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Everything posted by TGxGriff

  1. How do we get it? All the links lead to a dead end
  2. Name: TGxGriff Location: Midwest United states GUID: 7461302861fc3964a8024e832e22d265
  3. TGxGriff

    US 303 Dallas

    Hey guys me and a huge group of friends use your server and randomly your 50 population went all they way down to 3. All the people who were kicked were also banned. So could we get some answers? The ban says "Bad public variable" the date is (2012-11-15)
  4. TGxGriff

    US 303 Accidental Mass-Ban

    So when will this be all fixed?
  5. TGxGriff

    US 4551 Finders, New Private Hive.

    Been loving the server, me and my buddy Kr8w20 have been playing on it, oh and he trolls on the global chat, saying he killed someone when they rage over it so it's also some good laughs because of their reactions. Keep up the good work, I think this server is my new home now.
  6. My ingame name is TGxGriff
  7. TGxGriff

    1.7.3: When?

    Does anyone know when 1.7.3 is coming out?
  8. TGxGriff

    Hero Skin?

    I have heard about benefits to being a Hero like being able to run faster than normal but can anyone confirm this?
  9. This kid said that it's an unfair advantage to sit atop a building with a sniper rifle.....hmmmm, I wonder if he would still call it that if he was the sniper atop that building. His thoughts would be: "Wow just killed my second survivor! Dude im pretty good with this gun, I'm the best sniper in the world. I'm gonna be a sniper when I grow up and I'm gonna be so good they give me a .50 in sniper school and I'll paint a tiger on it."
  10. TGxGriff

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    You know whats awesome about reading this thread. All the little 1st graders fighting over their toys (rights to play on a server/unban/flame war) and more people jump in. To everyone who has posted on this thread thank you for showing the world how childish these "adults" are. Bar a few actual mature post. This could make a better show then jersey shore simply with all the complaining. Oh and before you guys flame me for being TG, it's for tactical gamING, not gamER.
  11. TGxGriff

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Everyone on this forum is either complaining that their game is broken, when they won't even try to fix it themselves via video settings. Or it's just people who complain that the game is broken because they can't stand a few glitches in an area. OR its 12 year olds complaining about how the game isn't the way THEY want it. Last but not least it's people complaining about the complainers. Because the whole world revolves around all of you. Just play the game and if you don't like it stop playing it. Rocket is making this game the way HE wants it and no amount of complaining is going to stop him. HE KNOWS ABOUT THE GLITCHES AND HE'S FIXING IT SO SHUT UP! If the game is unplayable to you then don't play it AND DON"T BITCH ABOUT IT because everyone knows. It's like you are a bunch of first graders fighting over a stupid box that has a firetruck on it. Grow up.
  12. TGxGriff

    Day Z Urban Legends

    This thread is awesome!
  13. So.......just because a camp is found means the person who found it is a hacker?? Really? Because you hide your tents sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good that no one but you would be able to find it. Dude you need to qq. Just because you got found out doesnt mean you have to make excuses.
  14. TGxGriff

    Its Raining strikes again

    You need to venture out into the wastes and find a dew, with which you will make the horrible walk up neerg mountain where you will take said dew and drop it in the radio tower as an offering to calm the beast which lies there, but sometimes ventured out if he doesn't have a sacrifice in a long time.
  15. TGxGriff

    It's raining at Green Mountain.

    never ever talk about.....neerg mountain....only a mountain dew will calm the beast that inhabits its dark secrets. To rid yourself of the curse go up to the tower and drop a mountain dew. If you come without one, prepare for your life to end as you know it.....
  16. Why are you bragging about this? Do you need the praise of other random people on the internet to feel good about yourself?
  17. TGxGriff uncatagorised changes

    Are the dogs hostile?
  18. TGxGriff

    Memorable/Funny Last Words (In Day Z)

    I was with three people in stary. We moved down the the military tents and i was behind them covering them. As i walked down to the tents I had a survivorspawn next to me and he shot me with his dinnerbell. I was knocked down behind a car so i crawled out from behind it with my M9 pistol and i screamed over directcomms "I AM TAKING YOU WITH ME" and i spammed the trigger to knock him down and the zombies, alerted by hsi dinner bell, finished us off while we were both downed by gunshot wounds. His name was kyle and he is burning in hell where he belongs.
  19. TGxGriff

    The SVD

    I am very familiar with the PSO scopes. And due to the artifacting recently, and everyone avoiding military areas, I was able to farm the NWAF until I found the SVD (to kill the artifacting I would just change my 3d resolution when I saw artifacts). I took it to the NEAS and tested out the scope to see if arma got it right which it did. The giant chevron above the line is for engaging targets which are closer than 200 meters. The first chevron between the lines are zeroed at 200, the next 400, 600, 800, and finally 1000. Just like in real life. (tested it on the animals that spawn there.) I would actually pick this gun over the as50 because if your target isn't exactly at zerod range, you would have to guess how far to aim up or down. With the SVD the chevrons are like references so you could make an educated guess. So in my opinion the SVD is a very good find an it takes my preference over the as50 or the other snipers.
  20. I was gone for a few days and I got back into the forums last night and I see bandit skins and a new "Hero" skin. Did I miss something in a patch note? Or is this just people talking and hoping?
  21. TGxGriff

    What's this about a new "Hero" skin

    So no idea when we will get it?
  22. TGxGriff

    Is Mountian Dew any good?

    Funny as hell video R.I.P. Dale
  23. TGxGriff

    My First 4 Hours of play

    Great story dude
  24. TGxGriff

    Need tips on the Czech Vest Pouch

    When I wear gillie suits my backpack physically disappears but i still have it in my inventory. So I have never seen a guy in a gillie with a back pack on.