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About zealos

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Looking to play with 4-5 other people in an organised fashion. Want: 16+ Decent Gear (Not super stuff, just a reasonable weapon) Maturity Decent Mic + Mumble installed I withhold the right to kick out people that are annoying <3 Add me on steam: TC Not Zealos
  2. zealos

    Admin Abuse?

    Just to confirm, this wasn't any kind of abuse :) Thanks for the help.
  3. zealos

    Admin Abuse?

    Just to clear this up, its Admin Abuse? for a reason. I don't know if there is anything wrong with this. I'm more wondering than anything else, cheers.
  4. zealos

    Admin Abuse?

    There was a server update on server US 391, while me and friends were driving around in a Ural. Since then, we have all been unable to join, with the problem being "Battleye Failed to update" However, we are all still able to join any other server, and the only person that /can/ get onto the server in question is the server admin, who also was the one who restarted said server. Is this possibly cheating? Or just unlucky? [hwy]Pratt was in admin in question.