Zombies. I am sorry, but that's not a "survival mod". It just isn't. So basically you want a different game. Or atleast that's what it sounds like. If I am wrong, my apologies. Now, the problem I see that needs to be fixed is that things should be realistic. Rare. And no, if one more person says weapons are rare I will shoot myself. What's really rare is the technology to make high end, high grade, match ammo. What's really rare is the ability to mass produce that ammo and the batteries that power those optics. Simpley put, there are hundreds of millions of weapons on the planet. There are over 7 million NOS Mosin-Nagants. Millions of SKS's, millions of AK-47s and their variants. They'll be every where. Weapons will be everywhere, parts will be every where. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will eventually have a gun. However, over time, there will be no more ammo. As it's used and hoarded it will become rare. Check out the opening of NBC's Revolution, yeah, just another big media feaux end-of-the-world show...but they are using homemade swords, crossbows, black powder rifles...and when homie pulls out the Desert Eagle, it's like an act of God...because after 15 years it's rare and only the boss has it. My fixes: Better inventory, more weapons, more melee weapons, rarer high end systems, batteries not included...need batteries and they shoudl be rare, ammo should be rare, as one poster touched on...the assumption should be who ever had those weapons used that ammo trying to defend themselves. Out. -
How do you avoid raging? (hack rant)
Demon20 replied to Fyre (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Look brother, you got this all wrong. It's not time lost. You haven't lost it. It's right there, where you left it. An experience. A moment. I know this is gonna sound all touchy feely, but you are playing for the wrong reason man. It's not the gear. Or the mission. It's the experience. Do you get pissed off and throw a book across the room when you don't like the ending? Do you rage quit in a movie theatre when the plot goes a different direction than you would like? Do you throw a CD out the window when a song sucks? Of course not. So don't do it with a game. We are always hearing about how games are art and they are about the story or the experience, but we get pissed when we don't get our way because we think we are in control over our experience. We're not. It's a false argument. Even in a single player game you are just as much at the mercy of the story and programming of the game as you are at the mercy of the author of a book. You wanna know how to handle wanting to rage out over some hacker, pvp, bug, server drop, etc? You don't rage out because you enjoy the journey. Cliche' as it is...it's the truth. Enjoy the ride brother. Even if you don't always like where you went. The most fun I have had with DayZ has occured because of a hacker killing me (and my closest 20 total stranger friends). I laughed at the death, but instead of quiting, I stayed and started my new life...at night without the NVG's I had. On a server with a bunch of people who were all having to do the same thing because we had all just died. It was great. I am still on that life now 20 days later. But that first 3 hours was the best time. If I had not been killed with the rest of the server from a hacker, I wouldn't have had that chance. It's all about perspective brother. And for now...yeah...you might have to lie to yourself and tell yourself it's cool to die at the hands of a hacker because you'll get another chance at a good time...or that it's not that big of a deal because you have enjoyed the time already spent (which you should have or you shouldn't play)...but soon enough you'll believe it and it'll change your perspected. My motto in life is simple: Am I being shot at? Is my parachute fucked up? No? Then it's all good. Oh...and it is just a game dude. :D Out. -
Deja Vu thread.
"Bad version, server rejected connection"
Demon20 replied to Floody's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It's fast. It doesn't take even 5 seconds. I have had this problem a few times, and each time I have to manually swap the Arma2OA.exe file with the beta file. Easy, copy it from the expansions/beta folder into the root folder where Arma2OA.exe is. Rename Arma2OA.exe to .old or .xxxx (version number). Then replace it with the beta version. Because my son and I sometimes share the same PC to play DayZ, I have started to do things differently. I let DayZCommander update the files, but before I do, I save a copy of the beta folder by version and the DayZ folder by version. Then let DayZCommander do it update. Then I copy the new beta exe over. Since I started doing that I have no problems. I can go back and forth between versions. Chris -
why are there tents of rare shit in....
Demon20 replied to t3hnoob's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I have an M4A1 CCO SD, gave to me by a co-worker who found it in game. I have an L85 I found at a crash site. I have STANAG SD mags I found at deer stands and at Bolota AF. I have a guillie my co-worker found at a crash site. I must be a bandit. I must be duping. I must have a bugged tent. Not!!! Well, I did have a bugged tent before a server wipe/owner change, but all it gave me was more beans. Now the guy I smoked last night in a grocery store was cheating...rocking his G36C SD and AS50 TWS. I took his extra STANAG SD mags (3) and hid the body. All that gear and I put him down with an in game Supressed M9. Out. -
There does seem to be something off with the random number generator they use. You see it especially in grocery stores. What ever the primary weapon loot is...there's like 3 or 4 of them in a store. And if the generator pops a pack...it'll have 3 or 4 or even more of those in the store. When it's a single or double spawn point you don't really see those numbers, but with the grocery stores having 23+ spots, you see a lot of the same item. 3 or 4 watches, binos, etc. I think that for now it's not that big of a deal, but as they move through alpha during the stand alone, they'll have to work that out. As it stands, I agree that Alice packs are more common. But I guess that goes to intent. And the overall story line. Out.
Radio. Everything else I have either found (repeadetly) or been with a group that found it. Only seen one can of Mountain Dew...which my son says is why he got killed 2 hrs into his first life. Because I picked up the can of Mountain Dew when he was helping his mother. He still blathers on about the curse of the Mountain Dew taking his life. I think it's because he sucks at finding sufficient cover when being shot at...but that's just me. Out.
AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?
Demon20 replied to Darkwater (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It is not against the Geneva Conventions...that's a big ol' myth. The Geneva Conventions concern themselves with the treatment of enemy prisioners of war, not the rules of Land Warfare. Those are traditionally handled by the Haque Conventions. And use of the .50 caliber round is not covered. Every military worth their salt uses the .50 cal. .50 cal sniper platforms are a relatively recent addition, but that does not change the realities. They are just a plaform for accurately placing a single round on a target at range. Optics, platform stability, precision...only difference between the AS50 and an M2. The .50 cal is a great round, found in many applications in the world. By many armies. And yes, snipers carry them along with their other weapons. And no, they are not that heavy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_International_AS50). 27lbs isn't much. I used to jump the M60 and a spare barrell for it. Weight isn't what people think it is. I would say this, as far as DayZ is concerned, a better inventory system would help. You can't just "throw" an AS50 into an Alice Pack. So there's your fix. Reality. There is a company that makes gear for that actual use (http://www.eberlestock.com/). So, perhaps when the Stand Alone hits, maybe there will be equipment that will facilitate it. For now, easy fix, weapon systems should have more "realistic" inventory properities. Between weight and size restrictions, you'd probably see a shift in game play away from what most people complain about. Out. -
Seriously, I am pretty light about it. That is kinda the point of the post. There's nothing to get worked up over. We're the players, not the producers or developers or marketers. So we should play and leave them to their business. He wanted a discussion? Like the last 30 guys that said DayZ was dying, that no one was playing, no one would play past all the hackers, snipers, KoS rules of play and over powered sniper rifles...and how did those discussions end? The same as this one...it's moot. A moot point in the end because more people are trying the game. To your point of word of mouth, I think it's working. You want to talk statistics, how about more than one week to the next. How about running reports once things are stable and it's a real game. How about those who have access to the hive databases and can track things much better than we can looking in the upper right hand corner of a web site. I do network analysis in my day job, it takes more than a 10 day trend or a comparison from 1 week to another to prove or show things. I appreciate your points brother, but I am not emotional nor 100x more than the original post. I was stating facts. The facts are that OP can keep playing, there's really no danger here. No one is gonna pull the plug. DayZ isn't dying. The sky isn't falling. It's safe to play. Out.
Fix the Ammo and Tents and u fix the sniper problem?
Demon20 replied to Jex =TE= (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You are right sir. And obviously that's the direction that's intended, and one that I trust they'll get to. The only question is will they do it, can they do it within the frame work of the mod or will it be only available in the stand alone version. But, all that being said, and you being right, if duping, tents, et al, are corrected and you find yourself making those decisions, then things will heat up again. People will be loot farming, camping high value loot spawns, the game's attempt to push you into those decisions will be suplanted by the need to control the areas where items can be looted. Which is okay with me. In the end, without duping and bugged out tents, you'd have to way the use of resources in the possible gaining of more/new resources. Out. -
OP, I appreciate the direction you are going with this. I mean, as a potential investor in the DayZ Stand Alone game, I understand why you would be watching those numbers like a hawk. Oh, you're not going to be investing? You're just gonna, maybe, spend the $15 bucks or so to play it? My bad. Oh, you are worried about those numbers because you work for the PR/Marketing firm that Rocket and BI will be using to pimp the DayZ Stand Alone game. Oh, my bad again, you will just be a player, and not involved in any way in the marketing? I am sorry for that assumption. Oh, I got it, you made the very common mistake of thinking that this was a full gold title that if the numbers of players dropped below 2 million, EA would pull the plug on the game and you wouldn't be able to play. No, no that's not it. This isn't a full game, it's Alpha. EA doesn't own or distribute the product, it's a mod, so as long as someone is hosting a server you can play with your closest 20 friends. Actually, you can put this on a server for ever if you want. Sorry, I was really confused. I don't honestly see what a 2% drop in players from one week to the next matters in an Alpha of a mod that is prompting a full game, on a platform that is controlled by players and isnt' costing you a damn thing to play other than your internet access (which you were probably paying for so you could watch those Hello Kitty videos you love...sorry couldn't resist making a snarky comment). Just let it go man. Don't worry about it. No one is taking your toys away from you. You get to play this mod for ever if you want. It's a mod. Enjoy the game, the experience, the time with friends...the solo time. Leave all the numbers to the cats that worry about getting a return on their investments or understanding their market demographics. You play. Let them worry about that crap. And for the record, I don't think they are worried about 2% drop between randomly picked week 1 and 2. They hit 1 million folks, sold a lot of copies of a 3 year old game and made enough money to invest in a stand alone version of a buggy experimental mod. I think for once my good man, that all is good in the world and just. Enjoy it. And stop worrying about things that don't matter. Lighten up and have fun. Out.
I am sorry if this comes off malicious, I don't really mean it to...but honestly, you expect us to believe you have been playing for months yet you can't make it 10 minutes and get off the beach? I don't wanna call bullshit on that one, but that's bullshit. Lesson one of this game is how to make it 10 minutes. Lesson two is how to get some gear and head north. If you are stuck on lesson one, I have nothing for you. It's not the game, it's you. The rest of us can get off the beach. We learned what not to do in the first 10 minutes to ensure we get a second 10. And a day, and more days. And weeks... If you are stuck on lesson one...may I offer you some advice? Stop doing what it is your are doing and try something else. Try a less populated server. Try playing at night (on a clear night). Move away from trouble, not towards it. Try not to draw attention to yourself, from other survivors as well as the infected. But honestly, it is really, really easy to make it 10 minutes. When I die, like most, I am back up to a manageable level (beans, bullets, gun, water/soda, compass/map, watch, sometimes a tool box, binos and some times an alice pack by hour one. Seriously, 10 minutes? Out.
Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.
Demon20 replied to zecele's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I voted "other" and would now like to write in my response on the line to the left of the word "other". I believe people who keep complaining about "one-shot-kill" sniper systems in DayZ should have someone trol them through every game they play, including single player, and shoot them wiht a one-shot-kill sniper systems every second they attempt to play a game. Out. -
Every freshly spawned victim should have an ATV
Demon20 replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Um...not no but HELL NO!!! -
And people wonder why no one is up north any more...tsk tsk. As stated earlier...just head north brother. Hit deer stands...farms...Zeleno grocery store...NWAF...rinse and repeart. Then do what ever your heart desires. Jeez...some people. Out.
Important Weapons Decision *Need Help*
Demon20 replied to iSkillzorz's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
OP, you gotta be practical. This is a simulator brother. You gotta go with things in phases. The FN FAL is not right for you at this point. Niether is the M107. You need something that fits where you are...do get a tent. Do try to hold on to it for later, when you have ammo, and have a place in a group that fits you. Or trade it. But you can't really use it now. You're already admitting to be reticent in it's firing...because you got no ammo. Get something you can get ammo on. That's why even in real world conversations people talk either A-15 platform or AK-74 platform...abundance of ammo. This place is EXACTLY the same. You need something you can use. The first AS50 I found I dumped not 200m later because I came across the CZ550 with more ammo than I got with the AS50 at the crash site. I pondered the exact same question you are working with...I dropped it and went with something I had more ammo for and had a better chance of finding more. Just my two beans man. Take it with a grain of salt, but that's how I play still. If I die...I tier up the goods as I go on my way to one of our camps where I can get back to where I like to play (M4A1 CCO SD...provided we get more...so far so good). Out. -
I also swap the AKM for anything 5.56 as soon as I can...just for the noise. Honestly, I have no problem pulling the trigger an extra time to finish off someone/something. Learn to do that with My M4A1 CCO SD. It's better in my limited opinion to make less noise and more accurate shots than more noise hoping I kill things faster. Out.
I wouldn't say dead. The server I play on, I had skirmishes at Stary almost every this week. And when I logged in last night my friend was engaging targets at the NWAF. Not dead, just sparser than normal I guess. Out.
I think what Acix is referencing is not that you are new to DayZ, but that you seem to be new to the "internet". That's what he's kinda irritated by. See, had you had the experience of using the internet you would have started your quest for knowledge by searching the internet. Using your favorite search engine of choice, Acix is suggesting that you put in some keywords like "DayZ" "Loot" "Spawn" and possibley some extras to round out the search like "timer". That, as Acix was pointing out, would have returned some 500 or so threads on various forums...including this one: http://dayzmod.com/f...-what-you-want/ I got that one by searching, on google.com, the following keywords "DayZ Loot Farming". It was a very informative thread, look past all the he-said-she-said name calling and it was good. So, Acix wasn't dumping on you because you can't play DayZ and are all noob and shit, he was dumping on you because you apparently don't know how the internet works. Oh, and a side note, your little three deer stands are pretty much the ones all new players figure is a good place to loop through. Not a bad idea...approach each one slowly, from the back, if there's loot and you don't want it or need it, you have two options...leave it or pick it up and dump it off some where (as you'll learn by reading the above thread...loot does not despawn...so new loot won't spawn there until old loot is picked up). That some where is important. Don't leave it on the ground at the foot of the ladder...that just tells other people that some one is farming the deer stands. But my real suggestion for you...don't loot farm those stands...they are pretty popular and you will likely get smoked. Out.
To not get shot. What will it take. Seriously
Demon20 replied to flat1820's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
That's pretty much it. I would add that people have this all wrong. The folks that don't want to get killed...also seem to not want to protect themselves. No offense OP, but seriously, if you have to time to give your stuff away, you have to time to kill to protect your stuff. I don't understand why you'd rather buy your life than protect your life. If you have a gun...shoot. If you don't run. But my god man...do not try to buy what you are not willing to defend. I can count on one hand the number of survivors I have killed. I have avoided plenty. I have been killed a few times. Once to a sniper so far away I have no idea where he was. Once to a guy that was sniping and I got behind, but wasn't able to finish the job I started. Twice to guys I litterally ran into in the woods who saw me first. And once by some smuck who'd rather shoot other newborns and bring the horde dwon on himself. That's it. In just at a month of playing...that's it. Those are all my player deaths. I have done pretty good. I have killed 3 guys. All at Stary incidentally...but you kill or be killed. You need to learn to pull the trigger OP. Stop begging to save what you aren't willing to fight for. Out. -
is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?
Demon20 replied to drunkenteddybear's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I like mine. And yes, it is lower power. But I fly solo 98.5% of the time...so I try to avoid PvP, and so far that has worked. I did have a meeting engagment at short range at Stary, it was night time, so I was able to drop the first Tango quickly...you can spam that trigger and make up for it's low damage. You get that dot on the target and hit the trigger 5 times...they drop. I got a shot on the second Tango, which allowed me to disengage and get a better position in the warehouse...then I pulled out my DMR. So...like all tools...it depends on how you plan on using it. I like it. It fits me. I spend far more time with it my hands than my DMR. Infact I usually only pull out the DMR when I know I will be in a high PvP area. But I am still learning the game, the engine, the players...so don't take my word for it. And yes, it is rarer than the Bison. I have seen a dozen Bison's at crash sites. I have only found one M4 SD...but luckily the guys I know and play with the other 1.5% of my time let me raid their gear...and they have a few...well had a few. A couple deaths down and they only have a couple left now. Hehe. Out. -
I, like you, had questions. Unlike you, I didn't reach out for information. I didn't even look at video footage captured by other survivors that went. I just went myself. I made sure that I had med supplies. Made sure I had as much ammo as I could take/afford to use on this mission. I threw my suppressed M4 in my alice pack and headed off. I moved up from the south, thought I'd take it slow. Move in, trying to be ninja. As soon as I stepped out of the woods the first group of infected were on me. I blew through my first magazine in seconds. One gone, three left and I haven't even gotten eyes on the place yet. The last infected human I killed was so close to me I know I had his infected bodily fluids on me. Was wishing I had found some MOPP gear in my travels...but no luck. Heart beating through my chest I moved up to the closed gate. Opened it. And saw a tent. Odd, to see a tent. Didn't know someone lived there. Couldn't see how because immediately from behind the tent the came at me. Running, hopping, sliterhing. I didnt' go untouched this time. My legs didn't move. I felt like I was half alive. But I live I was. Used an autoinjector to get that pain to stop, hoping it wouldn't affect my ability to think. Check my ammo, two magazines left... I heard buzzing. Flies. Death. Thought the tent owner may have found himself on the wrong end of putting up that tent. But no...that's not what I found. Freshly stacked bodies. A mass grave that looked like it had only been minutes since the latest corpse was thrown on. Who was up there stacking bodies in that grave? It looked like a work in progress...and I felt like I was gonna be the next addition. I turned around, deciding it was time to leave. After only finding death, I had learned all I needed to learn. But once again I found myself surrounded. Frantically wanting to know where they keep coming from. I had lost all fire discipline. I wasn't aiming down the sights, not using my optics...I wasn't in control any more. I just fired. And kept firing. Dropped a spent mag, slammed another in it's place. Kept shooting until nothing moved any more. And then I ran. When I stopped running I was in the woods again. Heart beating in my ears so loud I couldn't hear anything else. Checked myself over, no new wounds. Checked my weapon, one round left in my last magazine. I don't know who's up there. Or what they are doing. And at this point I don't need to know. There's something going on up there and I don't want to be a part of it. Haunted? I don't think so. There's nothing otherwordly going on ontop of that mountain. There's just something EVIL up there. Man evil. Good ol' fashion human evil. Take my word for it...stay off that mountain unless you want to stay on that mountain forever. Out.
Yeah, I saw that one as well, wanted to laugh, but just couldn't find my Jerry Lewis impression. It looked like it should have been funny, but just seem more of a waste of every one's time. That was a ton of effort to put a guy on an island where he can't respawn or get killed without dying of thirst. On a seperate note: The problem is people respawning to get to better "spawns". Here's my fix: - Remove all spawns to close to Cherno/Elektro - Move spawns to villages - Balance coastal spawns with inland spawns - Put the respawn button back, but only allow if under X blood or with Y injury or Z minutes since last life There you go, problem fixed. Bandits don't have a guaranteed location to get noob kills. Players can't spawn next to the good lutz. It spreads the noob player base around. You can respawn, but under certain conditions. Out.
Back to the original thread. I don't think that that is that uncommon. I am sure that their are coords in a random table, so it stands to reason that they can all pop that close. I haven't seen three like that...but one just north east of Novy and one just north east of Stary...they were pretty close. Out