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About w1n2k

  • Rank
    RU SPB Admin

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    Russia, Saint-Petersburg
  1. +1 same on the our servers. When capacity is near to maximum - load time dynamicly grows to 2-4 minutes.
  2. w1n2k

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Ok, i'll try to control cheating possibility on our servers.
  3. w1n2k

    Cheating question

    This is the way how i banned this cheater, but i'm not always online. Also, suspicious cheater bandwidth, too huge for playing about 5-10 minutes after login. But this way of ban - it's not a good way. It's too long, to decide and kick/ban player. It's a big problem, that ARMA doesn't have some Admin stuff like AMXMoD on HL servers. Life could be easier.
  4. w1n2k

    Cheating question

    But players wrote, that in that period of time many people eventually killed. Another log is this: All players have a boken leg, is there is some way to admit who sending this scripts ?
  5. I'll have logs in my script.log I see that players spawn BIS_Effects_Burn and AirDestructionStage. How could i complain who spawning this effects to players ? Lot's of such logs.
  6. w1n2k

    Servers not showing?

    Seems problem fixed
  7. w1n2k

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Ban on the battle eye level ? If that so - it's great!
  8. Hm, maybe temporary solution is write to hive from another point ? As i could understand main problem is Pending requests to HIVE WRITE? I understand that delayed write may occur some desync problems to player ( loot, blood, e.t.c. ) but mostly players will comfortable play!
  9. Problem solved. Six Updater, and DayzCommander using GSList.exe to parse server list. Our server name started with "RU 44 SPB", changing them to "DayZ - RU 44 SPB" solved the problem.
  10. Six Launcher uses GSList.exe to fetch server list. I'll try to find out where from GSList parsing server list.
  11. We got the same problem. No network failure, it seems this is like a freeze of dedicated server.
  12. Our servers is normally presist in Arma2 Internet list. But there is no our server in "Six Updater", "DayZ Commander" list. Is there is a problem with reportingIP ? We tried "" string, and default config value. Could someone help ?
  13. w1n2k

    Server heartbeat problem

    Problem solved - CISCO UDP outgoing packects blocked. But there is another problem,we don't persist in Six Updater list ... anyone known what's maybe a problem ?