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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. They will allow rocket to make changes so the only thing he will be using are textures and animations of ARMA 3 rather than coding them from scratch. As far as hacking, I believe he will have control over that aspect and will be able to "add" his own system to the game to prevent this. I honestly can not wait. Dean Hall has to be one of the best game developers (in reference to his ideas and core beliefs) that this generation has seen. I believe 100% that he will be true to his believes and not sell out for the money like other major titles.
  2. You sir are an idiot. If you knew anything, you would know that owning 2 ARMA accounts (as it currently is) DOES NOT automatically mean you can play 2 accounts. I personally have 4 (ya, thats right). You have to mess with the registry every time you want to load a new account. It is a BIG pain that can easily be avoided if Rocket does it properly. Thread is 100% a good thread in my opinion.
  3. I love how the guy who took the video aborted after the kill, lollololololllololollololollololol
  4. I find that you have 4 basic variants. AK, AKM, M Variants, M SD Variants. Outside of those it is purely cosmetic / accessories (scopes, grenade launcher, etc). The guns seem to do damage based on bullet size (all 9mm guns including sub machine guns do the same damage). Based on that you have situational weapons. I prefer the AIM (CCO) over iron sights which for me rules out all but the M4A1 CCO, M4A3 CCO, M4A1 Camo SD CCO, AKS-74 Kobra. Out of those, all but the SD has the same effective and audible range(s). The SD obviously has a VERY small audible range but loses 100M effective range as well as the ammo is more rare than standard Stanag. For me, The M4A1 Camo SD CCO is a situational weapon which I will pick up if i find but would not be my first choice. I prefer the M4A3 CCO becuase it has the most accessories on it. Also, the M4A3 (along with all the M variants) can shoot SD mags which (for zombies only) will produce no sound. Players will still hear the shot but for me the silence part was all about NOT attracting more zombies so for me this is WIN WIN. I hope this helped answer your question.
  5. Aprox 82% of my deaths are from hackers. I have been keeping a spreadsheet of them just to track. Pretty sad on my part, and theirs!
  6. A hacker was epicly failing to carpet bomb me and my friend. He finally spawns to us and kneels down and blows us up. He had God mode on so he himself did not die. We had just spent the entire night filling our newly found ATV with goodies. Found 2 heli crash sites with FN-FAL AN/PVS and an AS50. WOO HOO, I hope the devs are putting more effort into the standalone than they are into bugs at this point. The largest problem is the hackers and the devs have said the only fix for that is stand alone. Lets get the standalone rolling then. I know it isnt a super easy task but people WILL stop playing this game after a while with the current hacker/legit player ratio. Just my .02
  7. Anyone have ARMA2 Optimization for "best" graphics. Also it looked like he "flushed" his graphics when he was getting the artifacting, what was that? Ps. I have the computer to run this game at its best setting but as per my previous question, what is "best"?
  8. I would like to have server admin on a server to have more control when playing against hackers. I do not care to run my own server instead would like to donate to someone's existing server. I think this option is better for both parties. I'm looking for a US server on EST or CST. Thanks
  9. The problem is knowing who to kick / ban. There are no in game who killed who logs (outside of friendly fire). So an admin may not know who to ban
  10. I see, thanks for the information. Let me go buy some hacks instead (purely to use to hack the hackers)
  11. I was tooling around on my favorite server today when someone spawned in right on top of me. Without thinking I turned and shot an entire AKM mag into him. He died clearly. The part that is confusing is the fact that the server said this "newt0n killed xxxx (friendly fire)". I was not awarded a murder. What is this? I have NEVER seen this before ever. I am not complaining that I did not get a kill or whatever. it is not a big deal. I just want to know what caused this as I have never seen this before
  12. So what we are saying is that Hackers > Server Owner / Admin?
  13. I was kicked repeatedly for pings > 150. I was not rubber banding or desyncing from the server. I was actually getting smoother game play on that server than most servers. This sort of thing should not be allowed to happen. 200+ Ping may be acceptable kicking grounds but to have a server in Seattle and kick for >150 ping is a little ridiculous.
  14. If you want to bump my post by posting QQ NOOB STFU (or equivalent) then by all means please do. I will take the free bumps and simply not read your posts. Your trolls do not affect me. My take on hacking in this game. First off, ARMA 2 has to be one of the easiest games to hack in. Due to the way the game was designed to work, any client can request the server do almost any action. This does not work well for DayZ however. The simple fact is that the game is at a point in which it is "if you cant beat them, join them". I feel as if more and more people are driven to hacking every day just to keep up with the people who are currently hacking. It is like a giant wave that only pushes away those who choose to not hack (nay, refuse to not hack). I have played this game since 1.6 and I see a great deal of potential. However, the devs seem to be focusing on the bugs (ammo duping, etc) rather than the core problem which is the hackers. The ammo dupe was one "legit" way for us to keep up with the hackers. I am not sad it is gone, I knew it had to go eventually but to see it go before the hackers do makes me sad. I understand that this game will not run on ARMA 2 engine forever and will move to a standalone using the ARMA 3 engine (I believe). I think we should have a dev announce that they are aware of the hackers and are taking every measure possible to prevent them in ARMA 3 rather than wasting time doing it in ARMA 2 then again in ARMA 3 shortly after. This makes sense to me, I understand this methodology. I just think we should hear something from Rocket about what his thoughts are. /endRant TL:DR Rocket should announce his thoughts on the hackers in ARMA 2 DayZ and his future plans for ARMA 3 DayZ (standalone?) in terms of hacking. What measures are being taken in the next engine to prevent this same thing? As it stands now hackers are simply pushing some people away from the games as more and more people jump on the hacking bandwagon to feel like they have a chance to survive.
  15. When you play with friends not always can everyone have great ping 160~ is not terribly high for this game
  16. Ty for the response, my buddies get good ping to that server and I am on long island so I am decently far away :P
  17. The major problems is the number of them and the control and effect they have on a server. They can simply connect, push a button, and kill everyone. In a matter of an hour one could kill 12 servers and 600 players
  18. I was kicked repeatedly for pings > 150. I was not rubber banding or desyncing from the server. I was actually getting smoother game play on that server than most servers. This sort of thing should not be allowed to happen. 200+ Ping may be acceptable kicking grounds but to have a server in Seattle and kick for >150 ping is a little ridiculous.
  19. If night servers had SLIGHTLY more visibility, ie I can see my hand in front of my face, I would play them even with bad gear. The fact that it is almost pitch black turns people off. You should be able to see X meters in front of you regardless of accessories you have. Flashlight would extend that in a single direction X yards and night vision gives you "normal" vision. This is the most reasonable idea to me
  20. I think the servers should post who killed who and maybe put ( ) around the number or murders that person had like this newt0n (4) killed Lennsik (42) The server would know I slaughtered a bandit lol
  21. Dean has hopes that each server will hold 100-200 players some day. With that said, hoarding in a tent will be a thing of the past. Nowhere will be safe. Another option would be to add more loot spawns up around those areas where people are pitching tenets. More foot traffic = bad for tent city. Just my thoughts
  22. rmnesbitt@gmail.com

    Wipe all tents...

    Dean has hopes that each server will hold 100-200 players some day. With that said, hoarding in a tent will be a thing of the past. Nowhere will be safe. Another option would be to add more loot spawns up around those areas where people are pitching tenets. More foot traffic = bad for tent city. Just my thoughts
  23. Preface: The characters my friend and I were playing on were fresh characters. We spawned in Elektro and moved north into Mogi (where the incident occured). My friend had a Makarov with 1 clip and I had a Double Barrel Shotgun with 0 clips. We had basic supplies in our pack but nothing more. After spawning, looting Elektro, and running North to Mogi, my friend and I come across a set of three farm buildings. My friend is in the lead by 50M or so and is the first to round the corner into the building. Behind him are maybe 8 zombies (we are trying to lose them in the building). Unfortunately for my friend, Nick just happens to be camping in this building and cracks him with a Lee Enfield. The zombies instantly swarm his body as he bleeds out and Nick is nice enough to put a second bullet into my friend to finish him off. I dart into one of the other two buildings nearby and pick up an axe (only weapon I could find). I dispatch the few zombies following me (taking some damage in the mix). I know that Nick is still in the building as I can hear him taking out the zombies that were following my friend with his pistol. I have more than 6500 blood and know it will take Nick more than one shot to kill me. I creep out of my building and try to get a good 3rd person view of Nick without revealing myself to him. I spot him still crouched camping the same building. He is not looting and he is not moving either. I circle around the back of the building, mind you this building is the really long building with all the railings lining the side (slaughter house?). Nick is positioned at the front of the building as I come in the back and he throws a flare on the ground. I slowly walk towards him knowing if he turned around he would more than likely kill me. I sneak all the way up on him and begin to hatchet him from behind. He turns towards me spinning to his left. I spin with him continuing the axe murder I have already committed myself to. He tries to spin right and fires a bullet narrowly missing my leg. I stop moving knowing he has to wait to shoot again (Lee Enfield FTW) and finish him off before his next shot. This was my first axe murder and I am proud of it. In closing I want to say that in no way was I nor am I upset with Nick for the actions he took upon my friend. We would have done the same thing to him if he would have ran up on us. Shoot first ask questions later. Good first kill Nick but you need to watch your back more closely my friend. You never know when someone may be behind you with an axe
  24. It felt really good to kill someone with a melee weapon. Especially after he had just killed my friend.
  25. The fact that the zombie kills are so low tells me one thing. You sir WERE a camper. Congrats on killing under geared players in Cherno / Elektro. With that said 47 is still high and you can not deny it. Camper or not you did rack up a lot of kills. However, it is usually best not to self proclaim yourself with any title as you will just get flamed by the community :(