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About Al3nt3jan0

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  1. Al3nt3jan0

    Vehicles disappeared (US2)

    its uselless to fix vehicules to take to your camp , they all disapear after server restarts , but the tends are ok they stay there , at least for 4 or 5 days , its a bit stupid , the vehicules shud save at least for 3 days.
  2. thanks for clarification , is theyr any way to a admin server to make the veicules to spawn in their original spot?
  3. i have 2 helis and tents on diferent servers, every time the server restarts the heli go to their spawn point but the tents stay whit their gear , i save the heli every time i go near him almost 10 times , can someone explain to me if its a bug or is the way it workes , every time the server restarts the helis go to their spawn point?
  4. i have 2 helis and tents on diferent servers, every time the server restarts the heli go to their spawn point but the tents stay whit their gear , i save the heli every time i go near him almost 10 times , can someone explain to me if its a bug or is the way it workes , every time the server restarts the helis go to their spawn point?
  5. Al3nt3jan0

    vehicles full of gear disapear

    really helpfull , beans 4 all , supposing that whas only 1 person that steal the vehicle , ok i get it , but its not the question on post sooooooo
  6. Al3nt3jan0

    vehicles full of gear disapear

    if you dont have noting useful to said .........
  7. Al3nt3jan0

    vehicles full of gear disapear

    i have 2 more vehicles and they dont disapear , whit great loot , no one take the vehicle he simply disapear , just trying to see if theres a way to prevent things like this from appenning , dont whant to take the discusion to a supose , ( probably an alien take my car) or whas the vehicle un ufo , im getting confused.
  8. i have a car full of loot saved in the forest , i leave the location and pass 2 hours come back to vehicle , he desapear , can someone tell me if there is a whay to prevent this from happenning or if its completly randow the fact that some vehicles vannish. ty
  9. nice argument , learn to loose , im not ofending you , remenber dayz is for all gamers , admins are less , sooooooo learn to talk and dont be ofensive when you run out of arguments , its a pro tip for you , dont need to pay
  10. nop i whas on your left side , you dont see me pass because i whas away from my m8s , you think you kill all but there whas 2 more and you got killed , dcs? ghosting ?, called rage quit , you need to be more fair or removed from admin position
  11. remove the ban and i will kill you again np , i have good gear too xD
  12. this kind of admins need to grow up a bit its a game.
  13. you ban us thats why you didnt die in 13 days , no one dcs you rage quit because you have all gear , you protect your server from u? players u kill you?
  14. dekey you kick me and my m8s because whe kill you ,and when whe ket to your gear to grab it you kick us all almost 30 times , you admit it , dc? OMG , i whas behind you guys and me and another m8 kill you and your m8s , no one dcs learn to play , whe kill you and you rage quit , kick every one whit WMS TAG , i dont now that you ban me OMG you are un admin u dont whant to die, play alone in the server smart ass
  15. whe kill dekey last week , only sign in the dayz foruns a day , remember games is for gamers , not only for admins , every one is talking about admins abuse , if the game is unbalance for players , maybe only admins sud play it .