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About corty

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. corty

    Admin Abuse US 465

    just unban me plz thats all i ask of you so we all can have fun and if you still think that i will log off one more time then fine ill leave your server ? i can speak english tho but not type it that good
  2. corty

    Admin Abuse US 465

    it do not state nowhere that you cant log out so its not cheat or hack as i have been banned for but you can take it up whit rockit or you can unban me so i can shoot you and your m8 all day and night cos i dont log off + i can go speak to rockit and co. and get you kickt off your own server
  3. corty

    Admin Abuse US 465

    Woggaz its funny that you kick us all + you ban us from server for hack/cheat for no reason you dont deserve the titel admin but the titel grow up