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About woolf14@gmail.com

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  1. woolf14@gmail.com

    Please For The Love of God.

    Maybe if you guys posted things like these in the suggestions forums developers would actually see them.
  2. woolf14@gmail.com

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    Always post JPG's for less size.
  3. woolf14@gmail.com

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    Use fraps or similar software that to take a screenshot.
  4. woolf14@gmail.com

    Saving Items In Tents

    Sounds too much of a trouble for an alpha mod. Maybe get more serious when bugs gets fixed. If you are not solo though it would worth it I suppose since you won't lose that much time trying stuff like that.
  5. woolf14@gmail.com

    Saving Items In Tents

    Do whatever you like, that's the purpose of this mod.
  6. woolf14@gmail.com

    Question about murder

    Hey man :) If he had killed someone before, my Bandit counter would go up though, not Murder one right? Heh, could have happened
  7. woolf14@gmail.com

    Question about murder

    So I was looting the NE airfield, and before getting to the barracks I killed some zombies which were on my way. On the second one there was a guy in prone mode aiming through the entrance so after seeing him I run away cause I thought he was camping the place. I also thought that maybe he was just defending himself after hearing my shots. So I get some cover, try to use the chat and made few circles. Then I go again and while in the corner I shot him since he was still standing on the same spot. Then the murder count went up so I regret this decision because he wasn't a bandit. Is there a way to determine if someone is a bandit or not? I suppose not anymore?
  8. woolf14@gmail.com

    Can't have a pistol and use flashlight?

    G17 has a flash light? How do you enable it?
  9. woolf14@gmail.com

    To the two guys at NW airfield last night

    Nothing dumb on what I wrote. Maybe you didn't understand the point which makes you the dumb one here. Try to read it again. (you probably thinking I have nothing against alt f4 during a gunfight - classic not thinking kid action)
  10. woolf14@gmail.com

    To the two guys at NW airfield last night

    So having 2 guys on your side, to kill one is fine, but ALT F4 to avoid such a situation is not? I don't get some of you guys... There is no fair play here. Today I was trying to loot some barracks and hear around 3 shots coming my way. I suppose it was more than one guys out there, and I suppose they were camping there. I even watched the place from a safe distance before going in and didn't see anyone.
  11. woolf14@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thumbs up to Caviano and his team for assisting me since I needed morphine and blood after my first airfield visit/failure. He immediately respond to the thread I made requesting help and then we chat on Mumble about the location and everything. I even wasted some of their time since I didn't even know where I am going. I am uploading a Youtube video now, will take some time but will edit this post when it's up, for anyone that is interested. Thanks again! Here's the video:
  12. woolf14@gmail.com

    Need morphine - NW airfield(my first trip)

    Unfortunately I don't have a mic...
  13. Hey guys, so got DayZ few days ago and yesterday I decided to go to the Airport. So I was searching these buildings that are located in directly opossite way of the bankers and I aggroed a zombie. No problem, I kill it and well that made 3 more zombies to come after me and guess what I broke my bone to one of them. So, anyone willing to help by giving me morphine? Don't know if you need anything in exchange since I don't have high end stuff but I can help afterwards if needed. PM me :) Here's a pic: http://img14.imagesh.../7602/dayzc.jpg
  14. woolf14@gmail.com

    Play Steam version without starting Steam

    Weird I can run it without steam running, using the batch file.
  15. woolf14@gmail.com

    Why do some people walk slow in DayZ?

    Are you guys talking about sometimes the running animation looks(and is) faster, which can be seen by hands/legs extending further and some other times it's just slower? If so I also experience this, could it be due to high temperature? I thought it was normal and that the player was getting tired of running.