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Everything posted by Askar

  1. I strongly disapprove of a server system that would allow for servers with no PvP enabled. It's really against the spirit of the game itself in my opinion... I'd much rather see player driven organizations that effectively combat the PvP mentality rather than some abstract ruleset. There are already many groups that attempt to create such an environment through sheer will and manpower, but none have been overly successful as of yet. The key is to design a system that can effectively react to PvP situations. Prevention is literally impossible, but an organized force that could quickly and efficiently respond to an incident and eliminate the offending parties would go a great way towards deterring such activity. This would only be possible, of course, once combat disconnection and other exploits are largely fixed. This is similar to the principle that most western police organizations are founded upon. Get to the scene of the incident, prevent further harm, and deal with the offending party. While it's never so straightforward, not even in reality, I believe a system like this is what we need instead of a silly checkbox for "PvP or PvE" servers. Once an effective way to make such an organization or system is found, it will likely have great success. For an obvious example, look at Dr. Wasteland's success in founding a system of medics who can respond within a reasonable time frame to any ailments. Once someone works out a way to do this with a sort of "police" force, we can start rebuilding our society! Plus, if less people are getting shot at, there's less for me to do in-game :)
  2. Askar

    Need urgent medical attention

    For future instances, use http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/ to get your help. I personally despise disconnecting to escape a death not caused by glitches or other errors, but I and any other medic there will still offer you any help we can. We'll help anyone, any time, any where, so long as we are able to do so. Services are free.
  3. Askar

    Name your good deed of the day.

    Oh, probably wasn't him then. The guy I healed didn't have a ghillie. I was going to be saddened if I had spent half an hour relocating just to heal a few guys in Cherno and one of them was already dead!
  4. Askar

    Name your good deed of the day.

    What was his name TandemChaos? I healed a man at that position with that equipment earlier today. He also had 3 buddies. :o
  5. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Haha, thanks a lot. I've only been a medic for two and a half days, but that means a lot :D We're not based on any specific server. The way this typically works, a patient posts his location and his needs, and then a medic will respond and head to your area. Then, typically via PM or another means of private communication, the two of you choose a server to meet up on. The medic then heals you and moves on to his next patients. :) Also, I may still be around from time to time to answer questions or give advice to anyone who needs it, but as stated earlier I likely won't be available for medical services again for a few days.
  6. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright, I helped as many of you as I could. I'm also now officially down to my last blood pack, for the first time in my medical history! I likely will not be available much if at all in the coming days, as I am moving into a new apartment. Good luck, try not to break too many bones. And stay far away from the barn at 077084!
  7. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've never heard of a patient betraying his medic. What were their names? I'd like to know so that I can avoid helping them.
  8. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    As far as I know, we hit any server any where any time :) Hälfte meines Jobs sind auf deutschen Servern! I'll be there in a moment if that's near Stary. I don't see it on the map. PM me your location.
  9. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm sorry Flipper. He gave them to me to give to you, but the server ate them after the trade. They vanished from my pack :(
  10. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm almost to Stary. I can help. Send me a PM and we'll arange it.
  11. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I will get to you next, after I drop some antibiotics off. Lots of broken bones tonight. I ran out of morphine very fast. Restocking in a moment though.
  12. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    That'd be great. I'll be there in about 20 minutes, give or take. I'm making a stop to heal someone else on the way, then I'll meet you near Berezino. Thanks!
  13. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright, I'm going North-east first. I'll try to fix two broken bones, deliver some antibiotics, and then brave the city for morphine. Lend my bike speed!
  14. Askar

    Name your good deed of the day.

    Can you tell me where this tent is? I'm on call at the moment and I have 7 broken bones to fix and only 2 morphine left :|
  15. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If I deliver antibiotics to Berezino, will you go into the city and get me a ton of morphine from the hospital? I usually don't ask for stuff like this, but the need is dire and I get a graphical error that prevents me from entering Berezino.
  16. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So, I have 7 broken legs to fix. And 2 morphine. I may have to divert south and get some more morphine from a hospital. I will try to ascertain who is nearest to me and aid them first though. Sit tight folks.
  17. Are you telling me that the guy that keeps putting more loot in the barracks died? Where the hell am I going to get silenced weaponry now?
  18. Askar

    Name your good deed of the day.

    I saved 11 lives today and am in the process of helping 3 more. Edit: Make that 17!
  19. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Okay, my bad. PM log is open once more, feel free to send them.
  20. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've gotten no PMs thus far, so I'm expanding my range to the entire map. I'll head to whichever area I get the most PMs from. Don't count on me for help until I specifically reply to you saying that I'm coming, as I'm going to see where I'm needed most right now. Or if I'm needed at all :rolleyes:
  21. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Meine Güte, I leave for 30 minutes and there's suddenly a huge backlog. Okay, I'm gonna try and help out here. I am currently just south of Novy Sobor, so anyone as far west as Stary Sobor, as far east as Gorka, as far south as Mogliveka, and as far north as Grishino PM me now with where you are and what you need. I'll start working my way around as much as I can. After I take care of this area, I will move wherever I have the most calls for help. Forgot to mention that I have a bike, so travel times will be greatly reduced. Expect 20 minutes total per patient.
  22. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Glad to hear it! You can trust pretty much anyone in this thread for help, especially if they're on the white list or are members of TMW. I healed you by proxy I suppose, since I saved Cactus a while ago ;)
  23. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you have the supplies, feel free to take care of it! I'm only just now starting my way there anyway, I got turned around on the wrong road in Mogilevka. If anyone could help me hit the hospital in Berezino however, I'd appreciate it. Running low on supplies and I get a graphical error that leaves me blind in Berezino. Offline for now, plenty of other medics popping up.
  24. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll go up there. Noone else is responding to my PMs. PM me or add me on steam (Askar). I'll be biking straight up there, give me 10 minutes.
  25. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Where exactly are you?