Hey guys, so I've been playing DayZ for a few weeks now, and it's awesome. But yesterday I saw that the new beta patch, 95054, was released, and I promptly installed it. Later that day, however, I went in to play online, and I crashed to my desktop after the tank loading screen. This happened for every server I tried to join, and even happens on regular online OA. I looked for hours trying to find a solution, but nothing worked. I downgraded my beta patch, I reinstalled DayZ, I even reinstalled ArmA 2 and OA. Nothing worked. I can't be the only one with this problem. Can anyone help? If you need any more information, I'd be happy to provide. Also guys, please don't reply unless you have an actual solution. I don't want to see 20 'I am having the same problem' replies. Thanks guys.