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About Ilsildur

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thanks for your quick help. I will try your suggestions!
  2. "johannes" appears when I played. I loaded the game from steam. I never choosed a name for day z. must be from the steam-profiel, I guess.
  3. this was the message pops up if I trying to log in the game. I have no idea, what it means. I start playing the game on tuesday. I choosed a server with veteran-status ans was killed by a zombie before I left the beach. on wednesday, I choosed a regular server and it was much better. I went to an old industry hall go up a ladder to the roof. then I missed the ladder to go down and I falling. then I died. this were my entire actitivities in the game. I didnt meet or contact any other player. I never use cheats. So, why I am kicked? I cant understand it ... thanks for attantion - and please help me to understand!
  4. Ilsildur

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I started to play day z yesterday. today I got no access to the game! every time I try to log in, there always a message pop up: you were kicked off the game (battlEye: bad name player). what does it mean? yesterday I died after a few minutes - had no contact to other players and never use cheats. so why this happens? thanks for your attention and hope you can help me ...