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Everything posted by Askar

  1. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Better idea: send me a message with your location, what you need, and how long you'll be available for me to get to you. I'm heading for cherno at the moment, it'll be quite some time before I get there though.
  2. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Additionally, I'd appreciate if those I help in cherno could assist me in looting the local hospital, I need to replenish antibiotic and painkiller supplies. Sorry for double-post, thought I was editing the other. I'm really fatigued :)
  3. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I seem to be the only one on call tonight <_< How long are you guys down south and east going to be online? I'm north of Myshkino at the moment, but if there's that many of you needing help down there I can begin the trek, I'd estimate upwards of 30 minutes for me to get to Cherno, though I could get lucky and find another bike.
  4. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Good news, you'll live. You should stabilize at 6000 blood, the infection itself won't take you below that threshold. Bad news, I don't think anyone is currently available in the area with antibiotics. You can risk hitting the hospital yourself, otherwise I think you'll have to wait until tomorrow or later.
  5. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Help with what, Hitman? I'll be in the area soon. Ah, starvation. If you absolutely need help I'll head up there in a bit once I deliver some antibiotics. It'll be a little while though, likely thirty minutes at the very least. If anyone else is in the area to answer this call do so, I'll repost if I manage to get to Lopatino too.
  6. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll get antibiotics to you Sinix since I'm less than 1km away.
  7. Askar

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    I've been there several times and never seen or heard anything strange. But there is some truth to the rumors. I tried to make my camp there once, since it only has one entrance and a tower with plenty of sight. I had my tractor, night vision, everything you could want to make a base. I set up my tent (with excruciating difficulty) within the compound's walls and parked my tractor just inside, with the gate shut. I then took up residence within the tower to begin my vigil while my friends gathered up their camps and made their way to our new base. I chuckled to myself at all of the silly stories about the place and just waited. Aside from a handful of the dead walking around below, everything was quiet and still. I first thought it was peaceful, but something just felt off, though I couldn't put my finger on it. After awhile, I started to get impatient. My friends were taking quite some time gettiing here, and I was growing restless. It truly is quiet up there. Not totally silent like the myths say, but it's unsettling. I don't know what's up with that place, but it just felt wrong. Seriously. My nearest friend had been coming in from the northwest, and he should have been there by now. I found out a little later that somehow he had completely missed the huge tower after entering the forest and ended up on the opposite edge, where he was killed by zombies when he fell off the ladder to the deerstand he found there. Shortly after that, the place just got to me. I don't know if it was just the silly rumors on the forum that got to me or if there is something truly wrong there. But I got on my tractor and left. I drove out of there as fast as I could, leaving the tent with a few supplies in it far behind. My other friend would later arrive to tell me that the tent wasn't there. I don't know if someone came and destroyed it. I don't know if the mountain took it. I don't know if it was ever even there at this point. That place gets to you if you stay there. I've been back a few times, but I never enter the compound anymore. I glance inside and around in hopes of spotting a vehicle, and then I run like hell. Yeah, most of this stuff you see about green mountain is just hype. But there is something wrong there. I know it, and they know it. Feel free to muster your courage and brave the mountain, but don't stay. Don't stay.
  8. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    AAR for VolLLi: Excellent help, came to me within 10 minutes, at night and without any swort of seeing aid. Gave me the transfusion I needed, and then I assisted him in rescuing Baron, who also needed medical assistance, a few kilometers to the south. After that I went into town with the good medic in order to help him get supplies, whereupon we were beset by a bandit. Mistaking this bandit for a frightened survivor, we attempted to offer him aid. Instead he panicked and fired randomly into the dark, attracting a swarm of zombies. Utilizing my M4A1 CCO SD I managed to kill most of them as they charged him with precise headshots, yet he still fled and fired, attracting more. I saw him go down and was in the middle of killing the zombies feasting upon him when the kill message appeared. We arrived too late, but the poor fellow had a DMR, M107, and tons of basic supplies. Being medics-in-waiting we left the sniper rifles, but VoLLi managed to get the supplies he needed, as well as a shiny new bike. I'm considering becoming a medic/support for a medic, so you'll probably see me around here some more. I'm not on the white list and neither is VoLLi, but I can personally vouch for his integrity and dedication, as can Baron. I mean, he even tried to save a bandit who was shooting at him moments before! If anyone sees MrKryptonite, tell him he shouldn't panic fire in a supermarket with a DMR.
  9. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sent a friend request on steam to volli1979. Danke schön!
  10. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need medical assistance! Karma is an ass. After I'm feeling good about myself for helping Vipeax solve a problem and finding a helicopter crash that I immediately gave away to anyone with a map (only a couple of silenced Bizons, but beggars can't be choosers), I crashed my beautiful shiny red tractor into a well disguised boulder at the incredible speed of 10 km/hr. The resultant explosion left me unconscious and bleeding, though I managed to bandage myself just in time and fix my legs, I'm sitting here at ~1000 blood. I have three blood bags on my person, but my group is all offline and several kilometers away. I'd really appreciate some help here! I'll give further details upon request but I'm in the vicinity of Pulkovo (east of Zelenogorsk). Thanks in advance to any brave medics who would trudge to the middle of nowhere to help me.
  11. Tested a few more. All worked fine, except for one which hung at the loading screen. I let it sit for about two minutes and force-closed it. It could have just been loading quite slowly though. Update: Three so far that still hang up at the loading screen. I'm leaving one of them running for a bit now to see if it's just taking awhile. After adding in the weapons PBO you gave me I'm able to join many more servers than before, including some that were hanging. There still appear to be several that don't work though. Update the second: The one I left hanging managed to load in, albeit it took a little while. Your file seems to have worked Vipeax, thanks! If anyone else wants to I'd recommend testing the file he put up, it seems to have fixed my issues.
  12. Tested on 5 servers, 3 of which I know I failed to load previously. All 5 loaded, most within 10-20 seconds. I'll keep testing a few more, but it seems to have worked.
  13. I've been trying to play between posts for about the past 3 hours. I've managed to successfully connect to two servers and load properly. I played on one for about 15 minutes before I got a message in the lower left saying something akin to "Battleye client attempting to update / Battleye client unable to contact master server BE(2) / Battleye client unable to update". I got disconnected by Battleye about 5 minutes later, and then within two minutes of loading into another server. I haven't managed to load into any server since then. Of the two I did get into, one loaded within 10 seconds and the other took almost 5 minutes. So give it a little time before you conclude it's not making any progress.
  14. Ah, I guess a lot of people are using the six launcher instead of the six updater. The updater allows for a whole lot more flexability and options than the launcher does while performing all of the same tasks. They usually come packaged together from the download. What I (and everyone I know who plays) do is start the Six Updater first. Then, I check to see if either DayZ or the beta patch need updating. If they do, I check the forums for feedback and then update. Once the update is done, I launch the game using the updater with the DayZ preset I created (there are tutorials for creating presets all over the place) active. Now, I manually find a server through the in-game browser, but you can also use the one provided in the updater itself. I just assumed everyone did it this way, because using the launcher itself would just be such a hassle with the automatic updates and having to wait for the server list. Also, to help Vipeax: Current Versions: DayZ: Arma II: 1.62.95389 Start-up Method: Launch via SixUpdater, servers selected manually through the in-game browser. Source of files: SixUpdater File sizes of the PBOs in the @DayZ folder: After a half dozen failed attempts at adding a screenshot, I'm just going to compare mine to the ones Vipeax linked. All of my PBO files are the exact same size as those in your screenshot Vipeax, except for dayz_weapons.PBO, which is 36,500 KB
  15. Where are people getting this? If you don't want to update using six, then don't update. Just launch the game. See the huge green dropdown arrow in the top left? Change it to launch the game instead of install and update. And it does tell you if you need to update or not. A yellow hexagon near the selected preset means updates are available, green means everything is up to date. You can launch without updating just by changing the button to launch game instead of update preset pretty easily.
  16. It's been an hour and a half now and I managed to join one server. Just one. And it restarted 10 minutes later and instantly filled up.
  17. It does? You have to right click the preset and select update or install to update. You can just click launch game without updating first...
  18. We sincerely need a way to cancel loading without force-closing the entire game and having to spend upwards of 5 minutes restarting it.
  19. Same issue here. Updated to 95389 and via six updater and attempted to join a server. Every server I attempt to join leaves me stuck at the loading screen. And getting back into the game takes 5-10 minutes average now. Additionally, it seems like half of the servers are off-limits to me because they're running some high version of the beta that as far as I know doesn't even exist yet.
  20. Well, I just checked the database and it doesn't exist. Someone may have hacked it in, found a hacked one and duped it, or something. Your friends may have found it purely legit, but it is not in the loot tables pulled directly from the game itself. http://dayzdb.com/database/weapons That is every confirmed-legit weapon, pulled straight from the game itself...
  21. Pretty sure it's hacked. People do leave hacked weapons laying around from time to time. It's possible that somehow someone managed to get a hold of a hacked one, and then found a weapon they liked more in a barracks and traded for it. I personally swapped out a M4A3 CCO for a M4A1 Camo SD the other day, I can see someone trading the assault rifle in question just as easily for something they preferred. You could also have mistaken another weapon for that, but there is no legit holo + SD combo in the game as of now. You can check the database.
  22. Askar

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    I think, for the moment, ammo needs to be very scarce. I just don't see another way to really balance them at the moment without having something seem gimicky. Ideally, DayZ would have a radically different map, something I hope they do for the standalone. Say, the type of environment we have now, but surrounding a huge, true city. Rocket has been talking a lot about increasing the map size as well as player count in future iterations, so I'd like to see something along the lines of a city the size of Chernaurus now, with roughly the same sized area we already have surrounding this city. Think a large city, with smaller "Elektro/Cherno" sized urban areas around it, with the smaller 'towns and villages' farther our and surrounded by the type of terrain we currently have. I feel like sniper rifles would be much more balanced by nature in such an environment, especially within the city itself (where I see the highest risk and highest reward being present). Within an urban area, there is exponentially more cover and concealment available from snipers than we have in the current wide-open areas. Sniping would remain unchanged in the outskirts and surrounding wilderness, but would be much more difficult in the city due to reduced visibility and abundant cover from snipers. I think this would naturally balance snipers better than any ammo/scope/weapon abundance tweaking could ever hope to. With most of the 'hot spots' being in highly urban areas, snipers wouldn't be able to just sit a mile out and shoot anyone who wanders into the area due to the surrounding environment. They'd still be perfectly capable of doing this in the much less desireable/traveled outer regions of the map and the outskirts of the city, but they wouldn't be the ultimate presence where it truly counts, as they are now. Now, a sniper at an airfield or on the outskirts of a large city can dominate much of the surrounding region with little threat to himself. In a close-quarters zombie infested city this would be different, with shotguns and potentially assault rifles/submachine guns ruling instead. I think changes like that would bring much needed variety to gameplay across all levels, and significantly level the playing field with all weapons having an environment in which they are optimal for both zombie killing and banditry. Just my two cents, coming from a long-time sniper who would love some more engaging gameplay.
  23. If it's on the wiki list, trust it. If not, feel free to pick it up (I've read numerous times that Rocket has said you only get banned for spawning hacked weapons, not using them) unless it's obviously hacked (any vehicle mounted weapon...). While it is theoretically possible that there could be an item out there noone or next to noone has acquired, the likelihood of that being the case is so incredibly remote that we can basically rule it out. If such an item were to be found, have no fear that it would be duped rather quickly and in short order the community would find out about it. I think about the rarest items now are satchel charges (and/or M136? I'm not 100% on either of these), because incredibly few people have them. That said, of those people that have managed to find some, several of them have duped these items to the point that people are aware of them existing. It's not listed on the wiki, but it was mentioned once in some obscure patch changelog from April, so satchel charges are indeed legit. So while it's possible that there are items like you are describing (see satchel charges, plenty of people still don't believe/are aware of them), the likelihood of an actual weapon being that rare but still unknown is rather low. I've heard rumors that there are several other weapons coded into the mod, but none of them are enabled or some such. When stuff that's truly rare begins popping up, we'll hear about it. People like to brag, and even if the first 20 people keep it secret, someone will let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.
  24. There seems to be a lot of confusion here. I've used all of the weapons with tactical lights attached recently, and I can confirm that they all work splendidly. At the moment I'm using a G17 with a taclight, and I gave my buddy a M4A3 CCO, which also has a fully functional taclight attached. Just two days ago I was using the Remington as my primary, which again has a working taclight. Flashlight attachments are working fine as far as my group can tell. As for using a seperate flashlight with the other pistols, I'd like to see that happen if it reduced your accuracy a decent amount. Seems logical to me since you're only using one hand now isntead of two, or at least one hand is partially occupied holding the flashlight. Maybe I'm wrong on that account, but I'd like the weapons that currently have flashlights attached to retain their signifigance. After all, without the flashlight the weapons I listed above would only be marginally better than the ones already available. While they'd still be good, it's the flashlight that really helps them shine at night.
  25. Askar

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    It depends on the situation. I always fire my weapon only in first person, and I switch to first person anytime I need to enter a really close area (to loot, or fight). I use third person when traveling, because the head-bob triggers massive headaches for me. If I could turn that down or even off I'd probably play in first person a lot more, but as it stands I can't tolerate first person for more than a minute while running.