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About Krack

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. So, for the past 1-2 months I've been playing DayZ no problem, nothing wrong with Arma, nothing wrong with DayZ, all of the sudden I get a "Missing file CA_Buildingparts" and "Missing file CA_Counter_Attack" so I decided to reinstall Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and when I got everything set up and ready to go, I tried launching DayZ and got "Error Creating 3D 9 Graphical Engine" and I played around with settings, Verified Game Cache(Multiple times and every time it got "1 File failed to validate and will be reacquired" and it downloads it and I do it again immediately after to be sure that it's okay and the same error pops up and there's ALWAYS a missing file..). So I don't know whether it's due to that file or not, but Arma 2 will start up, but Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/Combined Operations WILL NOT work.. I'm perplexed with this situation and couldn't find anything useful on google/forums.. So any help would be great. MY DRIVERS ARE UP TO DATE AND EVERYTHING OF THE SORT. PLEASE NO HALF-ASS ANSWER. :'(
  2. Krack

    Elektro sniping

    "We decided to camp the city and kill the other bandit" How's that bandit kill count lookin'? Oh right, it's at 0. Elektro campers, no offense, but the scum of the community. At least camp NWAF or Stary where there's something in it for you.
  3. Krack

    Experimental test patch

    Is there a changelog?
  4. So thats how I acquired 5 vehicles magically last night... Fun stuff.
  5. I'll say this again as I did on your other thread, servers were ddos'd and hive crashed, if you stay on waiting for character to create too long it bugs out and spawns you at debug plains, so with the inevetable wait on some servers, you were bound to get there if you waited too long, I only give servers 2-3min before I try a different one, and again, we don't care if you leave, you're the shit of the community. Buhbye.
  6. The servers were reportedly getting ddos'd and the Hive crashed, you can only expect the game's gonna have trouble for a few days. But leave if you want, you won't be missed, the kids who come on the forums and cry and think we give a shit about their absence are sadly misguided.
  7. Lesson learned the hard way as did I, never prone looking at a ledge.. It's asking to die.
  8. Yeah, if you log out from a server and rejoin too quickly it gives you a 3-5min unconscious period to prevent people from logging out from firefights and coming back in and killing the enemy shooter. Just try and hop servers with your mates next time you have to go eat, but as for logging out with a broken leg and bleeding out, that's exploitation and is bannable on some servers now. So, watch where you post this stuff.
  9. I'm tired of every server having one clan/group of guys that control all of the cars, some have up to 8 or 9 vehicles in their possession and it's ridiculous. They don't even need that many cars to use as transportation for their entire group, a UAZ seats 7 and Sedan seats 4(5 maybe?) and Vans have to seat around 5 or 6.. It's just obnoxious. I've been alive for 15 days searching for a car, and they're ALL GONE. At least cut off the map so they can't stash it out of the map, maybe create a hill that they can't get up to conceal them in the map so they can't be outside and are actually AT RISK of losing their shit rather than being safe and happy as can be 4 miles out of the map..
  10. Yea' date=' and you gain hearts by posting on the forum stating how the game is perfectly fine balanced and people just have to l2p. Sad world [/quote'] Even better! you gain hearts by growing up and making that 20min run back to NWAF and grab that M4A1 CCO you lost that isn't that rare. You really need to calm down. If you're going to travel alone there are MANY risks you must accept, but travelling in groups also has their own separate donwfalls. But in all seriousness, if you don't like the way the game is designed, quit. If it's making you angry, quit. If it's too frustrating, quit. Post your suggestion on the Forums, and quit, don't follow it up by crying us a river about how you can't turn your head while running and see a zombie making a B-line right for you. Adapt to the situation and move on. -Krack
  11. Hey, thread name says it all, I'm a generally stealthy and cautious player and love holding a sniper rifle. Just hit me up on Steam(Krack) or Skype(mikevs2077). WILLING TO PLAY WITH ANYONE, DON'T BE SHY.
  12. This game has a learning curve, it's not fuckin' Neopets, get over it.
  13. Krack


    Okay, so I've placed a tent once, waaay back in 1.5.7 or something.. But now I've never been able to place it ever again.. What constitutes, "A flat area free of other objects"? Because Airstrips don't work, Fields don't, roads don't, nothing seems to work.. Help?
  14. Krack

    Have tents been reset yet?

    Yes they should have been as of the release of
  15. I feel he has a point, the community connects and grows as a whole when people are talking in Side Channel, but it doesn't kill the immersion of the game and it is a tad unrealistic. I would prefer they make Radios a fair bit more common so people could use them for global chat, but that's unlikely. This game is very hard to make decisions with because if you change "x" then y and z change greatly, every change seems to effect everything as a whole in a way.