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About Fdmedic03

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  1. Great server but you have some issues.... Kill self in AI arena just makes you lie there forever. I am currently in the AI arena (got there by mistake and no way to get out). Gear dissappears from backpacks while stored in tents or safe.. When dying.. you can just abort and start over.. you have to log out and relog to respawn.
  2. Fdmedic03

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I seem to be stuck under Object AI. I probably shouldn't have pushed the issue but I was able to make it to the center most "crater" and now I am under the "object" and can't get out. I have no grenade or any way to break my leg.... so basically it wont let me get out or respawn. Any ideas?
  3. Fdmedic03

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    Old guy here too. 47 years young.
  4. Fdmedic03

    RGO frag grenade = legitimate loot?

    The RGO Frag Grenade is found in UAZ spawns. This anti-personel timed hand grenade is great for midair explosions and has an effective range of up to approximately 100m. from dayzwiki
  5. Fdmedic03

    How I Trick Fools

    Lame... shows how immature you are. Thanks for proving it with the video. You totally got them.... I mean.... wow... so sad. They went through the trouble to help you.... and you repay them with lead. Such a big boy... someday you can graduate and beat up kittens too.
  6. Fdmedic03

    Bandit wanting to turn good.

    Amen brother!! Come to the Light side.... LOL Keep up the good work.
  7. Can't hang? LOLOLOL Don't want to!! and @Deadsong... yep... been killed by bandits....hasn't everyone? I am not QQ'ing.... I purposely don't keep good gear on me during rescue missions for that reason.... if i get killed... oh well.... thats the game. For every time I get killed by some hidden coward "bandit" I save 2+ survivors. When I get shot from a sniper I never see.... I just laugh and feel sorry for the bandit who has to resort to shooting me like a coward. To the bandit that I get killed by in CQB, I applaud and feel honored to have had the honorable battle and lost fair and square. and finally..... yes, banditry is losing momentum... I am not saying that it will be gone forever.... as long as there are sad little wanna be men in the world who hide behind a scope and a game to take out their frustrations due to a sad life.... there will always be bandits. What I am saying is that there is a movement for what humanity is really like... there are more and more "medics" each day. Check the stats... there are so few bandits now compared to the number of players. Bandits are a dying breed that will crawl under the rocks and be oppurtunists... because that is all they can be.
  8. Is your clan motto "Shoot on Sight"? If so... no thanks.... very lame. Why not do something good like "Save on Sight"? Bandits and the whole KOS thing is so lame and losing momentum. I wonder when they put dogs in the game if you all will look for puppies to kick???
  9. Why? Because helping is the right thing to do. It is what I would do in real life. All you lame "bandits" who feel it necessary to KOS for no reason is idiotic. I don't mind helping.... don't mind traveling across the map to help. Yes, I have been turned on by the very same people I have helped..... you know what? doesn't matter... I still did the "right" thing. It makes me feel better than getting a "murder" off someone I don't know... haven't talked too... or see in my scope hundreds of meters away as they go about their business without even knowing I am there. I also don't just give them supplies... i give them advice and even escort them to the nearest place to stock up. I tell them how to look for a knife and mactches and then hunt for the good stuff. Tell them to save the meat for health and use cans for when hungry. ETC, ETC. Again... what should be done in the real world. Go ahead and knock me... but bandits are cowards and prove it each day by the way they snipe.
  10. Fdmedic03

    Should I ban this clan?

    You read it wrong... He has killed alot of players that have hacked weapons and left the weapons THEY had on the body and hid it.
  11. Fdmedic03

    Any camps near NW Airfield I can raid?

    There are some tents that "hardly" anyone knows about... just North of a little town called Stary Sobor. :P
  12. LOL... wow.. you really have no life do you?