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About jcb022

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. If rocket decides to shorten zombie 'hunting' time, which I don't think he will, the majority of the populous would be displeased, this is not meant to be a game that is easy on the new player, it's meant to test your wit's and strength's to try and survive in this alternate reality, if these types of zombies were in reality, I believe the hunting time would be drastically longer. please do not complain about how the zombies are enjoying a fine dine on your intestines, because not everyone has that same problem, you will get better with time, knowledge, and skill.
  2. I posted about this alreday, ill copy and paste my post from there to here... [i believe for solo transfusions to work the time it takes to do the transfusion should be increased. I think you should be able to give yourself a blood transfusion, but there should be a one minute timer where you are giving yourself the blood, this will promote the lone wolf type of person while also leaving them vulnerable while being transfused. If you have a buddy or someone transfuse you, the timer should be cut in 1/2 or 1/4 so instead of being at risk for a Minute, you're both at risk for 30 seconds or 15 seconds. This will also encourage team work, and heighten the sense of vulnerability. Blood regeneration is an important thing to implement in-game. If you are green on both you're food and drink bars, I think the regeneration should be about 2 blood/ second. Before you say that's too much, think about this (2 blood/ second = 120 blood/ minute = 7200 blood/ hour) That is only if you are green or slightly off/green on both your food and drink meters. If you drop to light red or dark red the regeneration should be cut to 1 blood/second (1blood/second = 60 blood /minute = 3600 blood/ hour. and of course if either you're food or drink are blinking you don't regenerate blood. GREEN (2 blood/ second) RED (1 blood/ second) Blinking RED (N/A) Maybe also infected players only regenerate at half of the normal i.e. GREEN (infected) = 1 blood / second RED (infected) = 1 blood/ 2 seconds Blinking RED (infected) = N/A I think those two are very important things that I would like to see implemented in the game. :D I like beans btw... ]
  3. I believe for solo transfusions to work the time it takes to do the transfusion should be increased. I think you should be able to give yourself a blood transfusion, but there should be a one minute timer where you are giving yourself the blood, this will promote the lone wolf type of person while also leaving them vulnerable while being transfused. If you have a buddy or someone transfuse you, the timer should be cut in 1/2 or 1/4 so instead of being at risk for a Minute, you're both at risk for 30 seconds or 15 seconds. This will also encourage team work, and heighten the sense of vulnerability. Blood regeneration is an important thing to implement in-game. If you are green on both you're food and drink bars, I think the regeneration should be about 2 blood/ second. Before you say that's too much, think about this (2 blood/ second = 120 blood/ minute = 7200 blood/ hour) That is only if you are green or slightly off/green on both your food and drink meters. If you drop to light red or dark red the regeneration should be cut to 1 blood/second (1blood/second = 60 blood /minute = 3600 blood/ hour. and of course if either you're food or drink are blinking you don't regenerate blood. GREEN (2 blood/ second) RED (1 blood/ second) Blinking RED (N/A) Maybe also infected players only regenerate at half of the normal i.e. GREEN (infected) = 1 blood / second RED (infected) = 1 blood/ 2 seconds Blinking RED (infected) = N/A I think those two are very important things that I would like to see implemented in the game. :D I like beans btw...
  4. jcb022

    Make czech pouch useful

    I believe you should be able to equip the vest pouch while you have a backpack on. The vest pouch could give you 4-6 individual slots, so you cant carry a tent(3) in the vest pouch, only individual slot items, like a 4-6 mags, or cooked meat, or canteens. In real life you can carry a backpack plus vest pouches... Maybe even add different types of pouches: Czech Vest Pouch Lumbar Pack's Waist Pack's tell me what you think...