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Everything posted by pancakemixes

  1. A Large Group of zombies which roam in a large group, walking across a map or set route, Following roads, ext.... Zombies found in forests and fields Zombies can hear Snipers from further away
  2. pancakemixes

    DE 2920

    DE 2920 Is now Open! Hey Guys, Ive managed to get my DayZ Server Up and Running! I Regularly check through the logs and ban anyone for spawning items, cars, ext... & we have Admins on most of the time to make sure that people aren't teleporting around everywhere.
  3. pancakemixes

    Ban Appeal from server Hosted by Core

    You shouldn't be kicking OR Banning players for having illegal items like the AS50 TSW, its against the server hosting rules & The DayZ Staff also disagree with people doing that.
  4. Cheers, Ill take a look into that. The main thing we want to do is make it all legal, so we have all the copy's of Windows Server we use Licensed, but We've been getting a bit confused on this step.
  5. Yeh I Totally Agree, I was planning to use my current dedicated server for Windows virtualization (for VPS hosting) but I chose a company who wouldn't supply me with Window server 2008 Datacenter edition (and wouldn't give me my money back). So DayZ is the way forward! Thanks, Means mine should be Whitelisted soon :D
  6. Ive been waiting since Monday for My Server Application to be approved (I'm guessing that's what you mean) for my Hosting Company, Still no response.
  7. pancakemixes

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    My Only Tip: Don't go for AMD, The company who I work for create Simulators, and we Used to use AMD, but we had alot of problems with them, Stick with intel for Reliability. Personally, I would go for a i5 3.4GHz Ivy Bridge
  8. This seems to be a large issue with some recently setup servers at the moment, You will need to wait for Rocket to release a hotfix for this, Im pretty sure that its a Server bug causing this.
  9. Correct to an Extent: If someone has taken that Vehicle already, and Saved that at a location, That Vehicle will not spawn. Only Vehicles which were destroyed will re-spawn.
  10. He Mentioned in an Interview about it, He said he will still update after the standalone game is released
  11. pancakemixes

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    The Timers way to Fast, I Was in Novy Sobor, and Was cornered in a Building, Killed 100 Zombies, Endless wave of zombies, I just Disconnected and gave up, waste of my ammo. The time is WAY to fast, and gives the player near to no chance of survival. Also had it in Cherno, Was shooting a few zombies with my Lee, Then pretty much Every zombie in the city came to me.
  12. pancakemixes

    Hourglass on login.

    Should be in the Bug Report area, I've been getting this issue too. so have many other people
  13. pancakemixes

    Unconscious spawning bug

    Same Problem, Middle of Nowhere, Leave server to go get dinner, Rejoin with the Hourglass timer. No Zombies within 1km minimum
  14. Fixed This Issue Which version of the game did you purchase? Steam Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Arma 2 (As downloaded from steam - Also tried the latest Beta) Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Steam What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: Basically, I Launch Arma 2, or Arma 2 CO, then I get the "First time setup", After the setup nothing happens at all, Nothing appears at all, Ive taken a look in my task manager and nothing has shown up in there either. No errors pop up at all, Although when I verifiy Game Cache with steam it does say 1 file is missing (But apparently that's normal). Your PC specs: Intel i5 Ivy Bridge 3.40GHz 8GB DDR3 RAM GTS 450 (SO Edition) Your Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Does anyone know how to solve this issue without reinstalling Arma 2 and OA (Took me around 5 hours to download them both).
  15. pancakemixes

    Arma 2: CO Will not launch!

    Still Recieving this problem, Ive uninstalled both and just installed Arma 2 and im still getting this problem. Fixed This Issue