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About Sokratesz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sokratesz

    Few more questions

    If another player hasn't stolen it, yes.
  2. Sokratesz

    Graphical bugs

    I have ones similar to these, near the balota airfield. They appear when looking in a certain direction but will disappear when you look away slightly. They appear to be pointed ' towards' some object but quickly clutter the screen. I've had them on several different occasions when visiting the airfield, but sometimes they aren't there. How can I take a screenshot when not using Steam? prtscrn just returns the desktop... - Sok.
  3. Sokratesz

    So Yesterday

    What about a timer that only kicks in after you've very recently used a weapon?
  4. Sokratesz

    I have become a monster..

    *slow clap* congratulations, you won 3 internet tough guy points