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Everything posted by monkpt

  1. no words to what this admin and his buddies are saying ... they instan killed HOUSE, when we all 4 were covered behind trees, then they rushed to the body to loot it and rush killed 1 guy and almost killed dekey, leaving him, unsconcious, they killed rush and i killed dekey. when me and alentejano were trying to loot dekey and his buddy corpse one guy appear, from nowhere, shooting us from our right, i shooted several times and missed, he runned away to the trees and disapeared. me and alentejano were, again, trying to finish looting when, suddenly, the same guy appeared behind us and almost killed me but alentejano killed him. so if someone dc and changed server was this last guy in your group because how can he, in 2/3/4 mins completely passed by 2 guys and disapeared next to 2 trees and re-appear on the oposite side ?! we dont have profs because we didnt even bother to play this because we though that admins couldnt be, almost everyone, like this DEKEY that when killed they kick everybody. like yesterday we tried to join other server and get instant kick by the admin that was alone in the server farming stary sobor with his red car... we rejoined to kill him but get kicked 5 times in a row... everyone can see what we'r saying because you just need to look at the servers pop and see this ADMINs and his buddies playing in a 50 server with only 4 guys and theres a reason why... LOOTING and FARMING and when they get kill by other players they rage and quick like DEKEY did. dekey and his buddies were packed ! everyone had gps, snipers , etc... etc... but we couldnt take almost anything because of the constant kicks and then banning. if he was sure that we dc and changed server why didnt he isntant banned us ?! he didnt knew so he only banned us when we tried to loot'em. we know that this ill not to anything but at least ppl will know that if they see DEKEY admin they can count on this dirty tactics, so if anyone kill him just try to get 1/2 items and leave the server because he'll not give you time to get anything more.