I think the problem might stem from having, what is effectively, an inverted difficulty curve. The time between being on the beach chased by a zombie with no weapons, and finding an axe and going to town on those zombies, is arguably some of the most difficult in the game. That being said, once that time is up, the game arguably gets progressively easier as new players realize that they can take on entire towns full of zombies as long as they engage them correctly. (This, of course, is barring an encounter with a ill-tempered survivor holding a sniper rifle) So while new players might find it hard to not start out with a weapon, if they did put it in, it would become much less engaging for veteran players. So no, I don't think that there should be a beginning weapon. Perhaps a way to shove down a zombie that is hitting you for a bit, but besides that I don't think it should be easier to start out. After all, that feeling of intensity when you first start out is one of the major reasons not to die once you have that hatchet.