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Everything posted by blinkerty

  1. to me the answer that makes most sense is probably some time after ArmA3 comes out. as rocket is taking parts out of that engine and putting it into the standalone, bringing it out before then takes the attention away from the main game, there are probably different answers but to me that makes most sense
  2. blinkerty

    Solo and group play Q

    if you dont have a specific server putting down the tents and changing will lose the tent and any gear inside it unless you remember what server it is on. decide on a server you're all happy with, meet up, set up camp distribute loot everyones happy
  3. blinkerty

    Noob here (Need help, not items)

    1. probably a bug, morphine will fix the leg, if you cant well its best to die. 2. zombies can be lost running into a 2 door building, run in one, and out the other and they lose aggro, a single door building will cause them to bottleneck in and trap you too. 3. not all buildings are enter able, but many are a good sign is to look for broken windows, and eventually identifying whats enterable and what isn't should come naturally 4. and to respawn, when it says you are dead hit ESC then abort, then disconnect until you hit the screen where the players are listed and it says receiving mission file, you enter back in from there
  4. blinkerty

    New players cant get past learning curve

    my advice, play ARMA 2 first, the boot camp is a great place to learn, mess about at firing ranges or in showcases or armory learn the weapons and then come back it teaches you all you need to know. the most common mistake is jumping into the mod without knowing the game. trust me it helps
  5. morphine for bones, food for blood my advice in that situation is simply find somewhere secluded and respawn and gather your stuff back, with that low blood and the fact you're passing out it may take a while and be incredibly boring finding a new town or looking for food. if memory serves there is a place to ask for help on the forums but where it is i forget, or list your server, timezone and name etc and i'm sure someone can help, unfortunately i cant as i'm out today
  6. blinkerty

    Incredibly low view distance.

    I've been on servers when theres been fog, (all be it early morning) i couldn't see more then 100m, came back same server few hours later i could see fine.
  7. blinkerty

    Are castles dangerous?

    they can be a hotspot sometimes, and zombies will most likely be there too, make sure you have a weapon the risk should more or less go, like it does for most other places, the only thing to watch out for is that they can be frequently visited however i personally haven't run into anyone there. Good luck and have fun
  8. blinkerty

    Incredibly low view distance.

    probably server settings, or fog
  9. blinkerty

    the quantum corpse. - glitch story.

    all i gathered from that was don't AFK in this game, but lucky for you to get your loot back
  10. blinkerty

    Was this a punishment from god?

    sounds like you were disconnecting so you didn't die, justice was served
  11. blinkerty

    Mic doesn't work in Mumble

    isn't mouse button 3 the scroll wheel usually? its something to do with mumble, check the settings, i use mumble too mine works fine so i can only suggest the settings
  12. thats not what the title asks though
  13. blinkerty

    How to Kill Camping Snipers!!!

    shoot back simple as
  14. i may have misread but killing them would make us bandits and put a bounty on our head therefore not really sorting the problem, also once they die they come back in game and continue as they were just without the gear? also what would be the reward?
  15. 1 + 2 i agree 3 + 4 sounds like they're for left for dead besides 4 already happens if you're careless personally i dont feel it would fit in however 1 and 2 i agree with 100%
  16. blinkerty

    Sniper training?

    just use the showcase for the specific faction, or do boot camp to understand it first
  17. some companies are just on top of it faster then others,
  18. blinkerty

    Trading system on forum

    #1 plausible, but what do people trade, weapons? food? water? #2 just because there active on forums doesn't mean they're going to be legit, also the post count, to me feels flawed you shouldn't base it off that, but at this moment i cant think of anything in game to go off of #3 seems better, everyone starts at zero, use a area that's not a major city as a host for this, maybe if rocket implements the areas he says are instanced then it can work without being sniped because someone knew about the trade but trust points seem nice. personally though i couldnt see it working in this sort of game, if i'm in a zombie apocalypse, i'll survive by other means, besides it takes the challenge away of searching for loot, when i could just trade the meat i cooked off a cow for say a ak74 with 2 mags from someone in desperate need etc. chances are you'll die and lose it hence the trade is worthless, and or you'll find the item a few hours/days after anyways
  19. blinkerty

    The pc i am building is it Good for arma

    a new pc for 1 game? its a bit of a waste isnt it? check your current on this site and then see whats lacking and upgrade that, it may be you're right and its more plausible to buy another, but it might be cheaper just to upgrade http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx
  20. blinkerty

    IF this was an actual game...

    the minecraft model as you've stated you'd be following seems the best, f2p and buy stuff? in this game what could you buy ?? its a definate no no, say you sell bigger backpacks on spawn, that puts the rest of the community at a disadvantage as they would hold better loot then of course everyone and their mother has one from the dead corpses that have bought it and have had them looted by other players. i personally dont see what you can sell in this game to make that work. DLC may hold different opinions, extensions to the map maybe?, new areas have been infected and we have more area to explore, i dont know apart from that i dont see f2p working, cosmetic items would work but just on that i don't feel you'd reach the income level you require to run and maintain a game like this. pay to play could lose players as not everyone can or would welcome say £15 a month or something it again you would have to keep updating it so people would get what they paid for. thats why i suggest the minecraft model like you originally planned, you pay for the alpha version or beta or final version and thats it the price scales depending on version to cover the cost of the work going in, people pay and get what they paid for with updates until the final version studio developed and studio servers yes please, i feel community/private servers can come at a later date when the game is finished so you can rent a server or run it on your own, for you and your mates to play, doing that from the start takes away the feel of the game, as there might be a few less people to run into as the shoot on sight mentality could drive people away to a place where they can do player vs environment. besides if its studio developed and hosted you can implement what you wanted and make the game you want, it's also easier to get the data and manage the game, instead of making everyone download the newest patch and have a mix of up to date servers and ones a few patches behind. going back to my point on community servers and back to comparing to minecraft it was good, however most servers only had 10 or so people on building, it works for that kind of game as there's not as much emphasis on teamwork or having a larger player base on a server, 50-100 people, on a map 225kmsq having 10 people on vs zombies just doesnt feel right and would get incredibly boring. as long as the server would be dedicated i would happily pay say £20 or so for the game as i know i'm getting my moneys worth and an enjoyable game. considering its popularity if you sold it as a 1 time purchase, you wouldn't need kickstarter, you have the game at its basics. minecraft was on sale i think £5 at alpha or something and made mojang more then enough to ever need kickstarters, i feel this will also have the same impact, so say £15 ish for a one time purchase, and raise that for beta and final release like minecraft to make the extra work put in on the different versions pay of, so £15 x the amount of people that will buy the game, i feel you'd raise more selling it. for the community side of it i wouldn't make it solely about what the community wants but shout out ideas, take ours into consideration etc, it is your game and your baby, but the community holds its future. but thats just my opinion on it, keep up the good work!
  21. it's not that it cant be stopped, someone will always find a way around and then that method gets passed around bringing it back to square 1, in my opinion announcing steps to combat this in public will let people know whats happening sure, but it could potentially give people the heads up on how to get around it. hacking cannot be stopped but steps can be put in to mitigate it
  22. blinkerty

    whats with the lagg

    actually no, it points you to places that do know what you're asking, get it right lol
  23. blinkerty

    Where to start?

    after spawning, and sorting out settings etc like whether you play 3rd or 1st person, i look around and see where i am, i have 2 monitors so i stick a map up on the other and have dayZ on the main one. but theres no reason you cant alt tab out to look at one, just make sure you've hidden first. probably the best thing to do is get crouched as that way you're less of a target and your sound and visibility indicators wont max, stay along tree lines and survey the area, if you are near a town approach, holding shift whilst crouched makes you more or less invisible unless you walk into a zombie or in front of it, look for enter able buildings and loot up what you find, after i spawn i usually try and find and inventory consisting of a hatchet ( go into your inventory and remove it from the tool belt, it will go into your main weapon slot, and don't forget to reload it before swinging) as a weapon as it is silent, 2 bandages, but 1 is ok if you don't find any more, a drink, soda or water, food is always nice too, about 1 of each should get you started, any ammo you find, such as makarov mags, and enfield or shotgun pellets and slugs pick up, they are the more common weapons next to the axe or crowbar you'll come across in a town unless you bee-line to a military area. store them in the bag until you find a suitable weapon elsewhere. so now you have a weapon, food, drink, bandages, and ammo for potential weapons. you should be set to start moving inland, picking up tin cans and whiskey bottles will help to distract zombies that are in the way of you and your destination just remember to press the F key to switch to them and that the longer you hold the left mouse button to throw the further it goes. that is more or less what i look for when i have just spawned other loot is about but it is up to you whether you take it now or find another later
  24. blinkerty

    Remington or M1014

    Remington as i found out "can" normally kill without alerting other zombies similar to the winchester, however i feel that has changed since, personally i take the Remington for the flashlight
  25. blinkerty

    Can my computer run dayz?

    http://www.systemreq...cyri/intro.aspx type in arma 2, or arma 2 OA into the product name, the answer will be given as to if you can run it or not.