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Everything posted by Krack

  1. As of recently with the release of 1.7.0 and the removal of bandit skins, DayZ has changed a lot, not only due to that, but due to it's mass popularity. Rocket has created an extraordinary game in terms of the mindset you must have and how you have to play it, you can't run into towns guns blazing, this isn't Left 4 Dead. Also, you can't really seem to trust anyone(Prior to Bandit Skin Removal), as of 1.7, you can't trust ANYONE. The game still takes on it's unique and heart-pumping gameplay style, but it's changed in the fact that instead of thinking, "I wonder if this guy is friendly.." It is now, "Holy shit I better get the first shot on this guy or I could die and not get the beans in this town." More to the point, with the popularity comes idiots, idiots being the unintelligent masses of, "OMIGOD A PERSON SHOOT IT," and that leads to warfare, making this not a Zombie Survival, but more of a "Go get to Stary or NW Airfield, get the big guns, and shoot every last fucking person you see," Which really disappoints me seeing this game had and still does have great potential. What started this rant? I've been giving out loot on US17(Old NY16) for the past 3 days in Stary and sending out Direct chat messages saying I'm friendly and distributing gear that I've collected throughout hanging around there, and nobody seemed all to bad, my little kindness went a long way, but nevertheless, some jackass who decided that it's fun and not gamebreaking to server-hop all over the place for his loot rather than being a little patient decides to just ignore my messages and put one in my head, that I kind of saw coming, but upon respawning, I decided to go to Komarovo, Prigorodky, and Elektro(On different lives might I add), and every time I tried to get to one of these places, not a word was said, but out of nowhere I'm being fired upon by automatic M4A1/M16A2 fire. Just pure remorseless and merciless, murdered on the coast, for LITERALLY, 2 cans of beans and a water bottle. This game's community is literally pitiful, and I realized last week, that 19/20 times, I can out shoot these guys with M4A1's with my Makarov/Winchester/Lee Enfield, and then I went to Stary/NW Arfield, and I got M4A1's, and I had murder counts up to 23 and 18 on two of my lives, and I found it boring, so I started to help people, and well, I got shot for it. I continue to play because I love the game, but people always just shoot on sight and it's getting obnoxious, I'd kind of like to play with someone a little more mature than a 14 year old, it's truly saddening. A GREAT game, still cannot compensate for a truly fucked up community. The end. -Krack
  2. So, I've had a bunch of nice gear throughout the past week, and I've wanted to slap it in a tent to recycle/hold it, but I can't seem to find ANYWHERE to place my tent that works, I try out in the biggest open fields and it's perfectly flat, I've even tried just slapping it down on a main road or airstrip, NOTHING works, is this a known bug? Or am I just the first to bring it up? Or is it not a bug at all and I suck? .____. Please help..
  3. Maxing Gamma and Brightness aren't hacking, but it does kill the game for those who want to play it correctly.. @Sgt.Spam - The game is designed around that, it's the decision to take the risk of using a flare or running blind.