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Everything posted by Askar

  1. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I will try to reach you. I've got one antibiotics left, but it may be awhile before I get back up there. Waiting on the fellow from Guglovo to respond right now.
  2. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll head up there in a few minutes if you're willing to wait a short while Waterpillow.
  3. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've been lucky and managed to keep my M4A1 CCO SD. Now that's a beautiful medic weapon. It can outrange the Enfield and it's silent. The scope lets you headshot the zombies easily enough, so each magazine amounts to around 30 silent, easy zombie kills. :D
  4. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright. I'm finally done with Elektro. If anyone else along the southern coast needs assistance still, send me a PM and I'll put you on my schedule as I head west.
  5. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm free now. If anyone needs assistance anywhere on the map and noone else has said they'll come yet, then PM me and I'll come to you. I have a bike so I can reach you almost anywhere, it may take awhile though.
  6. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If noone manages to get to you before I'm free, I'll bike over. You could indeed. That would be very, very low of you though. :)
  7. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, anyone in the greater Berezino area could be a huge help to me right now if they helped me get a tire or two and scrap metal. I crashed my bike fleeing a bandit... the bike is stashed in a safe place and I escaped, but the tires and hull are busted. I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer. Scratch that. My bike is magic and fixed itself.
  8. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, whoever needed help at the mountain near Khelm please PM me again. I missed your message and you deleted the topic. I'm still in the area.
  9. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll head to you to help then, it'll be awhile. I've got a bike now but you're on the complete opposite side of the map from me. I'll come to cherno after if you're still needing help. This guy was asking for help last night but I couldn't reach him at the time.
  10. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright, I'll try that in a little bit. Gonna linger around this area for about five minutes in case one of the other two still need help. Then I'll try biking down to Cherno.
  11. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Does anyone still need my assistance? I can travel pretty much anywhere now. I came all the way to the north-east and the two guys who needed help stopped responding to PMs. :huh:
  12. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can help now Burt, I acquired an old bike. If anyone else is in the Novy-Gorka-Bereznio region, I'm heading there now to provide assistance. PM me for help.
  13. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thank you. I'm getting help requests from all four corners of the map! ;)
  14. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yeah, if you have a few to spare. Everyone's breaking their legs these days, it's all the rage. I'm currently between Guglovo and Novy Sobor, if you can spare some tell me a server and a place and I'll get there :)
  15. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright, I'm free again. I'm in the center of the map right now, I can assist anyone in the area. I'm out of epi-pen and I only have one morphine left, but I am well stocked on everything else, including antibiotics.
  16. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I have arrived at Stary Sobor, but I have only received one PM (from Novy) thus far. Anyone else still need help here before I leave Stary?
  17. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm now 10 minutes out from Stary, coming directly south. I'll come to you after I get the guys at Stary. To anyone in the greater Stary/Novy regions, send me a PM describing your location and needs. I'll attend to you as soon as I can.
  18. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Okay. I'm going to be relocating from the southern coastal regions to the central plains area shortly. It will probably take me about 30 minutes to get up to Stary from where I'm at now.
  19. Found a ghillie in a church last night for a patient, seconds after I told him ghillies spawn in churches.
  20. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is anyone currently operating around Stary and Novy? We've been getting a lot of calls for help from there. Wondering if I should relocate to take care of them :)
  21. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm available once again along the southern coast and lower inland regions. Antibiotics are now in-stock thanks to a generous donation by F4LK5!
  22. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm available to provide medical assistance now. I'll be operating primarily along the southern coast and regions inland about as far north-west as Zelenogorsk and north-east as Staroye. Send me a PM detailing what you need and where you are. I imagine I'll have quite a few (as usual working the south) so be ready to wait a little bit. A lot of you get in trouble down there ;) Addendum: Antibiotics out of stock now, though I may acquire more if any benevolent patients in the Cherno-Elektro region aid me in quick hospital hits.
  23. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Okay, my sweep of the southern coast is done and I'm signing off for the night. Glad I could help those of you I managed to save, and I'm sorry to the one that died and the two I couldn't reach. I'll hopefully be around tomorrow to help some more people out. One of my patients was kind enough to help me raid Cherno and Elektro, so I'm well equipped to support tomorrow! :)
  24. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Don't worry ZeroAlex, already working my way over to Layo. Unless you're in elektro already anyway :)
  25. Askar

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in the greater Chernogorsk region at this time, anyone in the region who still needs assistance send me a PM.