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Everything posted by SpaceLowHD

  1. SpaceLowHD

    Operation Chernarus

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wlQBteJbso So it begins!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UoXKcmmT70 Sorry, for the delay ladies :( any q's feel free to pm
  3. SpaceLowHD

    How to install: Breaking Point

    Updated it now, sorry :(
  4. SpaceLowHD

    How to install: Breaking Point

    Yeah sorry, I was uploading a guide how to install breaking point. But I was able to get the wrong file. I'll update when it's done. Won't be more than more than 10mins or something.
  5. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    Hello! This is a series I started a couple of months ago, A lot of action, death, bandits stuff ! This is a link for my Season 1 Called "Desert Bandits" And remember to update, a lot of new videos is yet to come http://www.youtube.c...cF0IAXBD_F-uMrv Feel free to subscribe, share & like :)
  6. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    The last episode of Desert Bandits is out! And no worries. I will start with season two when the holiday begins!
  7. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

  8. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

  9. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    Feel free to check out my "funny moments" :D http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhqteFCPHv2AkkajUrcfqyRfG95kTGuoQ Defiantly worth a look!
  10. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

  11. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    new video out!
  12. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

  13. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    New video out! Still waiting for you to show up. Mr Hero. But hay, can't blame you.
  14. SpaceLowHD

    Just saw Rocket again.

  15. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    I miss you buddy :(
  16. SpaceLowHD

    New player, just started

    Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
  17. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    What's taking so long? :(
  18. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

    I'll be waiting
  19. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

  20. SpaceLowHD

    Desert Bandits

  21. SpaceLowHD

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npivdMrbvfY ep.8 !
  22. there's countless topics about this. Your frames drops because of the Zombies, they're skeleton have just to much stuff which causes fps drop. However this will be fixed in SA, or so they say. Try and lower your graphics a bit, might help
  23. SpaceLowHD

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDl9qHoIUOU And ep.7 is up! :D enjoy
  24. SpaceLowHD

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk7bNOI5KaA A "funny moments" video! Enjoy :D
  25. SpaceLowHD

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7GHhOFgPO4 A new vid is up, Lot's of action in this. Enjoy!