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About Hpnot1Q

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  1. Fun personal moment i wanted to share :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Cm6Afj0Dses
  2. Really ? This is what you degraded to? Ulgh i'm done here man, i wish you best of luck with the clan.
  3. So you think saying '' Hey lets make a header'' has higher value and right than the person who actually spent the few hours creating the thing ? Your logic is twisted mate. And correct me if am wrong but at least 2 others not rage quit ? 1 in your very own presence, and the second one while you were not online. They both came back eventually, but it is only a matter of time until the rest takes a permanent leave like i did. And i hope you have a blast with those guys laughing at me, cause you don't even want to know the kind of trash talk every and each one of them has on you when you are not on TS. I am just trying to pull as much of the real Goblin out as i can here so people witness what kind of clan owner their about have.
  4. Your idea or not, i am the one who made it, and i am as you can see in no way shape or form whining, just friendly asking to create your own, because aferall i was the one who made it with PS. I simply asked for that, and not a childish reaction. It was merely a friendly request. Why do you jump in such a hostile defensive position right of the bat? Anyhow, be so kind as to remove it. PS: If you are so full of ''intellectual ideas then i am sure you wont have any trouble making your own.
  5. hey Goblin, how about you stop using the header I made, i am no longer part of your clan remember ?
  6. The ones who are supose to get the server pass for the TS, got it. The ones who diddent, simply diddent, if you feel like there is something to talk PM Proliz or Goblin in these forums.
  7. More 18+ please, this aint no daycare clan :)
  8. What is your age? 20 How long have you been playing DayZ? 3 months Where do you live? Holland/Netherlands What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Sniper/Assault What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? Dedication, Time, fast learner, skilled in his role of choice. 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? Kill on sight, don't take no risks, risks will get your clan killed, and if they turn out to be clan members, tough luck, not my fault they forgot the rules, aka show sign or get shot. 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? Lay down stay down, try and move behind objects if there are any, stay put, let shot down team mates die if i have to save myself and other clan members, sneak up scout the snipers, kill em, go back take items from your clan members, save them for when they re spawn. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond? Personal thought: Easy murder count. But i can adjust to the clan leaders orders.
  9. Hpnot1Q

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    there is ;like 200 people with same name as you using skype which one ?
  10. Hpnot1Q

    2 Questions

    I tought that gear where the headpart looked like something of a taliban outfit was refeard to as the ''bandit gear'' orso maybe the players have come up with that name for that piece of gear, so maybe its not official, but anyhow, if we cut out the ghille /civilian/ camouflage outfit what else is there left ?
  11. Hpnot1Q

    2 Questions

    How do i get rid of these so called ''artifacts'', these graphical issues got me killed multiple times and i had allot of good items on me, that was very frustrating. Also how do you obtain bandit gear ?
  12. Hpnot1Q

    Small question(s?)

    ok thanks! :)
  13. Hpnot1Q

    Small question(s?)

    So i was laying there on the roof of some building in Cherno, camping if you will, waiting for some poor soul to come and bite my einfield bullet, and all of sudden i go unconscious for a very brief moment, i know for a fact nobody shot at me, no zombies hit me, i was at 12k blood, not hungry, not thirsty. So this ether happened i am assuming, usual weird bug/glitch ???? Or something to do with temperature ? I have 0% understanding of how the temperature works. Some help in this unsolved mystery would be great! PS: Im new to the forums and semi new to the game :)!