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Everything posted by asdzx9@gmail.com

  1. Yes bring back the old huey! It's simply the perfect wasteland helicopter. I dont even know how to explain why.
  2. That is an interesting statistic, I've never seen that. However, players are leaving because development is taking a long time and basic things like performance and functional issues are not being fixed. Not because of the new gameplay mechanics. Anyhow, are we striving for a much realistic game here, or a half-a$$ed game like H1z1?
  3. I dont think that community approval is needed on this topic. The devs should just implement it and in time people will simply get used to it. Just like they got used to all the other realistic aspects of the game that were introduced along the way.
  4. asdzx9@gmail.com

    First person emptiness?

    Ive been playing 1st only aswell m8. Then It became hard to find worthy servers to play in that mode. Ive considered going back to 3rd also but it just felt stupid after a few sessions. And then I kinda lost interest in the game. Its funny tho, that dayz pretends to be ultra-hardcore with perma-death and then completely contradicts itself with the 3rd person. I mean, if you already accepted the very high level difficulty that the game already offers, why not go the extra step with 1st person?
  5. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Will admins to have option for a dexterity free server?

    I second OP's suggestion. The guns sway is ridiculously unintuitive. Although it may seem ultra-realistic to some people, it breads many unrealistic ingame outcomes. For example, If you walk into a buiding with a mosin your chances for winning a fight against a player with an axe are much lower when irl it should be the opposite. This is simply because the axe player knows he could run faster than you could aim at him and eventually will zigzag all the way towards you. If you choose to fire with no iron sight the gun floats around the screen like your character is shooting from the hip even though your character is clearly holding it on the shoulder. And If you go iron sight you get terrible tunnel vision and is way to slow for CQC. Players abuse this fact and use it to their advantage.
  6. asdzx9@gmail.com

    The Mantra of a Dayz "Hero"

    Wow, I have heard many self-righteous "hero" rants lately but this one by far exceeds any limit. Sorry for being rude but this is ridiculous. Just shoot the player in the face, teabag him, have a laugh and move on...
  7. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Character mouvement

    All thats left is to add some melee animations and and a little gun sway.
  8. asdzx9@gmail.com

    New NE Airfield Thoughts?

    All spawns are actually survivors from the wrecked ship lol, thats why we spawn only in the berezino khelm area.
  9. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Gun Swerves and Body Motion

    Ide like to post a suggestion about canceling or heavly reducing the ridiculously high gun swerve that is currently in-game. It has no benefit what so ever and is just annoying as hell. As for someone who used a rifle in his real life I can say Its unrealistic aswell IMHO - your weapon never falls behind your line of sight unless youre wielding an HMG. It feels like my character is drunk or high on morphine rather than an adrenaline filled survivor. I know BI keeps trying to simulate real motions of the body in their games but they keep failing at it because in the end were just using a mouse and keboard and we really dont have the feel of the weapon in the hand. Hence I think the twitch system is the best.
  10. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Gun Swerves and Body Motion

    You'd be surprised... lol
  11. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Gun Swerves and Body Motion

    Accuracy and and gun swerves are two different things. Firing from the hip will be inaccurate regardless of you spining and turning. What Im suggesting is tightening up the delay. It now feels like your weapon is floating around the screen and not you having real control over it. Take a broom stick at you home and hold it firm to your waist and turn 180 deg'. Was there any delay?
  12. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Creepiest DayZ Moments?

    A rabbit staring directly at me. Right into my soul.
  13. asdzx9@gmail.com

    REALLY NEEDED Opening and close Door Sound Effect !

    Great idea. I think they should put alot of focus on the audio side of the game in general. Being able to hear stuff in your surroundings should be an important aspect of the games survival experience. For example breaking glass on a hard floor can be a sound trap for other players In buildings and streets.
  14. asdzx9@gmail.com

    The Soft Hearted Bandit

    Nice story bro
  15. asdzx9@gmail.com

    DayZ Confessions

    Because then empty servers will struggle to fill up while full servers will continue to be full. Players will rather wait for an empty slot in a full server than to join an empty one. *The game will automatically connect you to a server in your region/with low ping. *Simple. "Join game" option in steam. *You're right on that one. But still an exception to choose that category can be made. *Thats the whole point. You can't know. If you'd know how many players are logged then that will determine the level of your vigilance. which in turn brings people to farm empty servers freely because they know they'r safe. If you take that piece of info away, imagine how paranoid youll be ;). This also will force you to assume the ammount of players by yourself. Which imo is 10x more immersive.
  16. asdzx9@gmail.com

    DayZ Confessions

    No. You shouldnt be able to choose servers at all. More over, the server shouldnt let you know how many players are logged in... The menu should have a "Connect" button and thats it. So you log in and you have no idea whats going on around you. Ive suggested this a while back to prevent this type of problem... but you how this community goes...
  17. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    laptop - Lenovo z510 Monitor resolution: 1900x1080 CPU:Core i7 4702hq 3.2ghz Graphics card: Geforce 740m RAM:8gb SSD? No Hi im planning on getting this laptop. Wanted to know mainly how this cpu handles the game.
  18. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Special massage for Stalin.

    I thought this was a beginning of a joke. lol...
  19. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Meanwhile in Cherno

    lol hehe
  20. asdzx9@gmail.com

    The Best Looking Gun?

    The Legend- AK-47M
  21. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Current State of Dayz

    Whats hard about the zombies in origins? That they only get killed by head shots? Who shoots a zombie anyways these days... Everyone just runs into a building/bush and looses them, problem solved. I think its more 'realistic' that they push you to the ground, on the other hand I think its unrealistic that players shoot each other in the middle of a zombie apocalypse when they are actually supposed to relieved by them. Players in dayz are just used to get their loot easily by just sprinting around them. And when devs introduced more challenging zombies alot of players failed to deal with the dificulty.
  22. asdzx9@gmail.com

    new player looking for group

    hey, Im in no group but im looking for a teammate aswell... add me if you like on skype : myron.lioz
  23. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Someone to team up with.

    Hi, Playing on official chernarus atm. Looking for someone about my age or higher (~20), preferably a sniper oriented player. I have a ghillie and a DMR to supply you. Im up for any style of play, bandit or whatever. oh, and most important I play EU time\server. my skype is: Myron.Lioz Edit: more than one player to form a small fireteam is also acceptable.
  24. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Someone to team up with.

  25. asdzx9@gmail.com

    Looking for group

    Hi Gamble, We pretty much have the same profile. 20, military service, EU loc'. play time on weekends (most of them). I play official chern servers but im can play other stuff for the sake of teamplay. let me know: skype is myron.lioz