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Everything posted by Durango_Dave

  1. Durango_Dave

    End game content idea

    Secret military complex under the northwest airfield (could be a DLC) it could be a multi floor (like 10) that has a lot of zombies, could possibly be instanced, and the end has great gear!!! different variations of zombies throughout so it is challenging for the gear.
  2. Durango_Dave

    Black Jack/Billy Club

    We need a weapon that knocks players out for redcued humanity so you can loot their backpacks and not be a douche. Maybe make it so you can only be knocked out once every 10 minutes.
  3. Durango_Dave

    Hero Skin -- Taking Less Damage?

    Its damage only against people with bandit skin
  4. Fresh spawn or just log in I spawn with random humanity (usually 0) and in bandit skin. After 5-10 minutes it switches me to regular skin again. Making it hard to be trusted and also it makes it very hard for me to keep backpacks because they disappear when my skin switches :\
  5. I would reccomend making a unique new map that will not be released to anyone until the stand alone game is released. That way for all players the game will be a brand new experience, make for a much more interesting time exploring and looting, as well as keep cherno/elektro/berezhino from being a death match zone on day 1. That is all I have to preach but I think it is a good idea
  6. Durango_Dave

    Release suggestion (best one)

    They just made a new map unless a third party made that lingor island map?
  7. Durango_Dave

    Release suggestion (best one)

    do the whole quote, no public test of the map until the game is released
  8. Is there any basis behind the night vision use with the DMR in the game mechanics or is it just a glitch/coincidence. If its the latter can we be expecting to see night vision usable on all scopes or alternatively no night vision on the DMR in the future?
  9. Durango_Dave

    Great info for starting

    "Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford Let Henry Ford guide you into Day Z
  10. Durango_Dave

    Dat one epic moment you never forget.

    I was a fresh spawn in elektro and I saw the dumbest man alive. Shooting as AS50 on the roof of the hospital with about 500 zombies around the building so I took 1 lee enfield shot and had to do no looting to get all the best gear :) thats a pretty epic moment... the hunter became the hunted (never saw me)
  11. Durango_Dave

    DMR Night Vision Question

    Yeah SVD has no night vision but Im just curious as to why the game mechanics allow DMR and no other rifles is it based on scope type (reality of the guns) or is it just random chance that DMR is superior for night time shooting because I love the M24 has virtually no bullet drop and I like to store my ammo in 1 slot until i need it
  12. Durango_Dave

    Bear Trap Despawn

    I had found a bear trap and placed it by my tent so that any looters would break their leg and then be sad to find there is no morphine in my tent but only in my bag. When I logged back in the game my bear trap is gone but my tent, and all loot, are still there which doesn't make sense that someone would take just the bear trap, I mean at least take some blood bags NVG's etc, so I was wondering do bear traps despawn when you disconnect? It would make a great deal of sense for this to happen so that the map doesnt become riddled with randomly placed bear traps under the power lines. Just asking to see if i should move my camp :3
  13. Durango_Dave

    Bear Trap Despawn

    So someone definitely took my bear trap? :C