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Everything posted by purepassion

  1. Oh god, we should really put some basic information in the first post... They did not. These "20 years" are the maximum penalty for the charge of espionage. Their trial hasn't even started yet, they are only in custody because the greek law system has been in strike since then and still is. They did not visit the island to gather reference material for Arma 3 or anything else. Reference material has been taken a long time ago and consisted mainly of plants and other material that can be used for e.g. textures. All the military installations look completely different anyways since it takes place in 2035 where the military uses these rapid deployment containers. It was a privately organized trip that evoked from their rising interest in the island on which they had been working on for more than two years. Ivan and Martin are environmental designer who also work on Chernaurus+ which was intended to be used in the DayZ standalone No, we have not. The evidence that is being held against them, are 14 screenshots from a video that has been taken out of the window of a driving car while they were on a public highway showing parts of the and military hangars.Here is some more information all in one look
  2. purepassion

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Oh yes indeed really. The fix was provided. It worked for me. But there will always be a few people who experience proplems. You can not avoid that. Thinking so is unrealistic wishful thinking. Yes, these are 3 unpleasant bugs/glitches you listed. But that is not much nor are they unfixable And yes, there have been no major announcements or awesome blog posts in the last time. So what? Sure, as a player you would prefer a bug fix for the mod every monday, a content addition for the mod every friday, pictures from Chernaurus 2.0 every wednesday, and a tumblr post each two weeks . Oh and the devs shouldn't even think about doing PR but work on the standalone! This is not how things work out. You know, once you understand how coding works, how scripts look like, how modelling works, how PR impacts your game, how to evaluate features, how to work efficient, what budgets are, you would have a completely different take on the situation. At the moment, you represent a very narrow point of view in these statements. I think it's just you who is seeing things in a different light and since you got a rather negative attitude, you understand and interpret it in the way you want. This personal perception however does not replace the things I wrote above. Wish you a lot of fun! :)
  3. purepassion

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Dear "figo", why do you talk about "customer support" when you haven't played the mod for two months to experience said customer support? The artifacts have been fixed. ;) I don't know where you get the lack of support and "spitting on us" part from either but what I see is constant interaction on the forums paired with fixes and patches. Creating a game and the things you need to do to make it successful are fare more complex than you think and there are times where all the changes that are being made can not be presented to the public. This does however not indicate any sort of lack of support. I don't know if you're trying to convince people or what the goals of these posts were but rest assured you did not succeed due to a severe lack of logic and reason. Your train of thoughts has stopped a few stations too early. ;)
  4. purepassion

    More ambient tracks possible?

    Yup, that is all completely possible. In fact, soundmods like are already doing it (in a more realistic matter) :)
  5. Hey FishIsTwonk, you propably saw me [WP] Merlin and some of my friends. We're called Wolfpack as well though we are not a real clan but a small group of players that just plays together. I generally try to avoid player hunting in big cities ;) I am not a fan killing low equipped survivors with your military grade weapons
  6. purepassion

    Custom Maps for DayZ

    Since the mod will exist next to the Standalone as a Community Project, any future island can surely be used in DayZ. Now for the standalone, it is hard to give any definite statements. But modding in the sense of content creation, like in your case a new map, is a big wish of Dean. "Community wise, that is a different story. I think some officially support community maps would be awesome, personally."
  7. It's a dillemma... The defense against the charges has appealed last Monday . The appeal has, however, been put on hold because the Greek justice system is on strike. This might take only a week or even a month... czech sources (1) (2)
  8. purepassion

    Hi-res Texture Replacement

    Absolutely go for it! The content is really nice! BAF vehicles and units are superb and the same goes for the "Proving Grounds" Map from PMC. They also add some interesting single and multiplayer scenarios as well. It's definitely worth it ;)
  9. purepassion

    Hi-res Texture Replacement

    Well, it's actually not that easy. First of all, there is an option available to do these kinds of re-skins via e.g. HiddenSelections and you can even do client side re-skins of your own character as well. (You can take a texture from e.g. this template, call the .jpeg "face" and put it to your game profile to actually use this skin) But the thing with the lite DLC content is that it is a free gift from BIS so you can test some of the content with reduced quality. If you then re-skin these free units, it wouldn't be necessary to actually buy them, apart from the awesome playable content and new high quality maps, so they disabled this option on them. It's also not that easy to just use some modified files as a client. In general, it is FAR more complex than just saying "but it's possible in game XY" ;)
  10. purepassion

    Hi-res Texture Replacement

    The survivor, camo suit, and hero skin are from the BAF/PMC DLC's. The Ghillie suit is standart Arma 2: CO content :) You can't use ACE (which is conversion mod with super-Realism in mind) with DayZ and join servers. There is currently no option to get HQ Textures on these models until someone does a re-skin. But I am not sure if the models support hiddenSelection at all.
  11. purepassion

    You're Zombie Survival Gear!!

    "You can't kill what you can't see" Though I haven't used it for years ^_^
  12. purepassion

    Props for the moderators

    holy fuck i am seriously pissed! I shot someone with a gun (yeah, crucify me) but I was caught so I had to go to jail. Fortunately, I could pay the bail so I was released. Now they won't let me buy a second gun!? If i don't get this fixed im going ape shit! ooh some people have a great logic :D
  13. purepassion

    Is there a trick to deer stands?

    yeah, just keep pushing your luck Anti! :) Deer stands do spawn good loot, they are big in numbers and usually not crowded. Check one if it's near you everytime you can. I found a AKS-Kobra just yesterday. Take these beans for your way, hunter! :beans:
  14. purepassion

    I can not open the gun 2'' operations Arrowhead''

    Are you running Steam as admin? Try rebooting then changing the shortcut of steam so it runs as admin, if you run OA from a shortcut it should also be run as admin, if it's still not fixed try verifying the cache integrity.
  15. To resume what information is available and to avoid further rumours: Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar are BIS employees who went on a private holiday trip to visit the island of Limnos due their interest which emerged from working on the game and the island for such a long time. They were arrested by local police at their hotel. They did not gain entrance to any prohibited military facilities The evidence which is held against them are not photos of secret military bases to be used as reference for Arma 3 but 14 snapshots of a video which they took out of the window of a driving car. They were driving on a public street next to the Limnos airport. Initally, they passed a first sign which stated that photographing and filming is prohibited but they did not see it. As soon as a second sign was visible on the tape, the recording had stopped. They are now accused of possessing material, that can endanger the national security of Greece and still spend day after day, night after night in prison ---------------------------------------- My friends are in prison / Help Ivan & Martin ----------------------------------- 1. Send a twitter message to the Prime Minister of Greece (@primeministergr) letting him know we want Ivan and Martin returned to their families immediately. This is probably one of the most public and obvious things you can do to help. Social Media works. 2. Call, write, or visit your nearest Greek Embassy (click the link for a list). Let them know what they have done is wrong, and that you want them released. Be civil, but be honest. We don’t stand for this in the part of the world I come from. 3. Spread the word, let everyone know. Please forward my post on, and these links, to anyone who might be able to help. For more information you can visit my friends website at http://www.helpivanmartin.org/ and spread the facebook page 4. Let the local press on the island know what you think on their facebook page, and their twitter @LesvosNet. Read some of the comments on this article for an idea of what is going on. Let’s end it exactly where it all started in the first place!
  16. purepassion

    Hitman for hire.

    @Eatfish1 exactly! It's precisely using what DayZ offers you and what sets it apart from everything else. This is the real beauty of open world This is a valid question you have to face. What makes You a hitman for hire and not just a guy who joins a server trying to kill everyone on sight like countless other people? defeats the purpose of being said hitman.Where exactly is the need for opening this thread? The need for that statement is questionable for me as well. I know the DayZ forums became quite large so it's harder for the moderators to maintain a certain standart but You are in fact part of said standart and can influence it as well. Next time think about it a second time ;)
  17. purepassion

    Hitman for hire.

    what is your plan of killing a specific target on a non-nametag server? Teleporting to them?
  18. purepassion

    How do i play normal arma ?

    Did you buy it through Steam?
  19. Please red this excerpt of the interview with one of the lawyer which I have already posted here So why did they take photos of the objects that are prohibited to be shot? My clients were just viewing the island, on their camera there is approximately 150 common tourist photos. Than there is one video, from which the investigators took 14 snapshots. There can be seen military air field. But that video was shot from the car while driving. Did they know they are shooting restricted object? There can be seen one sign on the video, informing that this object can't be photographed. The thing is, that as they were driving, they didn't notice the first sign. At the moment they saw the second sign, they stopped filming. Despite of this they were charged of espionage? Yes, according to the investigators, they were in possession of the material, that can endanger the national security of Greece. As I already said, the material in question is only that one short video. Also they filmed object, that is very easily visible and accessible to the public. Air field and the military buildings are near to the public communications. Anybody passing by can see what's going on inside the base. Charge of espionage means, that someone has to try to collect and get away secret information out of the country. My clients weren't hiding anywhere, nor they tried to infiltrate restricted areas. Their photos also doesn't contain any secret information. It is clear, that their intention wasn't spying, it was just a mistake. So they shouldn't be charged of espionage, but only of taking photos of military objects without permision, which is much less serious charge.
  20. Being a long-time Arma Player, I kind of had an advantage :blush: First played it when Dean announced it on the forums. I think I lasted one long evening but I don't remember what exactly happened :D Though it wasn't too spectacular since I didn't meet anyone and just avoided the zombies^^
  21. ---------------UPDATE----------------------- Here is a interview with one lawyer who's on the case. "Mr. Badger" was so kind to translate the czech original to english and post it on Armaholic. Please read it. Are your clients tourists or was their visit on the island purely work related? According to the media, they told the investigators that they were collecting material for ArmA 3 computer game on Lemnos. Then their employer Bohemia Interactive posted a press release that the two men weren't send there on business. I have the file in front of me and believe me, both arrested testified from the beginning that they are in Greece on vacation. They stated, that they knew Lemnos due to their work, and because of that they chose it as their holyday destination. They never said to the investigators that they are there on business. Everybody tries to connect their visit on the island with the ArmA game. That however isn't true. They didn't come there to take photos of the environment for the game. They use modern technology for that, which has better quality. For the game were used snapshots from Google Earth, satelites and other publicly accessible resources. So why did they take photos of the objects that are prohibited to be shot? My clients were just viewing the island, on their camera there is approximately 150 common tourist photos. Than there is one video, from which the investigators took 14 snapshots. There can be seen military air field. But that video was shot from the car while driving. Did they know they are shooting restricted object? There can be seen one sign on the video, informing that this object can't be photographed. The thing is, that as they were driving, they didn't notice the first sign. At the moment they saw the second sign, they stopped filming. Despite of this they were charged of espionage? Yes, according to the investigators, they were in possession of the material, that can endanger the national security of Greece. As I already said, the material in question is only that one short video. Also they filmed object, that is very easily visible and accessible to the public. Air field and the military buildings are near to the public communications. Anybody passing by can see what's going on inside the base. Charge of espionage means, that someone has to try to collect and get away secret information out of the country. My clients weren't hiding anywhere, nor they tried to infiltrate restricted areas. Their photos also doesn't contain any secret information. It is clear, that their intention wasn't spying, it was just a mistake. So they shouldn't be charged of espionage, but only of taking photos of military objects without permision, which is much less serious charge. Does the Greek prosecution have enough evidence to bring the arrested to the trial? By the Greek law, it is not neccessary to collect evidence during the investigation, for the prosecution only hint of a crime that the subject might commit is enough. Only at the trial there has to be evidence presented. For the court could be interesting only that 14 shots captured from the video. Why is the case being judged so seriously? Are the Greeks so sensitive about their military objects? Lemnos is a strategic island, Turkey is close from there, so there are a lot of soldiers guarding the objects. Another thing is that there was already a dispute about the ArmA game last year, which raised many critic reactions. Politicians from Lesbos interpelled in the parlament on this topic. Minister of the defence at the moment claimed, that they had surveyed the whole ArmA 3 project and hadn't found anything, that would harm the interests of Greece. He also added, that with the current technology, it is impossible to stop images of the Greek territory being captured. Nevertheless the affair caused that the security service is even more touchy. Are you in contact with the both arrested? How are they psychologically feeling? They are in prison, nobody would feel good in their situation, but they try to be strong and have faith in the justice, they belive, that Greece is a lawful state. What are your next steps as their attorney? We want to appeal for their release, so they can be investigated while keep their freedom. It may take several days before it is determined. It can go both way. Either prosecutor will say they will stay in prison till the court takes place, or he may set a bail. How long can it take to close the case? It can take one week or one year. By Greek law, the trial has to be set at the latest in 18 months, until then they might stay in prison. ---------------------------------------- My friends are in prison / Help Ivan & Martin ----------------------------------- 1. Send a twitter message to the Prime Minister of Greece (@primeministergr) letting him know we want Ivan and Maxel returned to their families immediately. This is probably one of the most public and obvious things you can do to help. Social Media works. 2. Call, write, or visit your nearest Greek Embassy (click the link for a list). Let them know what they have done is wrong, and that you want them released. Be civil, but be honest. We don’t stand for this in the part of the world I come from. 3. Spread the word, let everyone know. Please forward my post on, and these links, to anyone who might be able to help. For more information you can visit my friends website at http://www.helpivanmartin.org/ 4. Let the local press on the island know what you think on their facebook page, and their twitter @LesvosNet. Read some of the comments on this article for an idea of what is going on. Let’s end it exactly where it all started in the first place!
  22. purepassion

    DayZ Standalone Images? (Fake)

    Short Answer: No. That is not the RV3 nor the RV4 engine
  23. This is a call for support to the entire ARMA/OFP/DayZ community, all gamers and non-gamers alike. An Update about our Colleagues Detained in Greece Since last Sunday, when two Bohemia Interactive, a.s. employees, were arrested on the Greek island of Lemnos, much speculation about what happened has circulated online. It’s been rumoured that they entered restricted military areas or gathered photographic references of military bases in order to improve the visual fidelity of Arma 3, a PC game currently under development by our company. Far in advance of any formal charges - only hours after they were detained by the local police - many media outlets immediately suggested spying and, only one day later, specifically referenced Arma 3. Having travelled there, and after meeting personally with them both, as well as their lawyer who is fully acquainted with the Greek authority’s investigation file in detail, we can assure you that these insinuations are completely false and without substance. These employees - our friends, Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar - visited the island as tourists. Their holiday was a product of their interest in the island, triggered by their work on Arma 3 over the past two years of development. They took photographs and videos in public areas, as countless tourists arriving to enjoy the beauty and hospitality of Greece may well do. These included a short video as they drove through the main road passing around the international airport, where in one short part of the video off in the distance some hangars and other buildings of the complex can be seen. It's very likely that many tourists may have pictures similar to those taken by Ivan and Martin in their own family albums, without being aware that they put themselves or their families at risk. We sincerely hope that the whole situation is no more than an unfortunate and deep misunderstanding. The in-game Limnos is close to completion, and it’s far from an identical replication of the real place. It was heavily modified to fit the game’s backstory, a purely fictional 2035 setting. It was rescaled to only 75% of the real island, and it does not attempt to display any real world military installations situated on the island of Lemnos. To summarize the situation: They visited Lemnos on their holiday as tourists. They did not enter any military area. They did not take any pictures of any military objects to be used in Arma 3. Martin and Ivan, currently being detained in Mytilene, relayed this message to their friends and family: "The conditions are tough, but the people we meet treat us fairly and correctly. It is all a completely absurd misunderstanding that will certainly be quickly explained. We mainly think of you, our families; you have to stay calm and not to worry about us. We hope we will meet soon." We apologize for any possible delay or lack of communication regarding this important matter. At present, all and every possible effort goes towards supporting Ivan and Martin, their families, and to getting the guys safely back home. Any form of support for our imprisoned colleagues and friends will be more than welcome. It's time to show our support, not only as a community, but as players and concerned citizens, for two developers and family members, who now face a lifetime in prison for an unfortunate misunderstanding. Ivan and Martin need your support right now, so please share this link with as many people as you can, sign the petition and leave a message for them as a signal of solidarity, hope and friendship. Thank you for your time, your help is much appreciated! ----------------------------- http://www.helpivanmartin.org/---------------------------------
  24. purepassion

    [Qustion]how To make a Map Based On DayZ?

    If I understood you correctly, this might help you :)