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Everything posted by Uginator

  1. Uginator

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Just received a global ban, wasn't even playing DayZ because we got bored of it. Me and myfriend tried playing Arma 2 Multiplayer, after like 5 Minutes i got banned - gotta love this BE.
  2. Can't see your server, probably already blacklisted for using dayz radar? (which is nothing else than a cheat)
  3. Uginator

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    Epidemic of hackers in the game, but who cares, lets focus on the servers which have global chat turned on... seriously, if you are bored, do something to prevent whole servers getting fucked up by a single hacker instead of bitching at server admins who pay the servers with their own money. Having global chat online changes the game experience, people rather chat with each other instead of insta-popping other survivers. You give us (hosters/admins) no actual tools to "fight" hackers, and lets be honest, BE is a fucking joke. It takes about 5 Minutes googleing and 10 $ to get a working hack for Arma 2 with a workaround completly disableing BE. And in the Hacker forums, even if they get banned after cheating 2+ weeks, they buy a new fucking cd-key for a total sum of 10 $ and start again. Some hackers state, that they have roundabout 20 keys, others 60 (even selling them for cheap bucks). Maybe devs should switch their focus a little. If this "bitch at admins" policy continues, i'll take both my servers down, and i believe i am not the only one who will.
  4. Uginator

    FI 1 - disgraceful admins

    Here is an idea: Set up your own Server "Maler", pay 50 Bucks a month, deal with the constant bickering of Turds like you + the fact that there is a shitload of hackers, which for the most part have names exactly like you guys do, and after that come to the forums to see that the same turds are complaining about admin abuse. See how that goes. Look for another server and stop whining and complaining about shit you do not understand. There are so many hacks out there which allow you to spawn helicopters and other shit which isn't in the game, BUT IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEEING AND ADMIN OR NOT. So get your facts straight and stop bothering admins with your ridiculous claims. TY.
  5. Impossible to Upgrade a Server from HFB.