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Everything posted by Krack

  1. I would LOVE to be able to take off a silencer from a weapon and reattach it. Sounds like an awful idea at first, but hear me out.. I had this idea when I came across an M4A1 CCO SD, I was staring at it wondering whether I should take it or not, I currently had an M4A1 CCO, and I had around 5 mags for it, while this had 2 plus 1 I was carrying in my pack. I thought that if you could take off the silencer and it would act as an item on your person OR POSSIBLY, an item like the Map/GPS/Watch and would go into your utility item slots. It wouldn't be overpowered or imbalanced for a few simple reasons: Pros: More ammo compatibility More effectively choose your fights Save SD mags for when needed Cons: In order to use your unsilenced mags, you need to risk being LOUD Easily audible to other players Aggro overwhelming amounts of Zeds Takes up inventory slot(Depending on whether it would be a utility item or main inventory) I feel that this(If it's even possible) would be a GREAT addition to the game, and you could possibly(if it's a utility item) make it compatible with say an M9, so you can put it on that rather than the M4A1, but I feel that would just amount to people taking M9SD and using them to silence an M4A1, so I guess you could have "Supressor(Rifle)" and "Supressor(Pistol)" Just a thought, a little rough around the edges, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
  2. Krack

    Rocket, Review your own game.

    Man, it sucks when you're getting shot at on spawn, you've got SO MUCH TO LOSE.
  3. Krack

    Bring Back Starter Weapon Petition

    Fuck that.. Learn to SLOW WALK :idea: It's really simple.. It really is.. I promise... OH ALSO.. If you aggro, RUN AROUND THE HOUSE AND CROUCH WALK. You'll be fine that way, LoS'ing Zeds is REALLY EASY. Kbai :heart:
  4. Krack

    Swapping Ammo for Different Weapons

    There are certain ammo types that are compatible with multiple guns such as: G17 Clip, M9 Clip M9SD Clip, MP5 Mag, MP5SD Mag, PDW Mag, are all usable in the PDW. That is the most flexible ammo, it is 9x11mm(Correct me if I am wrong?), but silenced mags can be used in their un-silenced versions. For Example, an "M4A1 CCO SD" can ONLY use "30Rnd. Stanag SD" whereas the M4A1 CCO/M4A1 HWS M203/M4A1 all use "30Rnd Stanag" but can ALSO use "30Rnd. Stanag SD". The same applies for the M9 and M9SD. Silenced mags are backwards compatible to the unsilenced weapons. Here is the latest Arma 2 BETA(Which is required to run patch 1.7.0 and up): http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php The download for the DayZ Patch can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/downloads.php Note: The Build is bugged at the moment due to the recent adding of melee weapons(Hatchet and Crowbar), but when the new hotfix comes along( it will be available at the same location from the download mirror of your choice.
  5. Upon giving a Blood Transfusion you need follow these steps: a. Have the Blood Transfusion on your person, it cannot be in your pack to be used b. Bandage any necessary wounds(Not necessary to use it in my experience but suggested) c. Scroll to "Give Blood Transfusion" in the action's menu(You may need to shift around and shuffle about to get this option d. Proceed to do the Blood Transfusion Action(Much like the bandaging action) and when it is done enjoy the pretty colors and lack of de-saturation.
  6. Upon finding a new backpack be aware of these things: - Backpacks are very sketchy with positioning for the Take/Open function - If there are items under it, you may need to move them before accessing the Take/Open function - 3rd person can easily skew your aim and you man not be looking at it at all - Upon taking the backpack, none of your prior pack's gear will be retained in it, you must move it manually And remember, Patrol Pack(Coyote)
  7. You are the "basic functionality testing" this is an alpha TEST. No no no. I understand it is an Alpha. I've Alpha/Beta tested several games in the last few years (WoT' date=' WoWP, MechWarrior Online, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, etc.) and I know there will be bugs BUT Rocket said when they released the last patch (before the hotfixes) that his crew runs a "basic functionality test" before releasing it to the Alpha testers. >.> [/quote'] I don't know if you noticed, but there was ONE server running testing for this build all day, it had SIX players in it AT MAX. So, to say they could effectively test it and see the bugs occuring is unrealistic, when you pack 50 people into a server, you'll really see the bugs come out, and so we saw them. And now... We wait.
  8. "it is now impossible to see at night time its not "hard to see" its "impossible to see" you cant even tell if your in 3rd or 1st person mode that's how hard it is to see" Oh.. It's hard to see at night? Good. That's the way I like it. It brought back the necessity of Flares, Chemlights, and Flashlights, and along with it came the RISK. That's what this game banks off of, the risk of shooting, using light, running vs. sneaking, it's all risk and fear and creates paranoia that the user then has to acknowledge and evaluate the pros and cons of their choices.. It's good that you can't see, you're probably posting this because you keep getting shot in a flare or aggroing zombies that you can't see.
  9. Dunno if this is a build problem or not, and I don't really care, I'm patient and all, but servers seem to be really unstable and crash after 15min at most, anyone else encountering this problem? I'm just curious as to what caused it, everything about the build is fantastic though, seems spot on for what we needed.
  10. so those of us that had stuff inside our vehicles just lost all of it? +1 :(
  11. Rocket has said, or so I heard, that he intends to extend the map and make the servers support larger amounts of players, so I don't know if it's just waiting for the extension? Or it's just gonna be there to be there.
  12. So you're gonna be the guy that runs in an starts poppin off makarov bullets at players then after dying you continue to respawn until you get Cherno or Elektro and then go do it again? Joy.
  13. Krack

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    so uhh.. I dunno if I missed it.. but when is the ETA for 1.7.1? Just curious.
  14. Krack


    You're part of the problem. And you're ignorant' date=' you're part of the problem. Stop griefing. [hr'] Honestly, no, because when he does release it to Beta(Open) there will still be that flood of noobs breaking all the mechanics and exploits and being griefers just as you tried to fix by not letting them in, sure, the game would be great, granted you only played with non-asshats, but that's not possible, so you have to shape the game around having them there, otherwise, the game will be broken beyond repair upon release into Beta.
  15. Yeah no worries, just be patient don't play for a bit, apparantly they're taking legal action on the hackers, sooo.. They're up and fucked, should be resolved in... a week? I hope at least.
  16. Krack

    Is the M4A1 Holo SD legit?

    My friend had an M4A1 Holo SD.. I saw it with my own eyes when he was at my house with hit rig, he clicked F to switch and it read clearly, "M4A1 Holo SD". So I'm under the impression it is real, he's died to hackers now, but if I could I would have told him to take Screenshots and post them :S
  17. Krack

    My Good Suggestions List and discussion.

    +4385374689359 Love the things you emphasized in this, especially the Bad/Ugly sections, I hope Rocket considers some things from here.
  18. Krack


    Yeah me too except for me, we had our vehicle repaired, in a safe haven, and then hackers called down rockets onto it. JOY. (Mind you we lost 40+ Stanags, 20+ Stanag SD and A BUTTLOAD OF SHIT)
  19. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/ Go.. Now... Support it, fill it with your information.. :)
  20. So a friend and I have spent the last while actually playing it SAFE, checking our corners, and all those different safety phrases.. And we had accumulated quite a bit of gear, I being equipped with an AS50, M9SD, NVG, Rangefinders, GPS, Toolbox, etc, pretty much everything, and him with an M4A1 CCO SD, and all the same gear, luckily we did not die BUT, when the HACKER rolled through spawning rockets onto player locations, we were fortunate to avoid the mess, but unfortunately, our truck wasn't so lucky.. Our truck stockpiled with 40+ Stanag, 20+ Stanag SD, 5 M107 Rnds, 15+ Cooked meat, some morphine, some Blood bags, some painkillers, 10-20 Drinks, Tires, Fueltank parts, Engine Parts, Windshields, Jerry Cans, and all in one swift motion, a nice old rocket comes screaming down(4-6 of them) pelleting the area and destroying our truck completely.. To sum up the reaction, I'll put this simply.. What the fuck. EXTREMELY upsetting, I ranted about getting killed by some clowns because I tried to be friendly, and that's done and over, but this, is fucking stupid. Too much time was put in that to not request something back, I don't know if it's possible, but I feel EXTREMELY gipped right now. I was ready to up and quit this game earlier this week, then stuff started going the right way for us for once, and then, boom. Done. Over. Stuck in the NORTHERN Wilderness, in the middle of nowhere with a 30min+ run to ANY civilization(That being the NW Airfield, which isn't even close to safe..), and I don't see any redeeming factor on why I should continue to play this game.. The game, is GREAT, I love it, it's the first thing that's been able to hold my attention for the past 6 or so months, but the community, and the exploits, and the server hopping, and disconnecting in firefights, is all just beginning to outweigh what I love about this game, originally it was, Oh Rocket, you've created a great game and how you have to think about it when you play(Conscious decisions and whatnot + the paranoia etc, and don't think I'm saying it's a bad game, but I shall continue), but it's turned into, hmm, a guy nearby, I guess I'll shoot at him to make him log out to another server so I can get to safety, sounds good. It's just ridiculous. I love the game, hate the community(The bulk of it at least), and am thoroughly upset with it at the moment. As I said before, simply put.. What the fuck. -Krack
  21. YES. I'm tired of the deceiving yet deadly, "Noob with the Makarov"..
  22. YES. *****So long as Sniper scopes give noise on the heartbeat relative to the distance where you're zoomed in to. If that makes sense >_>*****