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Everything posted by blinkerty

  1. blinkerty

    Never assume

    in my experience apart from the obvious, cherno, elecktro, nw/ne airfields, stary and novy stobor and berenzino, you can assume the rest are empty at that sort of time
  2. blinkerty

    Need Help Surviving :P

    not sure exactly but i heard you have a few minutes when it starts flashing before it starts taking effect hurting you, if you know where you are or can find it its probably best to go back into the city, crouch and hold shift to walk, behind zombies and silently kill them chances are they have food, or the buildings in town do, i've never had such luxuries of finding what i need when i need it, so i scrounged up an axe, hunting knife and matches and just lived off of animals
  3. blinkerty

    About people who instantly disconnect

    Alt + F4 is a windows command ( not sure if it's the same for macs never used one) to shut down a program, hence it disconnects you by closing down the game client
  4. true, i did this, i jumped in died.. a lot, surprisingly as oppose to some other games the boot camp in Arma 2 goes into quite some detail, i also play about in the showcase scenarios it helps get used to the weapons and vehicles. nothing would suck more then repairing a helicopter to crash it after take off
  5. on my numerous spawns, I've often found a Remington shotgun or a Winchester, I've loaded them up and gone on my way, I've had to shoot them whether it be at player or zombie, however they seem to quiet, there have been times I've shot in a group of zombies killed the one i aimed at and haven't alerted or startled the others, it may just be me but i'd thought shotguns would attract attention, to me it sounds like bubble wrap. same with the AK47 i was at a helicopter crash site, and could kill all the zombies around and not alert one, switch to a M9 and everyone and their mother comes running. this may get altered it just seems a little odd to me.
  6. blinkerty

    some guns seem too quiet

    i don't see how i'm spilling tears, i was just stating an observation, but interpret it as you will
  7. blinkerty


    how do you know they're useless if you never tried using one? but then again neither have i, i don't team up much so i'm not sure how effective they are.
  8. blinkerty

    Killing Noobs

    personally i just shrug it off make a mental note of where i died, and respawn, chances are you'll either be A). within range of a city to loot up again or B) miles away from anything, the rule of thumb or from what i gather isn't to get attached too your gear so when you do die, getting "brutally murdered" isn't such a big loss, most of the smaller towns aren't as populated so finding the same or similar loot isn't really an issue i find.