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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Preface: The characters my friend and I were playing on were fresh characters. We spawned in Elektro and moved north into Mogi (where the incident occured). My friend had a Makarov with 1 clip and I had a Double Barrel Shotgun with 0 clips. We had basic supplies in our pack but nothing more. After spawning, looting Elektro, and running North to Mogi, my friend and I come across a set of three farm buildings. My friend is in the lead by 50M or so and is the first to round the corner into the building. Behind him are maybe 8 zombies (we are trying to lose them in the building). Unfortunately for my friend, Nick just happens to be camping in this building and cracks him with a Lee Enfield. The zombies instantly swarm his body as he bleeds out and Nick is nice enough to put a second bullet into my friend to finish him off. I dart into one of the other two buildings nearby and pick up an axe (only weapon I could find). I dispatch the few zombies following me (taking some damage in the mix). I know that Nick is still in the building as I can hear him taking out the zombies that were following my friend with his pistol. I have more than 6500 blood and know it will take Nick more than one shot to kill me. I creep out of my building and try to get a good 3rd person view of Nick without revealing myself to him. I spot him still crouched camping the same building. He is not looting and he is not moving either. I circle around the back of the building, mind you this building is the really long building with all the railings lining the side (slaughter house?). Nick is positioned at the front of the building as I come in the back and he throws a flare on the ground. I slowly walk towards him knowing if he turned around he would more than likely kill me. I sneak all the way up on him and begin to hatchet him from behind. He turns towards me spinning to his left. I spin with him continuing the axe murder I have already committed myself to. He tries to spin right and fires a bullet narrowly missing my leg. I stop moving knowing he has to wait to shoot again (Lee Enfield FTW) and finish him off before his next shot. This was my first axe murder and I am proud of it. In closing I want to say that in no way was I nor am I upset with Nick for the actions he took upon my friend. We would have done the same thing to him if he would have ran up on us. Shoot first ask questions later. Good first kill Nick but you need to watch your back more closely my friend. You never know when someone may be behind you with an axe :P
  2. Lol nice I hate people who abort or alt f4 it just urks me
  3. Why were the bandit skins taken away but the bandit status stays? Seems confusing to me, just looking for clarification. Why is it that the GPS and Map on most servers seem almost useless as of recently? The map should be just that, a map that shows the terrain in which you can mark things (this functions properly currently in game). The GPS however should be a GPS. You should be able to mark a spot on the map and be given the in game \/ marker. You should also be able to see where you are currently located with the GPS. As it currently is the GPS is no better than a map besides its rarity. What is being done about the logouts. Countless times I land a kill and the person logs out before they actually die thus stealing the kill and the loot. I spend a lot of resources (ammo, meds, etc) to get into and win the fight and get nothing for a reward. I suggest a small time in which you have to wait to log out (5-10 seconds). This would keep people from combat logging and would work very well alongside the alt-f4 fix that is coming soon, hopefully. Is anything being done about the hackers and the misc bugs (such as loot falling through the ground when you drop it)? Thanks for your time.
  4. I picked up a map today and it had a GIANT penis drawn onto it via marks (the circle with an X through it). Is there a way to remove said marks from the map or are marks permanent?
  5. We are 25 and 26 I am on the east coast he is central. We are looking for more mates to play with regularly. We ARE bandits and plan in every way to kill any who oppose us and help any who ask for it. We use Skype to communicate as it is the clearest and easiest program to use for small group calls. RMNesbitt @ Skype.
  6. We are 25 and 26 I am on the east coast he is central. We are looking for more mates to play with regularly. We ARE bandits and plan in every way to kill any who oppose us and help any who ask for it. We use Skype to communicate as it is the clearest and easiest program to use for small group calls. RMNesbitt @ Skype.
  7. I am looking for the host of US300. The server is pretty amazing. Optimally I would like to get in contact with the server owner Gotta Go Slow - Reddit (as listed in the server name). I would like to "mimic" this servers performance as closely as possible. Thanks
  8. is planned to come out on 7/25 (which is in 3 hours)
  9. I am having the same issue as everyone else cant join any servers it seems
  10. I am a dumb noob who doesnt know how to google. Answer was found "You receive a link to the server files and installation instructions if you're accepted."
  11. I AM NOT looking for the cheapest server host. I am looking for a solid host with good uptime and fast response time to tickets. I want full control over the game / server (I have seen some people restrict time zones etc). I am currently in contact with one company and I am looking for other options before I purchase. Thanks for your time. Note: This will be a US East server or US Central
  12. You are correct and thanks for pointing out my error. No excuse for my stupidity. However, you could have done it much nicer. Thanks again for the catch.
  13. I have been thinking of doing this and just running 2 servers off 1 box. Still looking for a good place to buy from. I know from my counter strike past that finding a GOOD hosting company is not super easy.
  14. Dual Intel Xeon L5420 500 GB 10.000 GB 8 GB DDR2 667 ECC
  15. I looked at WarServers and I saw no Arma listed on available games :(
  16. I just looked this up and it says the bandwidth is only 10gb a server needs 2TB no?
  17. Noted, thanks. I think they are rather cheap and have limitations on server control (ie time zone)