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Everything posted by Falabox

  1. Well there is the baby seal one...
  2. Well there is already a bandit hat for the sniper Well kinda...
  3. Elektro because the main loot route have a nice sniper hill for dickheads!
  4. Awesome :D! I only want to see how are the deer stands now.
  5. Falabox

    What To Do When You See A Player

    Well I only have met only 2 people at short range (I play since 3 months :/) The first one shooted at my back with makarov and I axe'd him to dead Second I was being shooted at the fire station with only a crowbar and then a random dude with a DMR comes and starts shooting everywhere,so with my Gordon Freeman skills in less than 20 seconds he was dead. And now I got a sweet DMR with handgun and alice pack :D
  6. Falabox

    I'm new here.

    Well,the server saves your char every time to time,so if you find a sweet weapon and want to disconnect,wait 3-5 minutes and you are good. But remember if you dont spawn with your weapon it is just an error because is alpha :D R.I.P CZ500 and MP5SD :c
  7. Falabox

    got rocket launcher

    You can fire creator of dayz? Awesome :D!
  8. This seems like a good idea and maybe it could be implemented in the dayz. "Every day at every server (can turn it off) it spawns 2-3 zombies but they have a survivor o bandit skin and if you kill them they can have good loot or weapons" Thats my 2 bits.
  9. Falabox

    Help :(

    Try using a launcher like dayzcommander or sixlauncher!
  10. Falabox

    Help :(

    And what launcher are you using?
  11. Falabox


    Nice video,only one thing,don't hack and try to hide it :b Not like OTHER comentator....
  12. Falabox

    Just saw Rocket again.

    It is simply too hard in paint :c
  13. Falabox

    Tweaking the Bandit/Hero System

    The self-deffence system can be a little clunky but the other have my aproval!
  14. Lol,liked and favorite'd :D
  15. Falabox

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    So you gotta tell me when is going to happen the next one mate.
  16. Falabox

    Cheers for the gear mr sniper

    Boss cherno? Be a fresh spawner killer better said.
  17. Falabox

    Just saw Rocket again.

    No offence but I least tried :P
  18. We always have that "special" friend in steam :D
  19. Falabox

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    So the meet up was made?
  20. Falabox

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Epicness none the less.
  21. Falabox

    Most things throwable

    So now you can catch bullets in mid-air and then throwing back at the attacker?
  22. Spawn with a group of 20 and everyone has a hatchet and only 1 can survive incluiding the lost of blood in the battle.
  23. Falabox

    Adding to the pile; A few of my suggestions

    The spray paint seems like a awesome idea,(sorry for metioning this) WarZ have a system like this where you can leave notes and they are permanent. The village things looks exactly like wasteland and it is pretty neat! You won my beans sir.