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About tugex

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  1. tugex

    We've got it too easy

    Pulse: 60 Pants: dry Sweat: none Small talk: say good afternoon to the zombie and walk past Shopping: pick beanz and coke from the store Wilderness: shoot wildboars and cook the meat on the campfire while watching sunset Does anybody know a semi-realistic zombie survival game? In other words BUMP for this topic.
  2. If we think about the current weathersystem, where it rains several times a day, it would actually be really hard to find dry wood from a forest to make quicky a fire. I think that it would require wood from inventory to start a fire but then the fire would last like forever, because you could dry a bit humid wood or it would burn anyway once the initial fire is there. There are small sheds and piles of pre cutted firewood etc. scattered all around the map and i would see those as additional lootplaces.
  3. tugex

    Bandits > Survivors.

    I'm speechless. Maybe OP should take a look at the mirror. If you ask me, playing as a survivor is the HARD MODE. Constantly trying to avoid other players and not to shoot anybody. EDIT: The reason survivors in the north are carrying shotguns is because they are for killing ZOMBIES, not every player they bump into.
  4. tugex

    Should I go to the main airfield ?

    I just leave this here ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/armad/addons/chernarus_south-zagoria.zip 13717x13716x24BPP JPG
  5. Like has been said already, if you didn't go with the Rambo mentality "oh its all pvp now, let's shoot everything that moves", MAYBE something interesting would happen. I don't know if it is because of my backround with many years of playing OFP, Arma and Arma2 or because of my nature, that I don't want to kill anyone without a weighty reason. The game is infantry SIMULATOR after all. When it comes to shootouts, maybe I would just run, or fill the air with bullets so that the opponent(s) could have a chance to back out if they are smart enough. Or then I would just die. Maybe I'm just an idiot and going to die every 15 minutes, who knows.
  6. I can confirm, in 1.5.7 I placed a tent, then picked it up and moved it a little, about 5 meters. I put some stuff in and used the save option. After restart there were 2 tents and both were empty. So the bug is back where copies of your tent appears if you placed and removed it.
  7. tugex

    Remove the pseudo-dynamic weather script

    Clearly you haven't played before the weather script was included. And you haven't played vanilla Arma either. If you think the fog is just fine on a clear sunny day, everywhere, and not just in the valleys, maybe you should go to play silent hill. Here the closest town is 1500m away (center), church to the left 1800m and the tower 2700m. And this is what we see currently in DayZ...Facepalm.
  8. tugex

    Remove the pseudo-dynamic weather script

    This. I don't care about sniping but the visibility is now NEVER over this magical 500m limit. Impossible to observe distant locations and navigating without a compass is pain in the ass when you don't see the landscape far enough. I am used to over 5km viewdistances in GOOD weather. I don't understand why the viewdistance is locked to this ridiculously low limit with the weather script.
  9. tugex

    DayZ Memes

  10. Or maybe people in the North just doesn't shout their locations, like me. The less I see other people the better, unless chatting in TS/Mumble. Every contact is a potential threat.
  11. I find it weird that there are so many different western weapons in an Eastern European country. AKM is the only common non US weapon around (let's forget the civilian weapons for now). 3 different US/NATO machineguns exists but not a single PKM or RPK? I understand that there might have been some NATO base on the area but I really hope to see more AK-variants in the future. At least the current ones should have RELATIVELY higher loot percentages. It's not a game breaker but just odd. For example NATO weapons more centered to airfield(s) and warsaw pact weapons more spread out all over the map with higher loot chances.